Following the dreams

Submitted into Contest #95 in response to: Write about someone finally making their own choices.... view prompt


Drama Inspirational Teens & Young Adult

Finally Mohan decided to tell his parents that he is not going to attend engineering college after completing his Higher secondary Education. He was well aware of the situation that will be created after he will tell his parents truth that he wants to be a footballer.

He went to his parents room his father was lying on the bed busy on his phone checking his social media . As it was Sunday he was free today and from few years he spent his holiday just scrolling  through social media. His mother was busy in making ladoos for the evening worship of lord Krishna.

As he enters the room His mother asked “What happened do you need something”

He replied “No” , and stood near the gate for some time His parents were busy doing their things . after some time he said in very low voice “Dad, I need to talk about something” .

His father replied “say , what happened”

He continued to speak in very low voice “ I .. I… That Engineering I don’t want to do it”

There was silence for few moments in the room . then his father replied “so what do you want to do”

Mohan said “ I want to become footballer” , he father went to him and slapped him very hardly and shouted “ Idiot , this is why I have wasted a lot of money on your education till now “

Mohan lived in joint family with his parents , two uncles , two aunts their children and his grandparents. He was instructed clearly when he was in class 1 that he has to study hard to become an engineer , as most of their relatives have done engineering . He was told many times since his childhood that if he will become an engineer only that way financial crisis of their family can end. Whenever he goes to play , he was scolded by his parents that kids like him used to study 20 hours a day so should also leave everything and study all day all night as much as he can. Mohan was very good in studies but he never wanted to become a engineer . his first love was football and he only wanted one thing in his life to play for the national team of his country. But he never told his family members that he likes to play football. He gets to play football only when there is sports class in his school. Most of his time at his home was spent studying whether he likes it or not and also he has to attend 4 coaching classes for the preparation of Engineering as well. He was stuck in his life . But after giving board exams and entrance exam for Engineering it was some free time for him so he decided to tell his parents that he wanted to tell everyday that he wants to become a footballer.

After hearing Mohan’s father Nandulal yelling at him all the family members gathered there and everyone was asking why he is shouting at him. Mohan was standing in the corner holding his at his cheeks. Nandulal told everyone that “this Idiot is telling that he will not study anymore he wants to play football , for this I waste lot of money”. Telling this he tried to hit Mohan again but her wife hold her hands and went to Mohan and said “ Football is just a game , what you will get playing football , you can lay football after you become an engineer . when you will earn you can play football as much as you want . you should do engineering Everyone do it and you are also very good at study you will get better job than others.”

Mohan replied in very low voice “ No Mother , I don’t want to do any job I just want to play football”

Now her mother got very angry at him and now she slapped him. Mohan’s grandfather interfered he said “ what are you hitting him like that ,listen to him once. Try to make him understand calmly. “

Lot of fight happened in their family that day and finally they came to conclusion that Mohan has to continue in the field of engineering.

Later that night Mohan decide to leave his home. At 3 AM he jumped from boundary wall of his House and went to an unexpected journey of his life. He didn’t knew that where he will go but he was sure that he will fulfil his dreams one day.

 6 Years later

City International Football stadium

80000 people have gathered to watch Orientation match of the world cup. Mohan’s family has also came to watch the match .

3 Days ago they received tickets for the match. In the last 6 years Mohan’s family tried a lot to find Mohan when he left his home and when he was found tried a lot to get him home and also they were ready to be with Mohan in his decision to take Football as a career . But Mohan didn’t came at home. Since his childhood Mohan was very good at studies so their parents thought that he will achieve great heights in the studies. Mohan never told that he had another dreams of becoming a footballer , therefore his parents also thought that he has dream of becoming an engineer in mind but Mohan has different plans for his future and when everything was going right according to his parents , he told everyone about his dreams and their parents freaked out at him. They were not ready for this decision but when Mohan left home they thought it would be good if we help Mohan achieve his dreams but Mohan was not ready to come home with parents. And after 6 years he contacted his parents to watch him play at international level.

When Mohan was playing on the ground there was tears in the eyes of his parents. They were thinking why they didn’t understand about their child’s dream early. when the match ended Mohan came to his parents and touched their feet. His parents were very proud on him today . Mohan had tears in his eyes , it was from happiness that he achieved whatever he had wanted.

And finally Mohan’s came to his home and everyone was very happy. Mohan went to create many records in the game in the future. And all this happened after his decision to follow his dreams .

Moral: We should also follow our dreams , even if we don’t earn a lot but we will be happy for our entire life doing the thing which we like the most.

May 28, 2021 13:17

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