Romance Teens & Young Adult High School

My tennis shoes tap against the concrete Brookmont school floors as I walk to Coach Biles' office.

She told me to meet her in her office after school to discuss tomorrows game. I'm unsure what it's about, but I'm assuming she's going to bring up the fact that half the girls on the soccer team are out sick with a terrible cold that's been going around. We most likely are going to have to cancel the game tomorrow.

When I reach the wooden door labeled 'Coach Biles.' I lift my fist and tap my knuckles against the door.

"Come in," Coach calls from inside, her voice muffled through the door.

I turn the metal door handle, open the door, and slip inside.

Coach is sitting at her wooden desk, flipping through papers in her hand and licking her finger occasionally to catch the paper against her fingertip. She looks up at me. "Ah, Everliegh, take a seat."

She gestures to a wooden chair on the opposite side of her desk, closest to me. I sit on the chair, waiting for her to speak.

"So," she starts, setting her pile of papers down to the side. "I'm sure you've noticed that many of your teammates are out sick."

I nod, a little concerned by the fact. "Yeah. Darla's been on bed rest for the past few days. Her mom had to take off work to take care of her."

Coach Biles nods, typing on the keyboard angled to face her, but to the side so she can still see me. "Yes, the game is going to be very interesting tomorrow."

I raise an eyebrow. "We aren't going to cancel it?"

She shakes her head, distracted with her computer. "Half of the boy's soccer team is out sick too," she pauses, moving her mouse across the mouse pad while chewing gum. "They've volunteered to combine our teams for tomorrow's game."

I blink for a few moments, staring at her. "We're going to play with the boys? Not against?"

The boy's soccer team and the girl's soccer team have always been rivals. We've played against each other a few times just for fun, but it's always extremely competitive. I believe the boys are just pressed that the girls are just as good as them. Especially the team captain.

Coach nods, barely paying attention to me as she types away on her keyboard. "Yeah."

I hesitate for a moment, not liking this idea at all. "Is the boys' team captain out sick?"

Coach shakes her head. "Grayson is not out sick, Everleigh."

I frown, thinking of an excuse to not like this idea without giving her the useless excuse 'I hate his guts.'

"But I'm the girls' captain," I protest. "Who's going to lead the team?"

Coach Biles finally turns her attention onto me, her eyes meeting mine. "You're going to work together. No fights, alright?"

I huff. "This is stupid."

She narrows her eyes. "You're going to work with him, and you're going to like it. Now go home, I'm busy."

I fight the urge to roll my eyes as I slip off my chair and leave her office.

The next day I arrive at the field, my cleits pressing against the damp grass as I head over to the bench, ignoring the boys giving me glares and walking up to my friends.

Jaclyn, one of my best friends, glances at me. "Hey, Everleigh. Grayson was just looking for you."

I sigh, running a hand over my face. "Today's going to be torture."

It's seven in the morning. Too early to be talking to Grayson out of all people.

Grayson and I have hated each other since freshman year. Not just on the field, either. In classes, too. Not just sport rivals, academic too.

One of my other friends, Kaylee, stands beside Jaclyn. "Tell me about it. How are we going to work with them?"

"I don't know," I mumble, setting my water bottle down with my backpack.

Before anyone can say anything else, Grayson appears next to me, tall and dirty blonde.

He looks at me, his face straight. "We need to talk strategy."

I sigh, straightening my spine. "Do we have to? Can't I just talk to another boy on the team? Someone who's not you."

Grayson narrows his eyes at me. "No, I'm the captain."

"So am I." I cross my arms.

He doesn't respond and starts speaking, not giving me a chance to add anything. "Both Coach Compton and Coach Biles say we can work together. We'll have two strikers, you and I." He starts listing off the boys' names, fitting them into positions on the field.

"Well, that won't work," I cut him off. "Jules is always on defense, and Harley always plays goalie."

Grayson sighs. "Harley can play goalie second half."

"She should play the first half," I argue, even though it doesn't matter.

At this point, I'm just arguing to argue.

He lets out another frustrated sigh. "Fine, she can play the first half."

"Never mind." A small smirk tugs on my lips. "She can play second half."

Grayson narrows his eyes at me, a small flicker of amusement shining in his eyes before he hides it with frustration. "Jake plays goalie first half, Harley second." Before I can make another snarky comment he continues. "I can move Blake to offense if Jules only plays defense. Not a problem."

I stare at him at his compliance, unsure of why he's being so agreeable. "Fine."

"We work together," Grayson says, pronouncing his syllables carefully like I'm a child, making sure I understand. "Do not get competitive on me, Everleigh."

My eyebrows narrow as the team we're going against takes their position on the opposite side of the field, mixed with boys and girls from Westbrook, a school a few towns away.

