“I, Me, My. Me. Myself and I.” The Publican who walks alone, walks on. Be not afraid.

Written in response to: Write a story where someone sees the shadow of someone standing behind them.... view prompt


Christian Kids Teens & Young Adult


World Mission Sunday.

On any day.

Walk alone.

Guide from the front of the line today, World Mission Sunday. On every day and any day. By now, we all know the importance to do good.

It more important to do good for those with less fortune. Less fortune of mind, less fortune of body, less fortune of spirit. Leaving our egos at the back of the line.

“When there is too much “I” there is too little God”.(PF)

The good Publican is aware. Of their surroundings. What is really going on.” With others, their loved ones, their not so loved ones. That is the hardest walk of all—with the— the not so loved ones.

The hardest to digest, the hardest to accept. The Publican who has in the recesses of their souls, the humility, real humility of himself, all his property.

Most importantly—all his faculties.

Unselfishly, “ain’t” afraid to show it. In, out, up, down, in, and around. Again to reiterate—“Out” Unafraid to be laughed at. “Rise up from the plateau of our ego” (PF) How?

Real Prayer. Prayer without humility. (PF) May result in our giant ego gasping for air to breathe. Suffocation even. In the kindest of ways, even if and while we are being out maneuvered by another. Another and the other standing (hopefully) in the picture with us.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Is an adage in multiple languages meaning that complex and sometimes multiple ideas can be conveyed by a single still image, which conveys its meaning or “essence” more effectively than a mere verbal description.(WK)

Indeed. Weapon? Threat? Intimidation sheepishly included in the picture. For “effect” Unfortunately. All “smiley and clean and dressed up”. We all wanna look good. At the expense of others sometimes too.


Pray. Hard For the strength to endure. Your walk alone. Because when you do pray, you are not alone. Unless you feel it, it is hard to see, hard to understand.

An admittance that some folks are smarter than you. Ouch. But. True. This is where the walk takes on the need for a stronger You. Not a stagger, a drunken state of thinking you are the less than.

When you are not.

To show you how serious I am about your well being-even the not so loved ones. There are better ways.

If it will make you feel any better.

I will go first.

Even embarrass myself for you.

My awareness of you and your greatness is that strong. My belief in you that great. So I will, and will continue to walk,

On the jagged road if it will in any way make you feel better. (because I have been there.) and as the Publican of my world, my orbit, I want to spare you the change you do not need to make. Because you are fine. You just don’t think you measure up. I will, would, and will again walk on a pavement of concrete solidarity for you, with you, in front of you, behind you.

I will be and always be. The person who will take the walk on a jagged road of empty promises, sidewards glances and well, baloney filled buns. For you. Always. Why?

Because I lived it. Been there. Know better. Now.

I will carry the load for you and be the embarrassment of the century.

For you.

On World Mission Sunday. And World Mission Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Seven days a week. 365 days a year. And more. No need for a calculator.

I am here.

That is what walking alone feels like. And it is not so bad. Offer a closeness to you that you can feel, but may not always understand. Take when you are comfortable. But please do not doubt. Too much. I offer you a closeness to:

”Rise up from the plateau of our ego” (PF) How.

When we pray. Real honest to goodness prayer. And not.

I need to get there, so outta my way, come hell or high water prayer. I have had my share? Of what?

Crap. (Pardon my French), Baloney. (Probably). Fluids, Liquids(For sure). And still feel the same. Which is my shadow and me walking the jagged path of righteousness alone.

Wait!!! Just a cotton-picking minute or any other minute ego-minded walker. Where did you get that idea. That you were “righteous” over me, over any others?

You are no more righteous than any one else. Confused. Yet?

Yes. I am not righteous. You are not righteous. Our idols who can toss a perfect spiral, hit one over the fence, spike a ball in your face are not either. I surely hate (hate IS a strong word) but I DO hate to admit when I am wrong. Makes me look.

Weak. Bad.

Especially when I am tossing my lunch, dinner, breakfast. Liquids, fluids, and

Baloney. However it is oftentimes darn difficult to digest, even more difficult to articulate what matters most to us. When we are suffocating under the weight of all righteousness.

”When there is too much “I” there is too little God” (PF)

But with God, He offers you the closeness to bear and yes I do mean bear witness. “You shall be my witness in your mission of the world”. (PF) How?

Walk the walk. Rise up in principle. Descend into self. (PF) Most of all.

Figure it out.

Invoke His mercy so that He may heal us. Healed people heal people, hurt people hurt people. Coping takes its toll.

Coming to terms with the ways we were raised is some of the most important work we do.

Hard work.

Do it. Walk as a Publican who walks alone, walks on. And walks with a confidence that they have endured and done the needed and necessary

Hard work.

Forgiveness comes at a hefty price for some, and they would rather you pay for it than to do the hard work—to carry the heavy load themselves. It is easier to pass the buck onto you and scream “I was wronged” We have all been wronged. One time or another.

“Get over it” is not the same as forgiveness. Forgiveness only comes from God. When we ask for it. We have to humbly ask for His forgiveness. When we step out of our own egos long enough and strongly enough to know we are


“To live and be transformed”. And be a part of the “picture”. There is a knowing and knowledgeable person who shared how this walk of doubt may occur in His Italian country.

”I for me”,

”With me”

”Only for me”

Can be, is a walk on a jagged, possibly drunken path only leading to more doubt. Self doubt. Upon my own personal idol, my hero and his death, he taught me that he goes before me, to come follow him, and he will give me rest. He followed this path unapologetically and every day of his life. In good times. In bad times. In sickness. In health. As he lived.

And I watched. Repeatedly and breathlessly to keep up with his wisdom. In the worst of times. And best of times. To see how is is “done” He taught me and I offer this closeness to you as well:

”In the connection of one’s righteousness that seeks to despise others” (PF) Raise your own awareness. Stay aware. Recklessly appearing to have it all together and actually having it all together are in and of the same facade.

When others try to draw you into their despair.


Be Not Afraid.

Walk alone. Walk on. Be ok with you. Humbly prefer to walk alone than be pushed out the door, allowing it to hit you on the way out.


No worries. Walk alone. Walk on. Your shadow as your guide. Carry on knowing you were good. Walked the right path. To the front, back, end of the line. Knowingly and unafraid to prove words, deeds and actions do matter. When you may feel at the end of the rope, end of line again, keep prayerfully in mind that it is possible to

Stand the test of time.

October 23, 2022 14:15

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