Destiny of Chris and Ping.

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Write about someone who’s desperately trying to change their luck.... view prompt


Bedtime Teens & Young Adult Inspirational

For the quote saying “I wandered everywhere, through cities and countries I went, the world was on my side.”, a man named Chris always believes in this quote but his life was unlucky.

              His life is poor, unsuccessful and he had no wife. He thought his life was useless and he was worthless for anyone. He tried hard to find a job but he couldn’t get what he liked. When he was unlucky on the 11th of November, he bought a lottery no. 11 but he was unlucky as usual. One day, he got a recommendation from someone to visit the wisest man at the hill for advice to improve his luck.


              During his journey, he met the thin wolf. It said it was thin lacking food for a long time. It asked Chris whether he ask the wisest man for an opportunity to help it. He accepted that he would ask for it. Then he met a lazy farmer, he said he is poor, he had only the farm, not the treasure from the parents like other people. He asked Chris whether he could ask the wisest man for the opportunity to improve his situation. He said yes, he would ask for him.

             And during the trip, there is a millionaire’s house having a beautiful daughter. The man is so sad. He told the man to ask the wisest man how to make him be happier.

             Then when Chris went to the hill where the wisest man lived, he recommended him to go home, this time he could find opportunity around him and will be lucky.

             He’s glad that he would be lucky. So he went to the millionaire’s house and he told him that he was unhappy because his daughter was still single. If she married someone, he would be happy. So he asked Chris whether he was single and would like to marry the girl, he said that he was sorry, he must be in a hurry to go home for his lucky life.


             He went to visit the farmer. He told the farmer to be diligent in doing the farming for money. The farmer persuaded him to do it together but he refused the opportunity. He said thank you but he would be in the hurry to go home for his opportunity.


              He met the wolf, He told the wolf that it should eat the first food that first met. So the wolf tried to kill Chris and eat him.


              When the opportunity came, we should not miss it. It is like the wolf, in this case, it didn’t miss the opportunity offered by the man so it ate the man. Not like Chris that missed two opportunities offered by the millionaire and the farmer.


              This story told about Chris who would like to change his life but not do anything so he cannot have a happy life. It is not like when the man travels through the woods, again and again, be lucky to avoid the wolf every time, but the wolf only needs enough luck to find you once.



              Comparing to another person, Ping. She had to study hard for the future. While she studied, she had to help her mother selling vegetables in the market for money to study. She dreamed to be the author, but her family would like her to study in another field like accounting as it would be a more secure job.


             She had to choose a major according to her mother’s recommendation but she didn’t do it well. Her exam result showed that she was not specialized in this field. She didn’t leave her dream, she had her hobbies like writing poems, songs, and short stories. She sent them to a contest or send some poems and songs as a gift on friends’ birthday.


              So she’s graduated and worked as an author and songwriter. However, she did it as a small business while she had to control about financial stuff and accounting things of the company.


              It’s worthwhile that her experience might not be happy at first that she didn’t study in the field she loved most but she developed her talent and skill as the strength and use the knowledge she learned to do business in her life. This was because she knew what she loved best and she did it and worked hard. This can create luck and change her life. As the quote of Thomas Jefferson saying that we are great believers in luck and we find that the harder we work and try, the more we have of it.


              What we learned from this story is when we have a recommendation from someone, we have to know how to apply that recommendation into our life wisely to benefit us the most.


              It is like Chris that missed two opportunities because he thought the wisest man said to him that he must be hurried to reach home and got the opportunity at home. He didn’t know that the opportunity did not come at the destination, it can come along your journey.


              Chris and Ping are different. Chris waited for the opportunity at home but have no chance to get it because the wolf ate him or he might come back home doing nothing the same as before as he didn’t accept two opportunities from two people he helped first. Ping created the opportunity, though she didn’t have a chance to study in the faculty of arts, she still followed her dream of being a writer. She still practiced writing songs, poems, and short stories and got a job as an author finally even she didn’t study in that field. The knowledge of accounting helped her in business and made dot for her success in her future. This taught us about how to be a successful person. Which kind of person would you like to be? I bet you would like to be like Ping, right? So opportunity waits for no one, if it seems like you have no opportunity now, create it. Knock the door of opportunity hard and with attention, I’m sure the god would hear that and open the door for you in some ways. Thank you for reading my story. 😊

June 18, 2021 12:10

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Aryansh Dubey
13:08 Jun 24, 2021

Dear Pensinee, I read your beautiful story, and I do have some points to share. Please note I am an amateur myself, but I can offer my insights as a reader. Hope you don't mind. One, I wish the format wasn't like bulletins, it makes for a good hearing, maybe, for your target audience, but reading it is a bit jarring. Two, I wish there was more dialogue, rather than descriptive narration, like Chris meeting the wolf, I wish it had a bit more action. And third, I realize your personal input, but I guess you could leave it to the reader to draw...


02:05 Jun 25, 2021

Thank you for your kind comment.. Actually I'm an amateur as well. I would like to improve my English skills.. Thank you. I would comment yours as well. Hope we would be friend. :)


Aryansh Dubey
04:08 Jun 25, 2021

Looking forward to it! :)


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