A Dark Horse - Part 3

Submitted into Contest #286 in response to: Center your story around a character who’s struggling to let go.... view prompt


Drama Fiction Teens & Young Adult

Kip and the girl both entered the barn through the back door. Jenny went to meet the owners of the colt, Kip disappeared around the corner to avoid them.

He remained in hearing distance, though.

Jenny handed the Thompson’s the cash she had in hand. “The colt’s right out back in the paddock, if you’d like to see him,” she offered.

“No. We best get going. He’s all yours now! I don’t know why you want him, anyway, after what Kip says, but we have our eye on another horse. One that I think will be better, anyway, we’ll collect the remainder from you in two weeks. No refunds, remember?”

“He’s a really nice colt, Mr. Thompson. I’ll do my best, Thank you and good luck on the new one!” And she meant it as she waved a friendly good-bye while turning to see to her old mare.

Kip heard the entire exchange from around the corner and grinned. He thought to himself gleefully how Jenny would see herself that she was up against way more than she could handle with that crazy colt. He couldn’t wait to say, “I told ya so!” His eyes narrowed and he slinked away.


Jenny turned her attention toward Jewel, hoping Kip would just continue on by. But he stopped. She rolled her eyes and patted the old mare before facing the boy.

“Hi, Kip. What do you need?” Jenny asked with a smile, while thinking to herself ‘What are you still doing here? Why don’t you just go home? ‘ Since he did live here, he could just walk up to the house and leave her in peace.

“Nuthin’. Just wanted to make sure you know I can give you pointers with that colt anytime.”

“Thanks, Kip. I’m sure we’ll be all right, but I’ll keep it in mind.”

Finally, Kip sauntered off with a smirk on his lips.


The next day, Jenny took the colt to work with him in the arena. She wanted to work on building on the connection she and the young horse had started to form.

When Kip entered, the colt faced him, pinned his ears, raised his head up and tensely nodded a few times before snorting and standing stock-still, watching him intently.

Kip snapped the whip he carried, and the colt scurried off into the furthest corner.

“There. Now you can get a hold of that ornery colt.”

Jenny gave Kip a hooded look. “We were doing just fine. I didn’t ask for your help.” Her words came out strained. “Now please leave.” She was trying to keep her cool with the barn owner’s son, but steamed internally at all the damage he may have caused with that one snap of the whip. Her eyes narrowed to a glare.

“Ok, ok. I’m goin’!” Kip mumbled with a sneer, followed with a condescending wave of his hands to “prove” no ill-will was intended. “But don’t expect my help again.”

He finally walked off in his classic swaggering way. Jenny shook her head at his back, letting out a frustrated breath before turning away swiftly to focus again on the colt. She showed him another treat in her outstretched palm. They had been so close to making progress, before Kip interfered. Now she feared the colt had lost all trust in her and they would have to start over.

The colt turned his head away. A sign of distrust.

With a sigh, Jenny turned and walked away. She slowed when she felt a presence walking softly up behind her, then stopped. Trey’s muzzle gently nudged into her back. She turned to face him again and gave him the treat she still held in her hand. She scratched his chest where he liked and gently slipped the halter over his ears. She led him to the paddock outside for his turn-out, feeling optimistic again about their growing bond.

She patted the horse on the neck before turning him loose. She wondered to herself, why couldn’t Kip just let it go? He had already convinced the Thompsons of his superiority as a horse trainer, what did he need to prove to her?

She went back inside to groom and ride her old mare before turning her out for the day, also. Hopefully, Kip would stay away.


Unfortunately, she ran into him again while she rode her horse in the arena. He was riding another.

“Glad you finally got a hold of that idiot colt! See, I was right – he just needed remindin’ of who's the boss. It’s me. He’s too much for you, you know.” Kip gloated.

Whatever, Kip. We’ll see. Why can’t you just let it go, anyway? He’s not yours to worry about anymore. And, besides, if I can’t do it, then I guess you were right.”

“Right. Guess I just don’t wanna see ya get hurt by that crazy animal. He’s dangerous.” He roughly spurred his horse and trotted off.

They each finished their rides in silence then, at separate ends of the arena.


The Thompsons returned in a couple of weeks to collect the rest of the money owed for the colt from Jenny, and to turn over their new colt to Kip.

Jenny by now had Trey going nicely at liberty. They were working together in the arena, in view of the Thompsons as they led their new acquisition over to Kip. They stopped and watched Jenny with their old colt for a moment.

“He looks really nice, Jenny! Are you sure that’s the same wild colt you bought from us?”

Jenny stopped what she was doing. The colt followed her over to greet the Thompsons.

“Hello! Good to see you.” She continued on. “It sure is! He’s great! Thank you so much, again!”

“Well, he does look great. Didn’t know he had it in him.” Mr. Thompson tipped his hat to her as they walked back over to Kip settling the new colt into his stall.

Jenny couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she did see Mr. Thompson gesture toward her. Soon after, they were gone. Jenny continued her session with Trey. When they were finished, she passed Kip in the barn aisle looking a bit miffed.

“Happy now? It’s all your fault!” He scowled at her as he hissed out the words.

She had no clue what he was talking about, but she was soon to find out.

Kip stomped after her as she returned Trey to his stall.


(To be continued … )

January 24, 2025 18:13

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Abbey Ryan
21:17 Jan 29, 2025

Hi Keila! I got paired with you for Critique Circle! LOVE a "to be continued" story!


Keila Aartila
21:25 Jan 29, 2025

Perfect! I so look forward to it! Thanks!


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