Crime Drama LGBTQ+

This story contains sensitive content

**TW: Dead threats, vomiting**

When he was little and he went stargazing with his family his father used to tell him "Be careful what you wish for'.

He used to find the warning silly.

He wasn’t stupid why would he waste a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity on a silly wish, like getting to eat ice cream for dinner like his brother did, when he could wish he’d grow up to be lucky enough to meet his true love in this lifetime?

Now that he’s older he finally understands that his dad didn’t mean 'be careful what you wish for it would be a waste to use your wish for something meaningless'.

But "be careful what you wish for, it might come true.'

Don't get him wrong, George's life is incredible.

But the thing that no one tells you about getting everything you’ve always wanted is that you’ll be paralyzed by the fear of losing it.

He loves his husband and children to the point that he knows he can’t live without them, so he lives in constant fear that one day he might have to.

Someone whose got nothing to lose has everything to gain, but someone who already has it all could lose it all in the blink of an eye.

And there is truly nothing more terrifying than living a life you love with your whole heart knowing damn well it could all be torn apart.

All it would take is one gunshot, one car crash, one unfortunate timing, one person, one death, one moment.

You haven’t felt fear until you’ve loved someone so much you know you wouldn’t be able to continue living if anything ever happened to them.

It gets even worse when you have children and you realize you’d be forced to continue living for them, should anything ever happen to the love of your life.

That’s why George became a spy, to protect the people he loves most in this world, because why would you worry about something terrible happening to the people you love when you could prevent it instead?

Serial killers, abusers, rapists, you name a horrible group of people and he can guarantee you at least a hundred of them are rotting in jail because of him.

That’s why he does this job, not because he's a psychopath who likes to get his hands dirty in blood, but because every time he stops a horrible person that’s one last creep that could have done something unspeakable to his husband, parents, siblings, best friends or children.

Every time he throws a creep behind bars or 6 feet underground the world becomes a saver place.

He’d never hurt an innocent person, he just tries not to think too hard about the fact that he hasn’t been able to categorize himself as one for a long time.

After all, it only takes one moment to change everything, as he is cruelly reminded of in this very moment.

As a spy, a son, a husband, a father, a brother, a best friend, and a human being, George has felt fear before.

But never to this extent.

He knows he's still breathing, and his heart is still beating.

And yet it feels like his heart has stopped altogether, and it might as well have because he somehow managed to show up in front of Great Britain's most dangerous assassin without taking off his bloody wedding ring.

He's been so focused on keeping his husband safe, whom he took with him on his mission with the excuse they were going on a vacation to celebrate their wedding anniversary, and with making sure Juan didn't suspect a thing, that he completely forgot about the one thing that could link him back to his secret family.

He's been on a constant edge since his last interaction with Jessica Leissure.

He’d made sure his kids, husband, and their extended family were all safe, while constantly checking security footage, and even hiring extra security to keep an eye on his loved ones.

Every detail was accounted for.

Although he had admittedly been distracted with convincing Juan that he was taking him on a trip for their anniversary to make sure his husband didn't assume he was having an affair because of how many overnight business trips he'd been going on lately.

And on top of that he had to make sure his too-smart-for-his-own-good husband didn't figure out that he's actually Brittain's most elite secret agent instead of a software engineer.

And yet, no matter how prepared he may have been, here he is standing right in front of Britain's most skilled serial killing assassin, with a wedding ring on his finger,

Some spy he is.

Given that his team includes some of the best spies on this forsaken planet, it’s pretty embarrassing that not a single one of them realized George didn't take off the wedding ring that could be tied back to his alter ego; beloved husband and father Eddy Perez-Short.

This just proves again that even the most intelligent people on this earth are only human after all and that a master plan and a perfect life can fall apart in the blink of an eye.

All you need is one single moment.

Usually, taking off his wedding ring is the first thing he does before he leaves for a mission.

Because God forbid secret agent George Fix can be tied back to his family.

But he couldn't take his ring off in the hotel or on the airplane while he sat next to his husband.

After all, nothing makes you look more suspicious than taking off your wedding ring right before leaving for a sketchy appointment that your partner isn’t invited to.

But that's not an excuse, he should have taken the ring off after he left Juan in their secured hotel room with the excuse that he was picking up his anniversary gift, but instead of doing that he'd gone over the mission details one more time because of how dangerous he knows this one is.

As if on cue Jessica Leissure claps in her hands excitedly.

"Georgy! Right on time. Nice wedding ring by the way.’

George tries his hardest not to vomit.

