Lady Tattle-Tale

Submitted into Contest #254 in response to: Write a story in the format of a gossip column.... view prompt


Historical Fiction Fiction Contemporary

Quill of the Scandal 

By Lady Theresa Donahue

Courtship in the Ballroom at its Finest

‘Tis the season where love doth hang in the air, and much appreciation to the notorious Penningtons for a night teeming with oh-so longing looks, lingering hands, and lustful whispers in dim lit gardens. The glamorous ball held in their estate was a source to declare to you, dearest reader, of the grand, romantic charades taking place in the magnificent gathering. 

Courting that night was at its finest, young beaus stepping up to dance with striking mistresses and fair ladies. Some were even reported to have shared a dance more than twice, a scandalous act of mutual admirability that blossomed new connections in the ballroom. However amidst it all was fair Princess Mariah Iris Pennington, daughter to King Hugh Laurence Pennington the second and Lady Madeline, who was seen dancing with the exquisite, well-known Duke of NightingaleVane Kavannaugh. The pair were seen dancing in an intimate position, and chatter spread quickly of an upcoming proposal. The swell couple parted ways before King Hugh announced his sole daughter betrothed to the Duke. Many young ladies were seen looking at the Princess with dudgeon looks, some went as far to be spotted dampening their skirts for a skintight illusion, a quickly spreading illicit and inappropriate act that declared them as chit baggage. 

The unexpected arrangement of the striking pair was hasty, and both parties, however delighted they may have seemed while sharing a dance, appeared to have had blue-deviled expressions, signaling to an arranged marriage of convenience meant to form an alliance with the Penningtons and the Kavannaughs. 

Duke Vane was later spotted leaving the estate, giving the Princess a noble kiss of the hand as a farewell. 

The gossip mongers around now beg the question, when will this unlikely pair be joined at the altar, and how far have their respective families gone to urge them into this matrimony? 

This will be a topic for my next issue, and thus, I bid you loyal readers a farewell. 

Quill of the Scandal

By Lady Theresa Donahue

 A Princess and a Duke, lest this turn into chaos? 

Two fortnights ago, Princess Mariah Pennington and Duke Vane Kavannaugh, were arranged to join in matrimony at an extravagant ball hosted by the Princess’s family. And if you have been following along, dearest reader, you’d know that by now the couple has been seen courting in public affairs by longing looks, hand offerings, and intimate smiles. Their relationship is unfolding at its peak soon before they are set to wed. The couple are seemingly perfect to the people amongst them, the fair Princess and the noble Duke, but new sightings have unfurled a ludicrous secret that has the Penningtons teetering on the edge of social acceptance and refusal.

For their own daughter, now betrothed to a man she doth be loyal to, was seen in a dark garden on the edge of the Pennington Estate, sneaking in a mysterious costermonger. 

The man, who has yet to be identified, was seen holding the Princess in an inappropriate way whilst they conversed alone in the dark, a forbidden act that discerns the Princess as a sneaking, unloyal adventuress. The mysterious man was reportedly seen giving the Princess a prolonged kiss before leaving, arousing rumors and gossip of what could be a potential affair. Upon finding out of this bamboozling act of deceit from his betrothed, the Duke carted off the marriage, claiming that the Princess be left a spinster for all eternity, concluding no man would take her as a wife if she was bound to adventure with other men. 

The Princess, now shamed and disgraced by her father, has not been seen since the scandal unfurled. Her mysterious lover is yet to be spotted, leaving us all pondering where he must be. 

Quill of the Scandal 

By Lady Theresa Donahue 

Fair Princess or Conniving Adventuress? Will she ever wed?

Many a week has passed since you and I were last here, my reader, and in the time of our absence, much a tale has been told. The Duke of Nightingale, formerly engaged to Princess Mariah Pennington, has now been seen in courtship with yet another fair woman, Lady Madeleine Whickam. The amiable couple are set to wed soon next week, an event we eagerly await. And while the Duke has turned from the wretched past of the affair between his former fiancee and a lesser known man who is still unknown, the Princess has once again been seen with him on Pennington House grounds, which allowed the King to enforce his guards with the duty to exterminate her lover should he be spotted trespassing once more. 

