Give Me One Moment in Time

Written in response to: Write a story about an underdog, or somebody making a comeback.... view prompt


American Coming of Age Fiction

      Give Me One Moment in Time

Suzanne Marsh

“Ma, Ma where are you? I am ready to leave, come on ma come say goodbye, I’ll come home

when I make it big: I promise.” Jane Barnes came from her kitchen, a brown bag clutched

in her hand. She had argued against Billy Bob going to Los Angeles to no avail, she could manage on her own but Billy Bob had to make his own way in the world. Los Angeles was a fair distance from the small town of Fate, Texas. Jane had not been prepared for this morning, Billy had packed up his cherry red 2000 Chevy pickup truck. Billy was more than ready to leave for Fate and become a rock star. He had the voice, he sang in honky tonk bars all over Texas, but he wanted more from life than that. He wanted to make it big in the rock industry, he wanted a mansion, people to wait on him and he wanted to build his ma a fine house, not the shack they dwelled in. Once Billy was on I10 it would be a clear shot to Los Angeles, he was glad to be leaving fate, even though he wished he could have brought Ma and Maddie Dawson, the girl he planned to marry when he made it big.

Billy stopped in a rest area and slept for several hours before continuing his journey; he had enough money for gas and food but nothing extra. He got out his map, he was about halfway to Los Angeles; he wanted to be there the following morning. He planned on finding an agent to listen to his tapes, he was ready to conquer the music world now. He drove down the San Bernardino Mountains into the heavy gray cloud of smog over the city. He had several addresses for agents he had gotten off the web, which would it easier to find an agent. He punched in the address of the first agent; into his GPS. He discovered he was already almost there. He stopped at the address, locked up his truck, and strode into the agent’s office. James P. Merriweather was seated at his desk, there was not much on his desk this morning. The glimmer of hope strode in his door, Billy Bob Barnes:

“Hello, young man, what can I do for you?” Billy was actually very shy around people, his face turned bright red:

“I want to become a Roch Star, have me a big ole mansion and lots of pretty girls hangin

around.” Merriweather looked into Billy’s eyes:

“You got any tapes, son? Where are you from?/”

Billy handed Meriweather several tapes he had done, Merriweather listened, as he heard a familiar Elvis Presley song Can’t Help Falling in Love with You.:

“You are good, I can book you into Las Vegas they love Elvis impersonators there. That will

put your name out there.”

Billy wasn’t sure that was what he really wanted to do but at least it was a job:

“Sure, when can I start?”

“Patience son, do you have a place to stay here in LA?”

Billy shook his head no, Merriweather gave him an address on San Pedro:

“Billy, that is not the best area but the rooms are clean. Anything you don’t want stolen

put into your room, make sure you lock the doors. The rent is cheap ten a night no questions


Billy thanked Merriweather, found the house with rooms for rent, and carried his few possessions into the house, he thought it was his first step to becoming the next king of rock, but Merriweather had other plans for him. Billy drove to the address, about ten minutes from Merriweather’s office. The place was no worse than the shack he lived in with his ma in Fate, there had to be a better place, but this one would do for the moment.

The following morning Merriweather called Billy:

“Bill, Merriweather here I got you a two-week gig in Las Vegas, at the Golden Nugget, stop at

the office, I will give you the name of the gentleman to contact there and I have something

for you to give him. Is that doable?” Billy could not believe his good fortune, he had not been in Los Angeles for a full day yet, he had his first gig; he was as happy as a pig in slop. He was at Merriweather’s office within ten minutes, dressed in his best black jeans and shirt, his boots polished to within an inch of their lives. Merriweather handed him the envelope he was to deliver, and the name Paul Nichols. Five minutes later Billy was on his way to Las Vegas, Nevada. The desert was hotter than anything he had experienced, and gas stations were few and far between. According to the GPS, he would be there around one o’clock in the afternoon. He arrived at the Golden Nugget and sought out Paul Nichols. He seemed like a decent sort, he took the envelope Billy handed him, then took Billy backstage where the dressing rooms were located:

“Merriweather tells me you sound like Elvis, I will give you the chance to sing here if the

audience likes you then we will make a deal. That sound fair?” Billy glowed with happiness as he replied:

“Yes Mr. Nichols, that is more than fair. When do I start?”

Nichols chuckled:

“How about right now?” Billy ran out, grabbed his guitar, and ran back in. He sang I Can’t Help Falling in Love, Nichols was more than pleased with this kid, he had a great voice. Later that evening Billy played before a live audience. He thought things were looking up, when Nichols asked him if he would take an envelope back to Merriweather, then return to Las Vegas. Billy thought nothing of the request. He had no idea it was money laundering and drugs, if he had he would have turned tail and gone back to Fate. Nichols introduced Billy to several types of drugs, with highs and lows. Billy found that when he went on stage the music always seemed better than it actually was.

Soon, he found himself in jail and no way out; he phoned his ma to tell her what had happened. She was not unsympathetic but she had no way to aid him. He found himself sentenced to five years of prison time. Once he was released from prison he returned to the Golden Nugget, he discovered Nichols was no longer employed, so he took advantage, and asked for a job. The owner heard him sing, hiring him then and there. His career took off as he became famous as an Elvis impersonator.

Billy now had his one moment in time.

June 27, 2024 20:22

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