Drama Happy Inspirational


"Mum you got a package" yelled Danny from the front door entrance. Through the front gate a skinny woman in black jeans and t-shirt was exiting toward a custom built motor trike holding a man in black leathers wearing a helmet.

"I didn't order any thing." responded Karen as she walked toward the entrance. Standing in the doorway, she recognised the deliverer.

The old grey bearded male took off his helmet and informed the boy the parcel was for him. "It belongs to your dad."

Karen tried to rip the parcel from Danny's hands but he turned his back and began opening it. Inside was a small jewellery box. In it was a heavy laden metal cross attached to a red ribbon.

"It's the Victoria Cross kid, It's for hero's."

Karen sneered at Trent and Melissa on their bike. "He was not a hero. He got himself killed." she wretched as the anger tore through her words. Danny stared at her in surprise.

Trent's rebutted with patriotic pride, "he was more than a hero. He saved my life and a lot of our guys, because he was our friend and it's time little Danny knew the truth."

As he prepared to replace his helmet and leave, his last protestation was directed at eleven year old Danny. "Tomorrow kid, we walk. We walk from Curtis Street to the monument in memory of your dad. I'd love you to walk with us. It starts at six. I'll be the one leading your dad's squadron in my wheel chair." Then with the roar of a wide-open throttle, he and Mel disappeared down the urban street.

Karen tried to grab Danny's arm in an effort to restrict and harness him but he determinedly wrenched himself away, "I'm going Mum," then he stormed inside.

Next morning bright and early, Danny rose and immaculately dress himself wearing an air of pride. He donned his best blue jeans, grey t-shirt and his dad's medal. To his surprise his mother was also prepared.

"I'll drop you off; then, I'll meet you at the monument." He gave his mum a grateful hug and without another word they both left.

Hundred's of walkers were gathered with their different platoons as Karen searched for Dan's old squadron number. There seated in the front, in his wheel chair, with Melissa, was Trent preparing himself for his march along with the few veterans who survived.

Melissa gazed at Karen with curious eyes, "I've already lost Dan, I couldn't stand to lose Danny too."

Mel smiled in total concurrence. "We're going up the coast for lunch, for old time sake; want to join us?" Karen feeling a little apprehensive at first, then smiled in agreement, realizing it may be time to let some imprisoning shackles rest in peace.

The veterans and their carers walked the street proudly to the marching music; attesting to their past duty and fight for freedom; as the crowds waved their flags and cheered all the men and women in appreciation. Danny walked step in step with all the vets behind the electronic wheelchair proud to be his father's advocate.

As they entered the reception area the RSL and City representative lit the flame of remembrance and spoke with gratitude of the hero's they all left behind. Danny's little heart was pounding with an over whelming joy and pride that he had never experienced before. He didn't want the day to end.

When the dedication service was finished, Melissa handed Danny her helmet, "I'll travel with your mum, you go with Trent." Danny's eyes lit up, as his mother reticently agreed.


Danny climbed onto the back of the trike and shut the back door as he tied himself in securely preparing himself for the biggest adventure of his life.

They travelled for an hour and a half to a coastal area where a lot of middle aged bikers were welcome. This day especially was notorised for the vets for all their past bravery. The welcome mats were splade everywhere. Free meals for veterans, two free drinks on the house upon entrance, and discount meals for everyone.

Their table was reserved in the same old spot in the pub the four of them patronized half a century ago. Trent and Danny were already seated when Mel and Karen arrived. They sat outside on the patio overlooking the entire coastline. The ocean extended forever into the skyline and the water was the cleanest, purest blue. The jetty walked out into the depth where many a local fisherman lined the pier enjoying his daily recreation.

The area had advanced considerably since the old days. Now it was multi level units and expensive condo's along the boardwalk. However, the sea air and the peaceful oceanic view; they remained the same.

Trent was showing Danny all the photos of the old days he'd uploaded on his phone. All the history of the three of them with Danny's dad. In photographic view was the picture of Danny's dad and mum in motor bike leathers on his Harley. Danny was agog with all these new revelations. "You rode a bike?"

Karen responded ashamedly. Melissa responded, "We believe in freedom," she gazed at Karen, "that's why you love him."

"Don't put that rubbish in his head," Karen rebuked defensively.

Melissa took her hand, "you afraid you will lose him too?" she whispered, "you won't, and even if you do ,would you rather he die a free man or an imprisoned one? Don't take his freedom away because you're afraid. Danny would never have wanted you to do that to you, or his son."

Karen swiftly stood up and walked over to the balcony crying. Melissa followed. She grabbed her and hugged her. "We got you baby, we got you." Karen caught her breath, Mel continued, "look at him. Look at him, he's a mini Dan; you can't imprison him; he'll hate you for it. He'll rebel and screw it all up. If anyone can teach him freedom, you can." Mel gave Karen a handkerchief, as she tried to gather herself together again. She turned and look at the never ending skyline.

"This place hasn't changed," Karen forlornly uttered

"Yes it has and so have we. Good, bad, don't know; but we have to remain true to us. Don't let Dan's sacrifice be for nothing. He fought for freedom, don't shut it down. New age, new generation; Danny could be better; he could make a difference; give him the chance."

Karen was still lost in her pain and fear of losing Danny because of this same nonsense. Mel placed her arm around Karen's shoulder, "he may die; you may die; we all do; but, don't incarcerate him because your are afraid of death."

As if a cannon exploded inside her, the realization of what she was doing to her child suddenly rang true. This was everything she fought against in her youth. In her over reaction to protect her son as a single mother, she was suffocating him. "How do I fix this.?

"You're not alone honey; you never were. We just had to let you grieve your way, now it's time to move on." Mel directed Karen back to the table, where Danny looked concerned. She saw a little old man worried about her; this was the results of her over-protective fear. Karen didn't want that for him; she reassured him she was fine and so was he.

Danny exploded with excitement and pride at how brave his dad was and how he save his platoon. Melissa placed her hand on Trent's knee with pride and gratitude, knowing he couldn't actually feel it, but in his imagination he could. As their meal arrived, Trent mentioned he still has his old bike if Karen was interested.

Danny's eye's lit up in agreement with Trent. Slowly Karen was being gently manipulated by everyone. Mel stated she could ride with her until she got her confidence back and Danny could ride with Trent.

She then reassured her, "this would be good training for Danny; he'd learn responsibly. Freedom of choice is a gift, but when used irresponsibly it's a threat; so, teach him right." Mel smiled as she realise her friend of over half a century was returning.

The meal, the drinks, the company made the menu exceptional; but, the memories, the conversation, surpassed any food bought to the table. Danny had a new light in his eyes that Karen recognised was the same light as his father's. That was why she loved his dad; that was why she married him; he exuded that same light of freedom everywhere. Mel was right ,this beautiful gift now needed to be nurtured correctly. He definitely was his father's son.

The day came to an end and many future social engagements were arranged. Karen gave Trent a huge hug, and he reassured her with a wink, "love you baby," She giggled as she remember she hadn't her that phrase for such a long time. After embracing Melissa she and Danny then departed on their long journey home in her little Reno.

Melissa went to the bar and ordered their final two drinks, then upon her return, with tears in her eyes she gave her loving Trent a huge hug and kiss.

"You're my hero. You didn't give Danny a Victoria Cross; you gave Danny back his dad and Karen back her husband and her life; best parcel ever. You deserve a Victoria Cross. I think you just saved both their lives."

December 02, 2021 03:04

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Boutat Driss
08:17 Dec 06, 2021

nice tale!


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Boutat Driss
08:16 Dec 06, 2021

nice tale!


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