Drama Fiction Inspirational

“It’s all on me, please there is no need to pay me.” I enjoy reading for others, it helps me and my community.

 My name is Tristan and I’m here daily as part of my job. I’m twenty-three and I stopped going to college. To be honest, my college year was stressful and no one liked me. That’s when I decided just to drop out. I thought it would be better for my mental health not to attend college classes anymore. 

It wasn’t easy just to drop out of college just like 1-2-3. It was a very slow and weak process. Time goes by, and I spent my days learning at the library by reading all alone. A lot of people struggled with reading, and they came here because they are international students and need help with their reading. 

I haven’t had a job before, but this kicked the spot. 

From the time the library opened at 8 am, until closing at 10 pm, I was there. I felt like I was a tutor, and I tried not to give the international students struggling with the answers, but I wanted to read for them, not with them.

I stand up, needing to use the washroom. I asked the librarian if she could watch my stuff. There was no problem with that. 

The washroom walls were thin, and I was able to hear everything from outside. I wasn’t impressed at all. One of the international students was telling the librarian that I shouldn’t be there. She mentioned not wanting to be read to, even though it was my job. I had this job for the longest year. 

I returned. Thankfully, my stuff was still there and the librarian was keeping a good close eye on my belongings. Still, even though I heard everything from the washroom – I decided not to say anything of what I heard, yet. 

As I walked back slowly to the table, scared and anxious about someone saying something bad. I sat down and began to inhale and exhale deeply. 

I tried being patient, pretending nothing happened and I began reading from the beginning again.

Afterwards, it hit around 1 pm and I was starting to get really hungry. I decided to leave my important stuff behind and called it a lunch break so I can get some food and come back to the library. 

The library wasn’t far away from the five-minute walk I took to the plaza that has all the fun shops, mixed with grocery stores and restaurants. 

30 minutes later, I came from the cold and sat back down. 

A few of the international students left, and some stayed. 

I continued at it again, reading. This time I read harder to the point my voice was sore and I couldn’t talk. I wanted to take the day off.

Thankfully, the day was so close to ending. 

I continued to read and help others for the last few hours before I felt worse and I had to leave earlier. It was okay as there weren’t any more international students by the end of the day. 

I had a car parked close to the library and needed gas urgently. 

It was fortunate that there was a gas pump a few minutes away. The nice young man at the front helped me fill the car for gas and I drove home.

When I got into my house, I threw my coat on the floor and shut off my phone so I could rest before I felt like throwing up.

6 hours later…

I wake up, all cold and sweaty. I was starving and felt like I didn’t eat in hours. It’s the truth, but it’s only 8 pm and I slept for a long time. 

I get up and pulled out already-made bean soup from the fridge. 

It was already ready in my favourite new purple container ready for me to warm up in the microwave. While the soup was warming up, I opened the cabinet to take the original cherry flavour hall, for my sore throat. 

I was able to rest, but the sickness was getting worse and it felt more like a sore throat. I had problems walking, I had back pain and severe headaches. 

I sat back down after finishing my soup and called for help. I don’t have a caregiver or anyone that could help me. 

“911, what is your emergency?”

I was scared and my fear of talking to emergency services scare me. I told them, I am dying, I know that I’m dying. 

They made sure to send someone right away. 

It was the first time, I felt so stupid and cruel. I volunteered at the library to read to people? That’s stupid. I know I should’ve stopped sooner. Reading for others made me feel weak. 

It started from my throat, down to my whole body. 

The ambulance took me to the hospital immediately with no hesitation. 

Once we got there, it wasn’t so busy and I was in a room so they could check my blood pressure. My blood pressure was high but wasn’t intensely high. 

Dr. Gabosol brought over a blue gown that I could put over myself. 

I was told I couldn’t keep my real clothes and I had to use the hospital gown.

I would be here for at least two days and overnight. 

I still felt light-headed and I was starved. 

Dr. Gabosol was on shift for the whole night, and he was generous enough to bring me a full platter of food that I could eat. While, he brought the food over the operator and helper from the ambulance who brought me, left. 

I was grateful for their dedication and service. 

After staying a few hours in my room, I fell asleep in no time.  

As I woke up, my lights were on and Dr. Gabosol wasn’t there anymore. Someone named Dr. Anna was there instead for the remainder of my stay. Dr. Anna was still really good at her job and made me happy. 

Dr. Anna took my blood pressure, and I was safe to get discharged a day early as all my test results were normal and I felt better in no time. 

I checked out, and my best friend Johnny drove me home. 

December 07, 2022 16:15

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