The whole point he's even agreed to go on this mission, on his 10-year wedding anniversary for crying out loud, was to ensure his family's safety, which ironically enough now apparently leads to him ensuring that his husband will never truly be safe again.

At least not until he manages to throw Jessica in jail.

He can kiss his image of George Fix single bachelor married to the job goodbye.

Jessica was never supposed to find out about his alter ego; Eddy Short, who married Juan Perez with whom he adopted 2 children: Riley and Redouan Perez-Short.

George always did everything in his power to ensure his family's safety.

And yet without realizing he walked in here and made Juan, and possibly also their children, a target.

He can no longer fight it, thinking about his mistake for too long causes him to retch.

He can hear his team cringe through his hidden earpiece, they're all well aware that they messed up, majorly.

Jessica grins at him. "Yikes. If my partner vomited as soon as someone mentioned our marriage I'd say that's a red flag."

George stares at her in disgust.

This young woman looks so harmless, as long as you avoid eye contact with her heartless brown eyes.

But you shouldn’t let her innocent appearance fool you because she has more power than the president of the United States and the King of England combined.

And unfortunately, this woman, who has killed more people before she's even turned 30 than most people can call by name at that age, has it out for George.

And as if that's not bad enough, now she knows he’s married.

It doesn't get more vulnerable than that, his family is his only weak spot.

Jessica lazily fixes her eyeliner like she is a normal civilian and not an assassin who just indirectly threatened George's loved ones.

"You know, G, I really should have seen this coming. I mean with that jawline and those ocean-blue eyes? Come on, who wouldn't want to marry a handsome dude like you? So, who is the lucky lady? Or man? Or are they non-binary? I'm not judging here and I'd hate to assume. I'm not a homophobe or transphobe or anything like that. I'm not that bad of a person."

George scoffs. "Jessica, you're quite literally a serial killer. You have no moral compass. You have no boundaries. You kill innocent people, for a living, anyone can hire you as a hitwoman and you'd simply take the job no matter how disturbing the request might be. You don't care how innocent, loved, famous, gifted, or kind the victims are. You kill them without a second thought. And you don't even make sure the murders are painless as if what you’re doing isn’t inhuman enough; you let your victims suffer too! You are quite literally the definition of a bad person. You're heartless and evil and we both know that you're well aware of it all."

Jessica smiles. It's terrifying.

"Oh, George you have always had such a way with words, in a different life, you'd be a writer. A successful one, I'm sure. I bet your wedding vows were beautiful."

George is going to be sick.

Jessica squeals. 'This is so interesting. I thought I just came here to finally kill my

biggest obstacle. But this is much more fun. So, what are we thinking? A little lethal poisoning in your spouse's favorite drink? What do they like? Wine? Coffee?"

George holds his breath as if a wrong-timed breath might be enough to reveal sensitive information about Juan.

Jessica smirks. "Oh, honey, your eye twitched at coffee. So I should just go wait for your partner at a local coffee bar then? Or did you not bring them with you to Amsterdam?"

George digs his nails into the palms of his hands, willing himself to calm down.

Jessica smiles at him again, like the psycho she is. "You know I'm genuinely going to miss you, G. You keep me on my toes. And you're pretty to look at."

George scoffs. 'You haven’t succeeded in killing me before. What makes you think things will go your way this time around?"


Jessica looks amused. "Ugh, you're so cute. Sweetie, what makes you think I've ever tried? I need some fun in my life too. And this is very fun. You always look so horrified and traumatized when I kill someone. You've stopped a lot of my murders too, I liked that less. And preventing me from murdering the president was my final straw. So as fun as this was, it ends now."

George glares at her. "It does end now. You're done. You're going to jail for the rest of your life.'

Jessica laughs. "That's cute. You don't even have the guts to kill me. You're too good... I wonder what it would take to finally break you? Let me guess, the key is this mystery partner of yours? You're in your thirties, right? Got any kids too, Georgey?"


George forces his lungs to breathe regularly.

It doesn't really work.

Jessica snorts. "Oh, sweetie, you're practically choking. I'll take that as a yes. This day is just getting more interesting by the second. This whole time I couldn't find your weakness, little did I know Georgey has a family.'

George's heart beats painfully in his chest.

Jessica casually fixes her blood-colored lipstick.

"What are you trying to tell me with that look, sweetheart?'

George stays quiet.

Jessica sighs. "I wonder how many kids you’ve got? I'm going to be honest though, I'm way more interested in this secret partner of yours. I wonder what gender they are.'

She glances at George as if she wonders if he’ll be stupid enough to give her a clue.

Luckily his resting murderer's face, something Juan once jokingly informed him he had when he was deep in thought, doesn't betray him this time.

