Coming of Age Fiction Romance

Blue eyes. Blond hair. Muscular. Kind. Stereotypical? Maybe.

But I couldn't care less. This is the boy of my dreams, and he hangs out with me every day.

"Did you get that biology project done?" Jackson asks.

"No. You?"

"Nope." I look up at him. He's about an entire head taller than me, and just looking into his caring eyes makes my stomach do flips. We lock eye contact for a second before he brushes his hair out of his face and clears his throat.

"Maybe we could get together to work on it soon." I smile.

"Yeah, that would be terrific." The bell rings, bringing me back to the present. Other students in the halls come back into my peripheral vision. I didn't even notice I tuned them out. Jackson flashes me a quick grin, and we walk into the classroom.


After only a couple of giggles at Jackson's remarks and multiple scowls from our teacher, the class is out for the day. I wave goodbye to Jackson, reluctantly, of course, before getting in the car with my friend Melissa. I watch Jackson walk away with his friend Braylen, who Melissa is currently dating. Melissa smiles at me when I open the car door.

"Hey, girl! How was your last class?" She opens a handheld mirror to check her lip gloss. She's gorgeous as always, tan skin, blonde hair, and icy blue eyes.

"Good, good."

"I bet it was even better since Jackson was there," she says with a sly smile. I roll my eyes at her.

"You know what I've told you. He doesn't want a relationship or anything. It's too early."

"But he hasn't told you that," she says. At the end of last school year, Jackson lost his brother in a vehicle accident. I started talking to him a little at the end of last year, which was my freshman year. During the summer, I reached out to him. I just said that I was thinking of him. He didn't respond for a couple of days, but when he did, he asked if we could hangout sometime. Eventually, we decided to hangout at my house with a couple of my friends and his friends. I remember the dullness in his eyes, but how they seem to get brighter every day.

"That's selfish. I'm not like that," I say.

"Oh, c'mon! He's totally into you." But that’s where I think she's wrong. The thing is, blonds like blondes. And I'm brunette. Hot, blond guys don't like brunettes. Brunettes aren't hot. I don't answer her, and she drops the subject. Silence starts to stretch between us until Melissa clears her throat.

"I was thinking..." she smiles. "There's a rodeo this weekend. Saturday at 4 o'clock. I got some tickets." I perk up. We live in Northern California, rodeos aren't uncommon. My favorite part is the dance floor before the actual bull riding starts. Everyone dances to country music on wooden floors under sparkling porch lights. It's a feeling like no other, one where everyone unites with laughter and dance.

"Would you like to come?" Melissa says.

"Totally! Thank you," I say.

"You're welcome."

"Is there anybody else going?" I ask. Melissa sneaks a glance at me and holds back a laugh. I raise my eyebrows.


"So... I got four tickets. One for me, you, and Braylen..." she starts. I cover my face with my hands as heat rises to my cheeks. This time, Melissa doesn't bother withholding her laugh. I smile slightly underneath my hands.

"I was thinking you could invite Jackson!" she squeals. I look at her with a slight frown.

"I don't know if he would like that," I finally reply.

"Ha! Yeah, right! If he's with you, he'll want to go," she says.

"But, I don't know, Melissa!" I burst, exasperated. "He's a great friend, but I really don't want to put him on the spot. There's a lot going on in his life. He doesn't need a girl to worry about." Melissa rolls her eyes. I look out the window to see my little yellow house and white porch standing there. How long we've been sitting in my driveway, I don't know. I open the car door and sling my backpack over my shoulder.

"I'm sorry you think that," Melissa shrugs.

"Thank you for inviting me, Melissa. I really mean it." She smiles.

"Of course, Alex. Just think about it, okay?" she says. After minute I finally respond.

"Fine." Melissa squeals, and I shut the door with a playful roll of my eyes. As I turn to walk up the steps of my porch, I take one last look behind me. Melissa is on the phone with someone talking excitedly. I give her a small wave, and she beams at me and waves back. As I walk up the steps and open the door, I think and rethink the text I'm about to send.


Are you busy this weekend? Is what I eventually decide to send to Jackson. I lay on my bed with my phone on my chest, waiting for it to buzz. My room is on the second floor, the walls painted baby blue, decorated with posters of my favorite bands. I rub my hand over the quilt laying on the bed, made by my mom, comforting my nerves. I practically fall out of bed when my phone finally vibrates. Something by The Beatles plays from my speaker in my room, while my fingers fumble to open my phone.

