For better or for worse.

Submitted into Contest #41 in response to: Write about an animal who causes a huge problem.... view prompt



The moving truck stoped outside Quinn's apartment block and hooted. She popped her head out of the sitting room window and smiled down at Ben. Ben, her boyfriend for three years and now her fiance, had asked her to move into his townhouse with him. She was so excited to start this new adventure with him.

"Quinn lets get a move on," Ben shouted from the street below.

Luckily she had thought ahead and hired some guy to do all the heavy lifting. Quinn walked into her bedroom with some liver spread. In it was a sleeping pill for her french bulldog, Harry. She knew he would get very anxious about being in his cage.

"Hi, Harry. Mommy had a little surprise for you." Quinn said as she put the bowl down. She hoped he'd forgive her for drugging him but it was for the best. Harry gobbled the food down. Within half an hour Harry was asleep and the apartment was packed up in the moving truck, ready to take it all to Ben's townhouse. Quinn picked up Harry's cage gently and put it on the back seat of her car. She started the engine and followed the truck.

Harry didn't know how long he had slept but when he woke up he was in a strange bedroom. He shook his head a little then noticed a water bowl and some more liver spread. He decided he'd have some water and eat the liver spread before barking for Quinn. He started barking at the door but no one came. Harry then heard a voice behind him. 

"They've gone to get some pizza. Won't be back for a while." the voice was saying. 

Harry turned around and saw a fluffy white cat sitting on the window ledge. 

“Who are you?” Harry growled, “where am I?”

“Oh, I am Peppermint. I belong to Ben. “ the white cat smirked, “this is now your new house. Quinn and Ben have moved into together.” 

Harry didn’t want to hear anymore and crawled under the bed, covering his ears. 

It felt like a very long time when Harry heard the door to the room open and Quinn called his name.

“Harry, come here boy.” Quinn was whispering. 

He slowly crawled out from under the bed, looking around for the white cat. 

“This is our new home,” Quinn said slowly as she picked him up to go look around the house. Harry wasn’t sure if he would enjoy his time here, he saw Peppermint again sleeping on Ben’s bed. Hopefully, he’ll also be allowed to sleep on the bed. On the positive side there was at least a small garden. Harry didn’t realize that Peppermint was actually awake, watching him. I cannot wait to see you leave, Peppermint was thinking. I will get rid of you if its the last thing I do. 

The next day Ben and Quinn spent the whole day at home, unpacking and getting Quinn’s furniture settled. Ben gave Harry loads of love and Peppermint was nowhere to be seen. Just the way Harry liked it. That night Quinn cooked a roast for dinner and gave Harry some meat off the bone too. I could really get used to this life. Harry thought as he curled up on the couch next to Quinn that night. Just then Peppermint walked in through the back door. Harry started to growl at her. 

“Quit it!” Ben shouted at Harry out of the blue. 

Why was Ben shouting at me? Harry thought. I was just warning the cat that I was around. 

“Quinn, I won’t have your dog growl at Peppermint,” Ben said, frowning at Harry. 

“Sorry babe. He’s not used to cats.” Quinn said, patting Harry’s head “I'm sure they'll get along soon.”

The next few weeks were the worse of Harry’s life. Peppermint bullied him and Ben yelled at him. One night Quinn and Ben had a huge fight about Harry's behavior. Peppermint would tease Harry so he would chase her around the garden, ripping up the grass as he did. She always timed it for when Quinn and Ben were arriving home. Ben would then feel sorry for Peppermint and lock Harry outside. 

“Harry you need to start getting on with Peppermint.” Quinn whispered to Harry one night “Ben said I’ll have to get rid of you if you carry on like this,” tears were rolling down her cheeks. I wish I could tell Quinn that its Peppermint who’s the bully, Harry thought as he fell asleep that night. But I will need to try my best with Peppermint.

The next few days were hard for Harry. No matter how much Peppermint teased him he didn’t give in. He spent his days in his kennel when Quinn and Ben weren’t home. And when they were around Harry ignored Peppermint’s teasing. Peppermint tried everything to get him to chase her but Harry wouldn’t budge. Harry decided that this was the best he could do to stay by Quinn. One day Peppermint jumped on top of Harry’s kennel.

“Ok, fine. I get it you love Quinn.” He said with a snarl “I'll stop.”

Harry nodded his head slightly, as Peppermint walked away whispered: “thank you.”

He couldn’t believe his luck, by ignoring the fluffy white cat she gave in. From that day on Peppermint and Harry got on so well. No one would have ever thought that the first month they fought like cats and dogs. They were friends now and spend the day sleeping in Harry’s kennel and the night curled up on the couch. They even had parts in Ben and Quinn’s wedding. Then just when they thought things couldn’t get any better, Quinn arrived home with a new baby in her arms. She knelt down to introduce this new baby to Harry and Peppermint. But they weren’t so sure and kept sniffing this strange small creature. 

“Peppermint, Harry, meet Andrew,” Ben said as he knelt down beside Quinn. “He’s your new brother. I hope you’ll look after him well.” they were both smiling and looked overjoyed.

Harry and Peppermint just looked at each other in shock. 

Oh no, harry thought here we go again. But then he saw the look in Quinn’s eyes and made a promise to himself that he’d look after this baby with all his might. 

May 14, 2020 16:45

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