
Janice is a precocious and adorable five year old with blonde curly hair and a big smile. She was sitting in the shopping cart which her mom had standing in the aisle where she was looking for a cereal that she thought Janice would like. Her mother finally chose the cereal which Janice said she would try. Looking down the aisle Janice saw an elderly gentleman also looking for a cereal. Janice shouted out to her mother’s embarrassment “Hello Mr. old man. Maybe you would like the cereal my mom picked out. Her mom looked at the man to apologize. “Please don’t be embarrassed or think it Isn’t polite. I kind of enjoy your daughter’s offer. I am an old man and if you want to call me PaPa I will be pleased with that name as well”. Thank you for being so kind and please call me Emily.

Emily started to move the cart toward the next aisle when the sound of rain began to hit the building. After that was the sound of thunder and then some lightening cracked. Emily told Janice that because it was raining so hard that they would go to the store’s restaurant and order some hot chocolate for Janice and a cup of tea for me.

Looking across the table JanIce saw the old man ordering a cup of tea. “PaPa Janice called out “would you like to sit with me and my mom as we enjoy our drinks.” Once again Emily was embarrassed. She then asked PaPa to take his tea to our table and join us.

Janice was so happy that PaPa sat down next to Emily. Janice asked him if he had any children. “Yes I do” he replied.” I have a son named Alan who is a doctor at Sunrise Hospital. He is in charge of the pediatric center and helps children like you get better when they are sick. Alan comes to my house very often so we can have dinner and talk. I do have a lovely daughter and her wonderful husband. Thel live in Florida and they come to visit me during holiday times. My daughter’s name is Ann and her husband is Larry.

Janice started talking and was telling PaPa all about her family. “My daddy was a hero. He was a soldier and he was hurt in Afghanistan. The doctors tried but they couldn’t save him. My mommy cries a lot when we talk about daddy. But I know he saved many people from getting hurt. I think mommy is lonely. Do you think you are lonely?” She asked PaPA.

Emily asked PaPa where he lived. When he told her Emily smiled. “That is very near my house.” PaPa laughed and said “I walk my dog at least three times a day past your house.”

Janice listened to PaPa talk to Emily and Janice was excited. “My mom is lonely and you told me you are lonely also. “Yes dear I did tell you that. I have an idea, I am going to ask your mom to come to my house with you for a tea party. You can play with my dog Pogo and your mom and I could talk together so we both won’t be lonely.

”oh PaPa” Emily said.”You don’t have to do that. “Yes I do Ms. Emily. When my wife was alive we always had tea parties so we could meet new neighbors that moved into the neighborhood. I was never lonely then and I hope I won’t be lonely since meeting you and your adorable daughter.”

PaPa asked for Emily’s photo number and promised to call her soon. Janice was so happy that she could have her hot chocolate and PaPa and mommy can enjoy their tea. Papa called Emily as promised and they were going to PaPa house in three more days.

Emily and Janice arrived at PaPa”s house. Janice was having a great time with Pogo the dog while Emma and PaPa were deep in conversation. Suddenly the door bell rang and PaPa yelled “come in.”

In walked PaPa”s son Alan. He was tall and well built and very handsome.

He had blonde hair and deep blue eyes, He also smiled a lot . Papa

called Janice over to say hello to Alan and she gave him a big hug. Emily smiled and shook his hand. “Why not sit down Alan and talk to my new friends.” Janice ran to Alan and took a seat on his lap, while Emily and PaPa

sat at the table. They were talking and laughing a lot especially when Alan told them funny stories about his life as a doctor. Emily thought Alan had a special and pleasant way with everyone and she felt very comfortable talking with Alan and PaPa.

”Well Dad, I have to go back to my office now. It was a pleasure meeting both of you. I hope to see you all very soon,” He gave his Dad a kiss and hugged Janice and Emily,

Emily and Janice returned home a short while after Alan left. After they had dinner Janice was ready for bed. Emily read her a story and before she could finish the story Janice fell asleep.

Emily walked into the living room and put on the TV. While the TV was on Emily paid no attention to it. She was thinking about her life with a young child and her life as a window, Yes, she grieved a lot for her husband but being alone and caring for a child made her realize that she has to be a roll model for Janice. She no longer could go to her room and cry. She had to figure out how she could take a step forward and find a good life for her daughter and herself.

When her husband was alive he was a lawyer and she was a teacher. Now she had to think more about her future. The following Monday she decided to call the principal of the school where she taught first grade. Ms. Levy, her principal, was happy to hear from her. She told Emily she called at the right time. A job opened up recently for a teacher teaching first grade. Ms.Levy offered her the position. Emily accepted the position and was thrilled that Janice was also starting first grade so she could be in school with her mom in another first grade class.

Emily was delighted. To make her even happier she got a phone call from Alan. They spoke for some time together where she was laughing and talking and feeling so much lighter than she was literally dragging herself around. The phone call ended with Alan asking her for a dinner date on Saturday night, “No need to get a babysitter “ Alan said. “My dad would love to be the sitter.”

Emily could not believe her good fortune .Well,she thought to herself, it is

time to have my hair cut and buy a new desss. I thought Alan was real sweet and I would like to get to know him better.

Alan brought PaPa to Emily’s house and he could not take his eyes off Emily.

They said good bye and left. Janice ran to PaPa and said “Let me teach you how to play War.” PaPa then taught Janice how to play Old Maid. They had a

wonderful time together. When it was Janice’s bedtime PaPa took her to her room and read her a story she picked out. He sat on the edge of her bed

and read to her as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. PaPa quietly walked into the living room, turned the TV on low and thought what a wonderful night he had.

Alan took Emily home and he picked up his dad and brought him home. Emily thanked PaPa for babysitting and told Alan she had a wonderful time.

Alan promised to call her again and they both said good night.

When they left Emily danced around the room. She truly had a great time with Alan. They each had the same interests. Emily loved show tunes and so did Alan. She read books that sounded interesting no matter whom the

authors were and Alan felt the same. Alan was very close to his dad and his sister and brother in law. Emily liked Alan’s consideration to family.

Before Emily’s husband passed they spent lots of time traveling. When Janice was born both parents took her to playgrounds and zoos. They even took her with them on a trip to Italy.

Emily’s life was not what it used to be for a long time. Since she met Papa and Alan she is finding her life to be enjoyable. The same happened to Alan. He loved his work and he loved the children whom he brought back to good health. He felt saddened by his mother’s sudden death. After spending time with Emily he too found that a good life was opening up for him.

Both Emily and Alan saw each other often. They took Janice to the park, and to the zoo and to movies they knew she would enjoy. PaPa also loved Emily and Janice. PaPa was no longer in a funk. He enjoyed his time when he was asked to babysit.

After a year of dating and finding happiness Alan proposed to Emily and Janice. Janice was jumping up and down because now she could call Alan Daddy and make PaPa would be her true grandpa.

They had a small wedding inviting family and close friends, Emily and Janice met Alan’s sister and her husband Larry. They were all so friendly. Everyone loved them and enjoyed their company.

The happy couple honeymooned in Hawaii. PaPa was delighted to have Janice company for the week that Alan and Emily were away.

Emily truly believed that having a cup of tea during a rain storm actually gave her the life she prayed for. Great happiness was something the entire family felt. They all kept their heart opened and each was filled with love.

January 10, 2022 01:13

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