Jackson: No, why?

Me: There's a rodeo this weekend. Would you want to go? Melissa and Braylen are going too.

After a minute of waiting, the bubble, showing the other person is typing, appears on the screen. My stomach erupts in butterflies.

Jackson: That sounds fun. What time?

I can't help but squeal in delight.

Me: The gates open at 4 p.m.

Jackson: Would you like me to pick you up?

Once again, butterflies take over in my stomach. I smile uncontrollably.

Me: That would be great, thank you :)

Jackson: Of course. Can I pick you up at 3:30?

Me: Sounds good.

Jackson: Ok :)

I turn off my phone and sigh. Is this romantic or not? I honestly have no idea.


Saturday comes fast. I contemplate my outfit many times in the morning. Eventually, I decide on a white dress about knee length, with a scoop neck and slight ruffles. I also wear my favorite cowboy hat and boots, the same color with flowers and vines stitched on them. I also curl my hair, which is my favorite way to do my hair. Finally, I wear silver and turquoise stone jewelry. I wait on my bed, holding my phone in a death grip, waiting for Jackson to arrive. Soon enough, I hear the gravel moving, and get a text from Jackson.

Jackson: I'm here when you're ready :)

It takes all of my will not to sprint down the stairs and across the porch to get to Jackson's car. I walk quickly, though. I open the door to Jackson's Toyota Prius, and he smiles, then freezes.

"Jackson?" I ask, nervously. He blinks and looks me up and down.

"You look..." The tension rises, and blood rushes to my cheeks. I quickly look down in embarrassment.

"Get in. Sorry," he finally says. I get in the car and we drive away.


The car ride was full of laughs and jokes, and what seems too soon, we arrive at the venue. The place is already bustling, the smell of hay and manure fills the air. As the sun starts to sink behind the mountains, they turn on the lights. After we get out of the car, I beam at Jackson, not being able to hide my excitement.

"Hey! Alexandra!" I hear someone shout my name from across the parking lot, and I turn around to see Melissa running toward me. She wears a gray v-neck top, and a denim skirt.

"C'mon, Braylen!" she shouts behind her. Braylen rolls his eyes with a laugh and continues to walk. He wears a gray t-shirt, matching Melissa, and jeans, boots, and, of course, a cowboy hat. I glance at Jackson, now that he is standing. All I can think is, god, he looks good. He wears a white button up, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, exposing his forearms. With the shirt, he wears dark jeans, boots, and a cowboy hat that match mine. If you didn't know, you'd think we had coordinated our outfits as well. Luckily, Melissa barrels into me to hide my blushing cheeks.

"We're going to have so much fun!" she says as she jumps up and down in excitement.



After we watch multiple men get bucked off of bulls, there is an intermission. We decide to go down to the dance floor to, well, dance. The lights are strung across the wooden floors from poles, and the familiar sound of country music fills the air as people laugh and sing along. Melissa and I dance together holding hands and singing, really shouting, the words to Boot Scootin' Boogie. All while the boys smile, and sway-dance like men do. Suddenly, the DJ cuts the music.

"This song goes out to all the lovely couples out there!" My stomach erupts in butterflies as I frantically glance at Melissa. Braylen has already scooped her up, but she looks at me and wiggles her eyebrows. I turn around, and my eyes go wide. Jackson, in all of his glory, holds out his hand to me.

"May I have this dance?" he asks with a grin. Is it cliche? Definitely. Do I care? Nope.

"Yes." Is all I manage to squeak out before Jackson places a hand at the small of my back, and grabs my hand. I put my other hand between his shoulder blades, scooting closer to him. He smiles and laughs. There is no tension. There is no nervousness. And nothing has ever felt this right.

"Y'know," he looks down at me and I smile up at him, "I've been waiting for this way too long." Just that one sentence makes me blush so hard, but I don't bother to hide it. In fact, it makes me smile even more. The lights twinkle as It's Your Love by Tim McGraw plays, and this time he scoots closer. Even though it's just one dance, I think that everything has changed between us.

July 20, 2024 01:58

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