(Warning: Character Death!)
I don’t know where I am. One moment I’m walking home from school and the next I find myself here. I am tied to an old, wooden chair in a room I can't see far in. The room is dark, but there is little light coming from the red candles that are placed around me in a circle. The stone floor is cold to the touch, telling me I’m wearing nothing on my feet. My favorite band jacket is also missing.
The smell in the air is thick with dust and something horrid. I don’t know what that smell is, but it has a hint of copper to it. It reminds me of that time when I saw a cat killing a bird. The smell of blood from the bird had a copper smell to it too. Is that what I’m smelling now? Blood?
I feel my heartbeat faster and harder in my chest. My skin begins to feel cold and clammy. A bead of sweat rolls down my spine, causing goosebumps to form all over my body. I can hear my blood running in my ears as well as my breathing. My breaths come in quick, panicked bursts. My lungs start to feel the strain of my labor to breathe, it hurts.
I begin to pull at the rope tying my wrists to the arms of the chair. Pain shoots up my arms, but I don’t care. I need to get out of here before my captor returns.
“I see you’re awake. Good, that means we can get started,” says a young woman’s voice somewhere behind me in the darkness. I turn my head the best I can, but I can’t see her. I did hear her move, however. As she walks, I hear her shoes clicking onto the hard, stone ground. It is a sound I’m familiar with. The sound of high-heels.
The woman comes into view. Shock fills my mind as I take in her appearance. She is not how I expected her to look. She is young, that’s not surprising, but her eyes, or rather one of them, is stitched shut with thick, black thread. Her other eye shows a black ring around her green iris, giving her an animalistic look. It makes me feel like a rabbit caught by a wolf as she stares into my soul with that eye.
“Hello, Benjamin. It’s nice to finally meet you,” she said with an innocent smile, but I can see the evil behind it, as well as the perfect white teeth.
“What do you want from me?!” I demand loudly, trying to hide my fear from being heard in my voice, but I didn’t succeed if her eyes shining with glee is any indication.
“Oh, it’s nothing personal, sweety. I just need you for a sacrifice,” the woman said so casually as if talking about the weather. It makes my stomach roll and twist with nerves that she can speak about murder so easily.
“You won’t be able to get away with this!” I told her. I don’t know if I’m trying to buy time, or talk her out of it. Maybe it is both, I’m sure someone is looking for me right now.
“Won’t get away with it? Oh honey, but I’ve been getting away with my sacrifices every year, and no one has caught me yet.” My eyes go wide in shock. How is that possible? I voice this question aloud. “It’s simple really. I have this spell that makes everyone forget my next victim. In this case, everyone forgot that you, Benjamin Wills, have ever existed. Your family, your friends, classmates, teachers, even the people that you see every time you walk into a store. Every single one of them has forgotten you. I can show you just how effective it is.” She walks over to my bound form and taps me on the forehead.
I don’t understand why she did that, but then images flood my mind. I see a boy that is the same age as me. We are in school laughing, studying, playing basketball, and hanging out. He was my best friend, but I forgot he was until now. How could I forget my childhood friend?
“That was your best friend Charlie. I used him in last year’s sacrifice, so I made everyone who knew him forget. Now it’s your turn!” the crazy lady says with a cheerful smile on her face. It frightens me. It is all so wrong. No one should look like a kid about to raid a candy store when talking about killing someone.
I bow my head down, knowing there is no way I can escape. Even if I did, where would I go? No one remembers me, not even my mom. That memory spell is too powerful for anyone to suspect anything or anyone was missing. I couldn’t even see Charlie in the pictures that I have in my bedroom. Charlie...I’m so sorry I forgot about you, but at least I’ll see you soon.
I look up when I hear something metal being placed onto the floor. It is a bowl. I think it’s black, but it is hard to tell in the candlelight. The light makes it glow and appear to be covered with dry blood.
“I’m glad to see that you stopped fighting,” says the witch. “I’m going to tell you how this is going to work. You’ve earned it for being so cooperative. I just need a few things from you. I need an eye, a strand of hair, and all of your blood. Of course, the blood loss is what will kill you, but you won’t be going to Heaven or Hell. No, where you’re going is worse than Hell, but don’t worry, you’ll be with your friend again, right? It shouldn’t be too bad.”
“...W-where is it that my soul will go?” I just had to ask, even though I know it was a mistake.
“Your soul will be in the belly of my master, Samhain. You know, the demon of Halloween?” I can feel my blood leave my face. I knew it was a mistake to ask. I’m going to be eaten and no one will ever know.
A bell chimes 12 times throughout the dark room; the sound bouncing off the walls in an echo, giving it an eerie tune.
“Oh, it’s midnight already. Well, time to get started. It was nice talking to you Benjamin, but now my master is waiting for you.” My mind and body freeze as her words sink in, but before I can react I see a silver gleam slice through the air and feel a cold sting hit my neck. I try to suck in a breath, but I choke instead. I can’t breathe, and the room...it’s getting darker. I didn’t think that was possible. Why is my heart slowing? Oh…
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Wow, That was a different take on the prompt. Your character is the one missing that no one will remember. I really liked this story. Great job.
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. It was one of those stories that run away from you and write itself. I went along with it because those stories have a way to be better than anything else I could think of.