Josephine & The Snake

Submitted into Contest #206 in response to: Start your story with a character seeing something terrifying.... view prompt



This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

In the treacherous landscape of the Wild West, there was a man known as The Snake, a gangster whose wickedness spread fear through the hearts of those who crossed his path.

Born with a name long forgotten, he earned his infamous moniker through his cunning and venomous nature. With an eye patch covering his left eye, a constant reminder of a past shrouded in darkness, The Snake struck fear into the hearts of even the most hardened outlaws.

The Snake's journey into a life of crime began as a young boy, growing up in a destitute mining town. His childhood was marred by poverty, violence, and a lack of opportunity. With a heart hardened by the harsh realities of the frontier, he soon realized that survival often required taking advantage of others.

As The Snake matured, he found solace in the lawless world of bandits and outlaws. His natural charisma and silver tongue helped him climb the ranks, as he gathered a gang of like-minded individuals who were drawn to his leadership. They became a force to be reckoned with, leaving a trail of bloodshed and chaos in their wake.

The Snake's ruthlessness knew no bounds, and he took pleasure in preying upon the innocent and vulnerable. It was during one fateful visit to a quiet town that he encountered the local barber, a kind-hearted man named Samuel. The Snake's cruelty was indiscriminate, and he saw the innocent barber as nothing more than a pawn to feed his sadistic desires.

Without warning or reason, The Snake confronted Samuel, his eye gleaming with a twisted delight. The barber's pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as The Snake unleashed his brutality upon him, his knife slicing through the air and cutting short Samuel's life. The act was senseless, a reflection of The Snake's malevolence, leaving the town in a state of shock and mourning.

The murder of Samuel was but one among a series of atrocities committed by The Snake and his gang. However, it was covered up and the coroner was paid to tell the barber's wife that he had a heart attack. As they continued their reign of terror, the name of The Snake spread far and wide, evoking both fear and anger wherever it was spoken.

Little did The Snake know that his actions would not go unanswered. Samuel's death set in motion a chain of events that would eventually lead to his own downfall. The barber's wife, Josephine, fueled by grief and a thirst for justice, embarked on a quest to uncover the truth and avenge her husband's untimely demise.

The Snake, blinded by his own arrogance, remained unaware of the storm brewing on the horizon. His reign of terror was about to be challenged by a woman driven by sorrow and a burning desire to bring him to justice. But he underestimated Josephine's determination and the lengths she would go to ensure that The Snake paid for his crimes.

Josephine stared at the barren walls of her late husband's barbershop, the flickering candlelight casting eerie shadows across the room. The once bustling hub of the town, filled with laughter and lively conversations, now echoed with the silence of an untold secret.

Her husband, Samuel, had been the beloved barber of the community, known for his skills with a razor and his gentle demeanor. But something dark lurked beneath the surface, a secret that had cost him his life.

It had been a month since Samuel's mysterious demise. The official story was that he had suffered a heart attack, but Josephine couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story.

Determined to honor her husband's memory, she decided to take over the barbershop and carry on his legacy.

As Josephine began rearranging the shelves and cleaning the dusty tools, she noticed a loose floorboard near the barber chair.

Curiosity overtook her, and she knelt down, prying it open. To her astonishment, she found a hidden compartment containing a tattered note and a pouch of money. The handwriting on the note was unmistakably Samuel's.

"My dearest Josephine,

If you are reading this, then I am no longer of this world. My demise was not a natural one, but a murder most foul. I have hidden the truth from you and the town to keep you safe, but it is time for justice to be served. The man who took my life walks among us, concealed by his deceitful mask. Find him, Josephine, and avenge me. Be careful, for evil wears many faces.

Yours eternally,


Josephine's heart pounded in her chest as a mix of grief and rage consumed her. Determined to uncover the truth and carry out Samuel's final wish, she embarked on a perilous journey through the treacherous wild west, a landscape marred by darkness and desolation.

With the note as her guide, Josephine followed a trail that led her deep into the heart of the untamed wilderness. The whispers of the wind echoed tales of a notorious outlaw known as "The Snake," a man whose reputation was built on deception and brutality. As she delved further into the unknown, the line between reality and nightmare began to blur.

Haunted by visions of her husband's murder, Josephine found solace in her unwavering resolve. Armed with her husband's straight razor, she ventured into the lawless towns, discreetly gathering information and piecing together the truth. The closer she came to discovering the identity of Samuel's killer, the more she sensed the ominous presence of evil closing in around her.

In a town hidden within the shadows, Josephine confronted "The Snake," a man who wore an eye patch in the local pub. As she stood before him, her hand trembling with vengeance, she saw the soulless eyes of a remorseless killer staring back. The moment of reckoning had arrived.

The man, stricken with Josephine's beauty, offered to buy her drinks. Once he was intoxicated, she invited the man back to the barbershop for a haircut and a shave.

At the barbershop, Josephine drapes the man with a cape. He tries to grab her arm and pull her close for a kiss, but she kindly pulls away. She is disgusted with his advancements.

With a swift and precise motion, Josephine drew the razor across The Snake's throat, severing the source of his wickedness. With blood spatter on her face, she continued to dismember his body and bring him, piece by piece to the bonfire each night until every piece of him was gone.

The darkness that had plagued her and her late husband dissipated, replaced by a bittersweet relief. Samuel's spirit could finally rest, knowing justice had been served.

Josephine found solace in knowing that her husband's legacy would endure. The once secretive town barber shop became a beacon of truth, a place where the stories of Samuel's life and the tale of Josephine's retribution were whispered in hushed tones. Josephine herself became a legend, an embodiment of strength and determination, forever etched into the town's history.

As fate would have it, the paths of Josephine and The Snake converged in a final confrontation, marking the end of an era and the beginning of justice. In the eyes of the townsfolk, The Snake's reign of terror had come to an end, leaving behind a legacy of horror and a name that would be forever etched into the annals of the Wild West.

The wild west had witnessed a horror that had been brought to light, but in the heart of that darkness, Josephine had discovered her own light—a flame fueled by love, loss, and the unyielding spirit of a woman seeking justice.

July 11, 2023 22:37

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