Uncontrollable To-Do List.

Submitted into Contest #231 in response to: Write a story in the form of a list of New Year's resolutions.... view prompt


Sad Drama Contemporary

This story contains sensitive content

This story includes drug use and addresses sexual assault (SA). Reader discretion is advised.

Finally, leave bed before 4PM.

ignore all the remaining trash from the New Eves Party.

Try to distract yourself with anything, doesn't matter, just don't go to bed.

Clean the house a little.


It appears.

Feel unsafe.

Feel the touch.

Get scared.

Start crying.

Sleep on the floor because you can't control your body.

Get cold.

Hear the sounds.

Open the eyes.

Get scared.

immediately light up the room.


Feel safe.

Put on PJs.

Go to bed.

Start to practice waking up early.

Don't think much about the past.

Take care of your hygiene.

brush your teeth.

Brush your hair.

Eat healthy.

Do not be consumed by the past.

Journal for 10 minutes.

watch educational videos

Find a hobby.

take therapy.

Do not be overwhelmed by that memory.

Write every time you feel anxious.

Create stories.

Start writing flash fiction.

Start learning about scriptwriting.

Shoot some videos.

Do not let the past win.

Write every day.

Learn about editing.

write for two hours a day.

Create multiple stories that distracts your mind.

Start learning about film directing.

Send your writings to contests.

Write down your created stories whenever you think about ''That''.

Write for three hours.

Write for four hours.

Send your writings to as many contests as you can.

Write for five hours.

Watch and analyze movies.

Analyze scripts.

Write for six hours because it's not enough.

Write for seven hours.

Do not eat for too long it takes time and it makes you think about ''That''

Write for eight hours.

Do not sleep much, it takes time from writing.

Win 1 contest.

Win at least 5 contests.


Do not listen to friends who tell you, you have an unhealthy relationship with writing.

Win at least 15 contests.

Ignore everyone who tells you it's the obsession.

Take Energy drinks.

get recognized by the organization.

Take their internship.

Work every second of it.

Do not think about anything else besides the work and writing.

Notice A man smiling at you occasionally on set.

Get nervous.

Get scared.

Avoid the eye contact.

Hear you heartbeat when he approaches.

Already know what he wants.

No. No. No. No.

Feel the cold sweat.

Refuse the date.

No. No. No. No.

Feel the stomach gripping you from the inside.

Leave him.

Go to home.

Sit down.




Write till your right-hand hurts.

Learn to write with your left hand.

Eat less, you spend too much money.

Sleep less, you could be writing.

Take the job of Director's assistant.

analyze their craft.

Write notes.

Memorize how Other Film Directors are working.

Write any time.

Finish the project.

Write non-stop.

Write till your fingers bleed.

It doesn't let you think about ''That''. Writing makes you distracted from ''That''.

Take up your writing, and turn it into a movie.

work hard for 2 years.

Sleep less.

Eat less.

Write. Write. Edit. Revise. Get Feedback. Rewrite. Edit.

Choose actors.

Shoot Scenes.

Market it.

Go to a movie premiere.

Get the highest box office.

Be praised by multiple film directors, actors, writers.

Get nominated for awards.

Win those awards.

Go to your house.

Lay on bed.

Be confused as to what to do now.

Feel empty.

Feel less.

Feel nothing.

Past starts crippling it.

It takes over your mind.

Get up.

Go to a party.

Meet adventurous people.

Give it an ear when they tell you nothing matters.

Listen when they tell you about how this makes you forget anything.

Take it.

Do it.

Lose your mind in it.

Feel light.

Feel euphoric.

Feel giggly.

Feel happy.

Feel as if everything was, is, will be fine. Great. Amazing.


barely open your damn eyes.

Do not recognize where you are.

feel the head hurting.

Feel the heartbeat.

Feel anxious.

Feel anxiety.

Think what you just did.

Feel disappointed.

Feel grossed out.

Feel ashamed.

Go to your home.

Open the door.

Go past the awards.

Go to your room.


Wake up.

Start crying.

Try to write.

Drop the pen.

Start crying.

Pick it up again, you can do it.

At least write one page.

Start crying in the middle of the writing.

Feel shame.

Feel regret.

Feel miserable.

Feel defeated.

Think that it never goes away.

Think that you might as well visit the party again. It doesn't go away.

It doesn't matter.

Go to the gathering.

Drink with friends.

Catch a guys eyes, that stalk you far away.

Ignore it.

notice your friend coming up to you again.

Realize he's checking his pockets.

Refuse the invitation to do those again.

Send the guy away.

Drink more.



Drink more.


Feel nauseous.

Go to an empty room.

Close the room.

Take a few breaths.

You did the right thing.

You can still start fresh.

Hear the door opening.

Look behind.

Ask what he wants.

Ask again, scared.

Take a step back.


Take more steps back.


ask strictly.


Push his hands away.


Yell even though crying overweighs it.

Keep Yelling for help.

Use all your strengths to hurt him, even a little.

Hit him.

Pinch him.

Bite him.

Bite him several times even though he still doesn't stop.

Grip him painfully.


Memories. Again.

Realize that the past repeats itself.

Give up.


Stare at the ceiling.

Do not blink.




Sense him laughing, smiling, caressing your hair, then leaving.

keep staring at the ceiling.

Get up.

stare at a wall.

stand up.

put down the dress.

fix the hair.

leave the room.

See that friend.

hint him.

take it.

tell him it isn't enough.

take it.

take it.

take it more.

Do it.

All of them.



Feel light.

Do it even more, it isn't enough.

Feel giggly.

It's not enough, we need more laughing.

Do it even more.

Feel euphoric.

Feel colors.

Feel the sounds.

Feel the vibrations of the universe.

Feel the movies you made.

Feel the stories you created.

Feel the writings.


Feel less.

Feel even less.

Lose it.



January 04, 2024 19:41

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Helen A Smith
17:02 Jan 06, 2024

Writing makes you feel validated and free. Keep doing it and don’t get discouraged.


Tatia Kapanadze
19:16 Jan 06, 2024

Aww, thank you so much!


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