Jessica raises an eyebrow at him. "Hmm, I'll figure it out. I have to admit you've hidden them for a long time. It's quite impressive, obviously minus the fact that you barged in here with your wedding ring on. It's so stupid that I'd think it's a trap, but I saw the fear in your eyes. Not even you can fake that kind of fear.'

George grits his teeth. "Jessica, we're here for you", he finally hisses.

Jessica rolls her eyes at him. "Bigger men than you have tried that George, and none have succeeded. Now tell me, do you fall asleep next to a handsome, strong man or a beautiful woman?"

George forces himself to keep eye contact.

Jessica frowns. "This one isn’t as obvious. Both could be true. Are they? Are you in a throuple? Or are you cheating? Oooh, he did not like that one. I knew it. You're a loyal one, aren't you? Just the idea… just the word made your jaw twitch. That’s cute. I wish more men were like that. You wouldn't believe the amount of men I was hired to kill because they cheated on their partner. It's nice to see a man who would never do something so cruel."

George scoffs at the irony.

Jessica thinks cheating is cruel but murdering a cheater is somehow okay in her eyes?

Jessica laughs. “Now I'm even more interested to find out who this person is that has you wrapped around their finger. I bet they're very beautiful. And they don't suspect a thing, do they? What do they think your name is? And what did you tell them you do for a living? You'd have to choose something that justifies all the overnight work trips you take. So maybe a pilot?"

George had a plan, he knew exactly what he was going to do here tonight.

And then Jessica threatened his husband and their kids and he forgot it all.

The only way he can think of getting out of here right now is by using a code word and having his team come to his rescue.

But Jessica now knows he’s married, so even if he leaves he won't truly escape her.

He’ll have to finally succeed in throwing her in jail.

Or he'll have to kill her if she leaves him no other choice because George is not letting her touch his family.

Jessica laughs. "Are you still with me? Sweetie, it's kind of strange you're this upset because I threatened your precious little family. I can't imagine someone as smart as you didn't know how dangerous falling in love would be with a job like yours. You must have known the risks that came with it. But you ignored them all… because you couldn’t imagine your life without them, didn't you? Sounds romantic. I'd kill to find out who that person is. Get it? Because I'm a killer for a living."

George rolls his eyes at her.

Jessica waves him off. "Bad joke. So anyway, you don't happen to have a picture of your wife, do you?"

No movement. No facial expressions. This is a trap.

Jessica sighs. "Really, nothing? How am I supposed to figure out who your partner is if you give me zero clues?'

George folds his arms in an attempt to look more confident than he feels. "What makes you so sure I'm married? Maybe I'm wearing this ring for an alias. Do you really think anyone would want to be married to someone who is never home?"

Jessica pouts at him. "Oh honey, that hurt, didn't it? Did you guys recently have a fight? Did they tell you that? So rude. They really don't appreciate how hard you work, do they? Just say the word and I'll get rid of 'em for you. I'll put you out of your misery. All you have to do is ask politely."

George bites his lip so hard he tastes blood.

"Come on George! This couldn't possibly have been the plan. You're freaking out, dude" Jessica chuckles.

"Maybe that was my plan all along. Maybe I want you to think that I'm too emotional to think straight. Maybe I want you to think you smell weakness. Maybe this is all part of my master plan, maybe I walked in here with a fake wedding ring on purpose", George lies.

"Sure. Keep telling yourself that. Should I leave for a little bit, so you can ask your team what to do next? I can't imagine that hidden earpiece is very comfortable", Jessica teases.

George rolls his eyes at her. "Do you never ask yourself when you'll finally have enough?" He asks annoyed.

Jessica chuckles. "I mean I wouldn’t be opposed to a good cup of coffee, maybe your husband knows a good spot?"

A single second of panic is all it takes for George's secret to reveal themselves.

The chuckle turns into a cackle. "You're either extremely homophobic or extremely in love with your husband...Interesting.'

George grabs his gun instantly. "You stay away from him or I'll-"

Jessica scoffs. "Or you'll what? Leave me a bad Yelp review? Honey, it's over. I won."

George squares his shoulders. "We'll see about that'.

Jessica puts her hair up in a ponytail with one hand as she keeps George at gunpoint with the other. 

"Let's just get this over with, shall we? I have a man who loves coffee to hunt down."

"I will protect him even if it is the last thing I’ll ever do", George informs her.

Jessica waves him off with the gun while she grabs an injection filled with green liquid, which George can already tell is a lethal poison, with the other hand.

"That can be arranged, how would you prefer to die, honey?" She asks with a nauseating smile.

May 27, 2024 12:18

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