Creative Nonfiction Mystery Drama

"Mohika Mahal, the name is enough to describe it's beauty. The palace, which was able to capture anyone's heart. But, more then beauty, that place hide more secrets and unrevealed questions. Every part of that palace is storing a different kind of scent, a different kind of story and many mysteries."

And then the heavy pitch voice lighten up a bit to came down to it's conclusion and the history lecture completed with the professor's last note,

"Mohika Mahal is pretty from it's every part, yet people witnessed few unnatural incidents. That palace is like a like a deep well you never know the depth of it until you view it by yourself."

The deep male voice which was describing the brief history of Mohika Mahal were actually a part of a history lesson on a museum. Students were gathered and listening the high pitch lectures.

The heavy vocabulary and boring phrases by him tensing the atmosphere and sounded like a dull history book, to release the presure professor dismissed there history lectures and grant them permission to view out the place.

Students were wandering around and looking old statues and other old stuffs of that place but a boy with Raven black hair was stand still from it's place, looking an old portrait which was beautifully presenting the Mohika Mahal.

And then from that portrait a low pitched female voice slowly utter,

"My Lord, why are you standing there, come and join me."

The boy is mesmerized after listing it and he took out his hand to touch that portrait but before he touch it, a female friend of him stops him.

"Are you out of you mind, it's not allowed to touch anything. And why you break the barricades around it?"

"But, there's a lady who called me."

"And where is she, in that portrait?

You lose your mind man, after listing that boring history book. Come with me, get some rest."

And then, both of them went out of that part and look around that place, but instead of a boy now there's a man standing in front of that picture. It's look like that person was in his mid forties. Well groomed mustache and finely tailored deep blue coat makes his looks like a person with deep pockets.

He walked closer to see that picture and with a very sad expression on his face he murmured,

"You, when did you leave us alone."

After mumbling that sentence he sat still and recall some tragedies which were connected to that palace.

A young person on his twenties, walked straight towards a big ancient door. It's covered with dust and spider web. Few threads were locking the gate and a nasty smell came from the other side. The boy stepping up to reach it but before it achieve it's destiny, his hand stopped at the middle. When that boy look behind it's a kid about seven or eight holding his hand.

He looked frightened and from his other hand he tightly hold his pajamas. And he tell while shaking,

"Brother, uncle said that side of the palace is restricted. S-s-so, what you were doing that place?"

The teen boy chuckled and reply with a fearless voice,

"My father close that place to protect priceless assets and ancient jewelry. And he isn't allowed us that place because he don't want us to touch them. There is nothing to be afraid about."

And the boy asked very innocently, "Are you sure, there is no danger that place?

I mean father tells me when he was a kid he saw her. "

"Did you really believe in those old folktales, veer. I mean those were very old and who still had faith in them?

'A witch who is thirsty for royal blood is waiting inside and looking for a chance to inherit the soul of emperor Vijayraj Rana.'

You know one day I will show you that there is nothing behind those doors. But kiddo we don't have keys. Maybe next time. We both go together"

The small kid looks a bit frighten but the joy of accepted by his elder brother is bigger then his unnecessary fears. So, he smiled and replied

"we both went together."


"Prince veer, fell from the balcony. Hurry up, hurry up."

The boy had several injuries on his body. The wounds were looking painful and the blood flowing down from each of them. The injured boy calling his brother who is away from him only few inches but both of them didn't had suitable circumstances to meet. One is suffering from physical injuries and another one is facing the mental trauma.

Injured kid's recalling were stopped after a painful utter. And after witnessing his cousin's last breath that teen gather a bit of courage to hold his injured brother.

He get up his body and stared walking. And after he hold that kid, he came back to his senses. The kid isn't breathing and body set numb. The teens hands were shaking he don't know what to do. He's afraid to face the situation. But somehow his hand went down to check his pulse and as his face they were also numb.

The teen's hand were holding the body which was no longer able to smile again. He never saw his brother without any emoticons.