The King has not announced to his people what will be made of the scandal, but many believe the Princess will execute an escapade to frolic with her beau. This might be unlikely, however, because the young lady has not shown any interest in hunting her lover. She has been seen in some public events but it’s been noted all young suitors avoid her, as her reputation as a mawkish adventuress appeals as a repellent, 

Quill of the Scandal

By Lady Theresa Donahue

The Princess is Atoning and Drawing in Suitors. 

In the weeks following the Duke and now Duchess Kavannaugh’s matrimony, the Pennington Princess has redeemed herself worthy of a man’s attention, for her affair partner has rid of the premises and new suitors have begun to approach her. One of the fellow whipper snappers that have caught the public’s attention is Sir Alastair Huntsman, who comes from a noble family in Town. 

The two have been seen showing signs of courtship, and many people are left wishing for the blossoming relationship to end, as the ambition of Sir Huntsman to wed such a chit lady is seen as quite the rebellious act. The two are rumored to be approved by the King, who wishes to go along with any further development of the relationship. Many people are now left wondering if this means another proposal to the young Princess, and what that would entail, considering her past acts of betrayal. The suitor, who gave me a quick word, assures me that he is deeply fond of the Princess, and believes she is past her wild era. 

However some are still hesitant to believe the intentions of the Princess, and if they are wholehearted. But the Upper Orders of Town only wish to acknowledge one thing: will history repeat itself, or can the Princess redeem her loyalty to those she devotes herself to? 

Quill of the Scandal 

By Lady Theresa Donahue 

Marriage Should be A Happy Tale, Must It not? 

In the following editions of The Quill, I have covered the topic that the Adventurous Princess of Pennington House has been seen courting a noble sir, whom many of which believed was bound to leave the Princess regarding her fudgy past. This is why it comes to many as a surprise to know that the two engaged three fortnights ago, and were set to wed yesterday. Yet the Penningtons must be burdened with the curse of unrequited love, for the young couple’s ceremony was interrupted dastardly by a young fellow, who barged in to announce his undying love for the Princess. Word quickly spread that the man was the Princess’s forbidden lover, and the crown guards were nifty in completing their duties. 

What was ought to be a tale of new beginnings, ended as a nightmare as turmoil ensued, and the mysterious lover was terminated with a pair of barking irons. The engaged couple, enraptured amidst the chaos, were left vulnerable to the dangers of the shoot out, and the noble Sir Huntsman went to protect his bride. This took his life violently, as two bullets struck his chest, and left him to bleed out atop the altar. People of the Town were quick to assume and cast the blame on the Princess herself, for her presence summoned her disappeared lover. His sudden outburst left people wondering if her affair had continued even after she began courting Sir Huntsman, and the people were keen to take her life as well for the chaos she’d wreaked. 

The matrimony ended abruptly after the incident and the bodies were taken from the site by order of the King. The Princess was last seen in black mourning wear in the gardens of the estate, but who it is she’s mourning, is not known.

Quill of the Scandal

By Lady Theresa Donahue 

The Mistress of Death

In the weeks following the horrible incident at Princess Mariah’s wedding, she has continued her mourning, and is now always seen in a trademark black gown with a black veil. Due to her ghastly appearance, she has now been nicknamed by the Townspeople as The Mistress of Death, as it is continuously believed she was the source of the lethal ceremony that took the lives of two. 

She is currently residing in her estate, out of view from the people and lost for hope when it comes to future courting and marriages as most suitors fear what might occur should they offer her a hand. The Princess’s tale has been quite an eventful one, and one I had much fun reporting to you, darling reader. As rumors continue on her whereabouts and future occurrences, stay tuned for new issues covering the Pennington’s and their wellbeing after the disastrous event that is set to go down in the Town’s history.  

June 14, 2024 14:09

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