Even if the girls on our team weren't sick and the boys hadn't volunteered to join our team, we would still be playing against a co-ed team. So I guess it's a positive that we have a mix of boys on our team, playing more evenly against Westbrook.

Grayson stares at me with bright blue eyes, waiting for me to respond. I reluctantly nod and he smiles, satisfied.

I roll my eyes, annoyed he's being the mature one in this situation.

"Everyone get in position," Coach Biles yells. "Everyone is working together! If I see anyone being competitive, you will be benched!"

Coach Compton is standing beside Coach Biles, watching with a look of frustration on his face.

Looks like Compton and Biles don't get along either.

Everyone floods our side of the field--the left side. I approach the center circle, but hesitantly glance over at Grayson, knowing he might want to do the kickoff. But to my surprise, he gestures towards the center circle, urging me to go on. He has the faintest smile on his face that isn't like the other smug ones.

I stare at him for a few moments before looking back in front of me, getting in position for the kickoff, glancing over at the other player on the opposite side before looking at the referee approaching.

The referee comes forward with a coin, glancing back at Coach Compton. "Heads or tails?"

Compton smiles smugly. "Tails."

Coach Compton and Coach Biles along with Westbrook's coach watch as the referee flicks the coin into the air, the coin landing on his palm.


The soccer ball is passed to me for the kickoff.

Everyone waits in silence before the referee blows the whistle, signaling the start of the game.

I don't hesitate to kick the ball back to one of my teammates, Jackie.

The game goes on as our team seems to be winning, pushing back against Westbrook more than Westbrook pushes against us. I pass the ball to my teammates, preferably the girls. Although the boys are on our team, that competitive side of me is still pushing me to pass to the girls instead of the boys.

Grayson gets the ball often, too, and I find he passes it to me a lot.


Later, it's already past halftime, nearing the end of the game. We're tied 2-2, as Westbrook has a great defense and we have a great offense, preventing either of us from getting too far on the field.

We have one last chance to get a goal, and I'm currently crossing the field with the ball. I pass with Jaclyn back and forth, nearing the goal. But as the ball hits my feet, Jaclyn gets blocked by another player, forcing me to do this alone.

I keep pushing through, dodging a player before I realize I need to pass to someone, as two players are closing in on me.


Grayson's voice echoes through my ears, and I turn my head to see him standing alone, no one to block him. He's looking at me with hope. Hope that I won't let my competitive side win.

And it's currently fighting at me, telling me to attempt to get the goal myself.

Everything goes in slow motion as my eyes dart to the side of the field, where one of the referees is looking at his watch, counting the time.

It's about to be over.

Time to choose.

My eyes flick between Grayson and the ball.

"Everleigh." Grayson's voice is lower, like a warning.

Oh, that only feeds to the competitive side, Grayson.

But, the snarky look on the two players that are closing in on me fuels the side of me that wants to win.

So, I choose.

I move my feet, passing the ball to Grayson with a hard kick.

He gives me a smile. Not snarky or smug. More thankful, and impressed. Proud, even?

The players scowl and watch as Grayson's foot moves to kick the soccer ball into the goal. The two players that were closing in on me moved to go to Grayson. The goalie moves towards Grayson instead, preparing for Grayson to kick the ball into the goal.

He fakes it, missing the ball and instead kicking it back to me.

A grin spreads across my face.

He's giving me the win.

I force that slow-motion feeling out and make my legs move, pressing forward and with a hard kick, sending the ball into the goal.

The referee's whistle is muffled against the cheers of both the crowd and our team.

Westbrook shuffles away back to their bench, ignoring our team's victory and celebration cheers.

My eyes flick back to Grayson who's grinning at me with dimples, white teeth, and gleaming blue eyes.

Jaclyn appears next to me, giving me a nudge with her shoulders while smirking at me with a knowing look. "That was pretty nice of him, huh?"

I look back at her, surprised as I did not expect those words to come out of her mouth. "What?"

"He gave you the win," Jaclyn says simply, the confirmation of the words making my stomach spin.

"Whatever," I mumble, forcing myself to seem annoyed, covering the other happy emotion I feel.

I walk past her, towards Grayson.

He's still grinning, only he's pressed his lips together in an attempt to suppress his smile.

I raise my eyebrows at him, my expression a little bit more soft than how I'd usually look at him. "I still don't like you."

"Mhm," Grayson teases, looking down at me as I brush past him.

I turn my head as I walk past, my eyes locked on him and that smirk.

So much for rivals.

June 26, 2024 02:35

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Sarah Baker
20:45 Jul 01, 2024

The tension!! So well done, love this story!


Addison Frame
17:10 Jul 05, 2024

awww thank youu!


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