That kids eyes were no longer up to sense any warmth. But still water stuck in his eyes, to wipe them that person's trembling hands were in way but before they reach there destiny they again stopped midway. That time it's not his younger brother it's his uncle, who came to wipe out his child's body.

He took his son on his arms and the blood drip down from his body. The person took his son away and the teen left alone with blood on his clothes. The eyes of the teen filled with fear and his face wanted to ask many questions but he had to remain silent.

"Dad, why are you spacing out?"

The question asked by his son makes him realise the present circumstances. But his looks were still living the past. And as a result the answer came out was filled with grief.

"Nothing, I just, remembered some old memories."

After the sentence completed the person clenched his fingers, in hope that, may it reduce his agony.

The expressions just came out were such a mess and after noticing the worries of his father, his son asked the reasons, but the person denying that and cover his expression in the name of business worries. And seems like his son satisfied with the answer.

But after he inspect his surrounding with a cursory glance, he notice the old portrait of Mohika Mahal and asked,

"Hey dad! that palace is amazing. My crowning ceremony is going to be held that place?"

His father, looked furious after listing him and with a gaze he replied,

"Naah! We only went that place for an hour and nothing at all. And your crowning ceremony is just a ritual which we held from generation there is nothing amazing about it."

The son didn't get the mood switches of his father, it's always hard for him to understand him but today it's harder then the quantum physics. So, he didn't had any choice but to avoid the harsh reply and keep him company lest till the ceremony.

Both of them went out of that museum but a young boy with dark brown hair stand behind them looking that portrait silently and a tiny curve occur on his face he turn back while closing his eyes and chuckled a bit louder. He went on his dreamland again, where someone is calling him,

"Rajaji (emperor)."

A small fountain inside the Mohika Mahal is flowing water which was smelled like lotus and roses. An alluring woman who is covered on a baby pink attire humming a song about his love.

Her lips which were uttering a song about his lover, were panted like newly bloomed roses. Her eyes were black which were suitable for his big laches and both eyes were set on the entrance waiting for his love's arrival. Her skin is covered from few parts and a bit visible from the left one's. But her skin is fair enough to blend with fabric, which makes her a bit nervous. Her curls were hanging down to her fair skin.

The beauty who is covered with ornaments is mesmerizing. She's soaking her feet on the small fountain, where the aroma of roses is spread. She try not to look but her eyes were somehow find a way to look at the gates and the restless emotions were covering her have while a maid friend who is standing close to her, slowly mumbled on her ears,

"is emperor here?"

The lady startled about that question and in shock she utter few moans outside. But, after realising the reality she's embarrassed for a while. And commanding them to keep quit but her friends weren't listing and the young lady try to hide her red blushed cheeks.

While, they all were laughing an announcement started resonating.

"Emperor Vijayraj Rana, has arrived in the Mohika Mahal."

After listing the news of the King's arrival the lady started preparing to welcome him. Even she know it's hard to meet first but she started preparing. And after waiting for a while the king entered from the gate.

Lady's eyes were flowing from joy and smile is covering her whole face and without missing any moment they merge there heartbeat together. The moments were dripping with love and the pleasure to reunite is presented on both faces. Both of them didn't speak a word but there aura is enough to describe the beauty of love.

For few Mohika Mahal is filled with mysteries but for few it's a simple love story. For few it's just an official palace for ceremonies but for few it's a way of hell. For few it's a scary place that we had leave immediately but for some people it's a place where they store there memories.

Only the portrait of Mohika Mahal is enough to mesmerize a person so,

Think what if I show the real beauty of it.

Think if the past trauma is that painful so, what happened if you know the whole story behind it.

Think if people were that scared from that place why it carry such a name.

Lee's Conclusion,

We all have different perspective to judge something. Just like people judge Mohika Mahal, they think it's a secret but only few know the love behind it.

For few characters that place is an ordinary palace, but for few it's a torture.

For few it's a nightmare, but for few it's a promise.

For few it's a beauty, but for few it's a disgrace.

For few it's only a palace, but for us it's an amazing story which was filled with mysteries.

August 08, 2021 09:01

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