Christian Creative Nonfiction Inspirational

My head exploded🫥.

After this.

Life took on new meaning.

Things were, shall we say “re-ordered.”

Priorities became crystal clear.

And the fight was just begun.

To some extent.

We are all held hostage.

To selves.

To others.

Worst of all.

The expectation of the selves.

The expectations of the others.

We foolishly and fool heartedly place a price on the life of another.

No one person is more “valuable” than any other.


We love to think we are.

All that and a bag of chips.



Pick your vice.

Pick your poison.

At beginning of the day, by God’s grace, we all put our pants on one leg at a time. At the end of the day, we lay our heads down.

With hope and a little bit of luck, we lay down our heads knowing we are loved by another.

This is a lot to ask for, for some.

Love is a daily push and shove away.

Because of stuff.

Because of situations, circumstances, egotistic behavior.

We are good.

You are not.

Thank you God for throwing me the shade I need to know that in your eyes I am loved.(pf)

I am ok.

I am ok to share the love you show me with those near and dear.

Even if and when I do not feel like it.

Walking in the shadow of God’s grace and wisdom, His great acceptance has made all the difference in a world of confusion, hatred and egoism.

His shadow helps us to be powerful, thinking we are able to do anything! Spreading good cheer when it may not nor ever be returned.


You see.

It is returned.

We simply do not see it when it comes.

Smacking us right in the face(🤪)

Wake up.

To what is around you.

What is going on around you.

Goodness comes.

A lot.

In buckets of rain.

In clouds of wonder.

In shades of gray.

In shades with sun.

In shades with shades😎

In a simple conversation of “how is your day”.

A smile.

A wave.

A laugh.

A cry.

All a way to connect with the differences.

He teaches us.

It is ok to be different.

Differences are not to be “priced” out. On the backs of each other.

Too bad.

Life says.

You are not as good as him or as her.

Correct reply:

Says who?

We can play all our little games all day long.

I like to call them,

”The guessing games.”

Some folks use these as a way to keep those around them,

”off balance.”

Usually to retain the power they feel they lost.




With the love and kindness and respect of His shade.

We are able to stay balanced in a life of warmth, kindness and love.

Real love.

The kind that smacks you upside the head and whispers.

”Wake up.”

There is goodness all around.

So much to be thankful for.

So much to return in kindness.

With Him all things are possible. And he also throws us a little shade.


What a kind and giving gift he bestows upon us! Selfless love.

Why would anyone want to squander gift with selfish and thoughtless games?

Well. Gamesmanship exists. Played unfortunately by players called:


Played only by humans, because we come into and out of this world forgetting the rules. The good rules. Or. Simply choosing to ignore them.

We are humans with so many failings and misgivings.

He keeps the shade coming upon us, because He knows we can do better.

He provides us the needed and necessary doses, the shots, we need.

The prescription:

A pinch of forgiveness.

A teaspoon of kindness.

A sturdy and boisterous hug.

A ready and friendly smile.

A moment of reflection to right a wrong.

The list is almost endless.

It ends when we stop.


He teaches us to never stop.

Being kind, respectful and regarding of our fellow HUMAN BEINGS.

It certainly can be a rat race down here on Planet Earth.

He looks down upon us and whispers for us to stop the petty games of jealousy, envy and egoism.

He implores us to bring our better selves to the tables we may share with others.


He means it.

Not as a means to and end.

As a means to a beginning!

A beautiful beginning to a new day.

A beautiful beginning to a new life.

Unto us (tonite) a Saviour is born.

Hallelujah! The anticipation is the wonder we all need so much!

Even for us older folks, on the mid to tail end of existence, this means a great deal.

It means for us to show the younger folks how it is done.



The shadowing of regard for one another.

It can be a battle.


The memories.

The what-ifs.

The value of one over another.

It can be constant.

It can be dreadful.

It can whack us upside the head in an instant, reverting us right back to the vulnerabilities we held in

A moment.

It is so difficult to realize.

It was just a moment.

A terrible, terrible moment.

The claws come out and the scratching begins.

We learned to survive instead of to live.

At the hands of someone who did not care.

About another being in the shade.

At all.

Worse off.

The cover up.

The lies.

The blames

The lack of ownership.

The lack of accountability.

Causes the head to explode.

Again. and. Again.

The good news.

He is there with the shade to cool us off.

In the moment.

Tell us He is there.

Right next to us.

He is saying to us.

”We got this.”

When others lets us down.

When we let others down.

He reminds us to step it up.

By His grace the head explosion does not overtake the superficiality of the lies.

He knows.

He knows we know.

He just helps us to get there.

Without beating ourselves up.

For taking awhile to

Get there.🙂

The nature of the beast.

Will always exist.

It just will.

The nature of God’s shade.

Will always exist.

It just will.

The choice is always up to us.

Will always exist.

It just will.

If we use our inner will✌🏻

For goodness, kindness.


What goes around comes around.


Circles. Cycles. Hamster wheels.

The choice is always.


Personal responsibility is too.

December 24, 2023 12:21

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