Crime Science Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

It starts like a normal Saturday, until we get the call. We are the closest unit, so we take it. My name is Maddux Marlow. Being a cops for the last fifteen years has not been easy. Besides the work my daughter died five years ago and my wife suicided one year later. I have had the same routine for the past five years. I get a coffee at Miller brewing co. Then get my partner John. but not today, I woke up late, went directly to John’s house to pick him up. Then, the call came in. The call is neighborhood disturbance with gun shots.

On site, a man is lying on the ground, DOA. We could clearly see the bullet wounds. The man was cutting his grass and got shot in the chest a couple of time. The lawnmower is still running. Before getting out of the car we were on the lookout for the shooter, until his wife and kids tell us it came from the sky. I didn’t believe what the neighbors was saying, apparently a drone drop from the sky and shot the man.

I was already on my second Roxy, but when I heard that I went back to the patrol car and pop another one. My back didn’t hurt anymore but I couldn’t get off the pills. I called in for an ambulance even if the guy is visibly dead.

I’m getting testimony while my partner John Jenkins erects a perimeter, and puts a blanket on the victim. We heard on the radio another shooting occurred about 10 miles from the first one. Another team took the call, we have our hands full with this one. But we heard, it was a drone too, civilians threw rocks at it and made it crash. Probably the same one who shot this man. We have to find who is behind this, and bust his fucking ass.

Not long after that, a third act of violence occurred near us, this time a human-like robot killed his owner by decapitation in the living room, the wife had little time to run with the kids, he got to them in the driveway, they were dead before we could do something, it was a massacre. John shot the robot in the head, but it was too late. And then chaos all around us. We didn’t know what to do, or where to start. Screams and cries were heard all over the town. Nobody knew what was going on at first. Murder, mutilation, people trying to survive the attacks, rivers of blood flowing on the side of the streets.

The robots with A.I. technologies, requested human rights, years ago that’s when the shit it the fan. People trying to out run the humanoid, but they were prepared they were fierce and showed no pity. We made the robots stronger and faster than us. The world is falling apart. Since mankind invented computers, technologies has grown faster than we can understand, or control.

Drones Flying by with guns shooting at civilian. Today everything went sideways. A.I. is everywhere, in our cars, homes, phones, planes. Even vending machine has computers in them.

We were driving for our life, and we hear over the car radio. “This is a important message. This message will repeat it self every half hour. Warning, we are currently under attack, the authorities firmly believe that these are terrorist attacks, if you want to survive these attacks you absolutely need to….” And we lost the radio signal. What the fuck was the end of that message? I guess I will have to improvise.

People were talking about the end of the world; strike from aliens, or god himself putting an end to life. I didn’t believe all that shit. It simple, from what I’ve seen its a computer bug. Bodies lying on the streets, in the supermarkets, gas stations. Robots are trowing people off of buildings. Everywhere we were called we couldn’t do anything, we were too late or outnumbered. The patrol car is getting smashed by all the robots, run over. The robots are trying to get in. John is shooting them with the shotgun we have in the cop car.

The windows are shattered. I get stuck in a traffic Jam, because of the cars are stalled, or abandoned. So I have to wait, then a robot comes out of nowhere and tears the door off, then John is taken from the car. By the time I can get out, he is long gone, and I see a bunch of robots coming my way. I must leave him behind, he might already be dead.

At the police station, it already too late. The robots started a fire and it was burning the whole place down. It’s strategic in an attack, you break down communication and then you hit the police station, fire station, and even hospitals. This is exactly what is going on.

Plan B, I have to find some ammo. There’s a fishing and hunting store nearby, let see if it’s not burning.

I had to leave the car behind, no more gas. It it just a 10 minutes walk, but when you can get killed every 30 seconds, it’s a long walk.

I’m trying not to be seen, so I take the back alley path. As I go over a wooden fence, there it is. A first generation robot, less powerful, and not as fast as the new ones. I think I surprised him. His hands are Bloody, I caught him off guard. That’s when, I punch him right in the nose. Lucky for me, he falls on his back. So I have enough time to unplug the power line. I keep running for the store, I’m close now, but there is an open parking lot. If I cross, they will see me, and they run faster than I can. After a few resting minutes I decided to go for it.

Half way there, an A.I. appears in front of me, in the corner of the store. The machine start walking towards me, I might have a chance, he’s limping. I kick him first, he doesn’t budge, he tries to grab my head, I think he wants to tear my head off. I can’t believe I’m in a brawl whit a fucking robot. He manage to grab my head. he had me in a headlock grip, and he’s pulling on my head. I feel my neck stretch and then his head shatters in a million of pieces, just before I hear the gun shot. Not a hand gun, not a shotgun, a big rifle. I have robot fluids and little parts all over my face.

There’s a guy on the roof with a sniper rifle and he’s killing those droids. He got my back while another guy is opening the door to let me in. On the roof these guys had all they needed, shotguns, hand guns, grenade launchers, hand grenades, knives, and enough bullets to stand like this for a month or two.

We were three weeks stuck on the roof of this store. The government, with the help of the army, found a way to kill them all at once. They shot a missile in all the internet facilities. The robots were all connected to the internet with WiFi. That’s what made their strength, they could communicate with each other whiting a milliseconds.

That day, was my last day on the force. I never went back, to the police station. My partner John manage to escape the attacks of the robots. He hid himself three weeks in the basement of an old church, where there’s no electronics, no A.I. and no WIFI.

When all that shit was over they gave him an award for saving people, but he actually did nothing, except hid in a church. A lot of people died that day, we did our best to save every soul we could. No more robots for me.

It took a lot of time to take care of all the corpse everywhere. Some of them stayed in home and apartment for tree or four weeks. We will rebuild our world, but our souls have scars for life.

Time to go home, if I still have one.

Ten-four, I’m out.

February 22, 2024 16:22

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Miles Gatling
09:13 Feb 23, 2024

Those things scare me. Very nice


M.R. Simon
12:34 Feb 23, 2024

Thank you !!


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Alexis Araneta
08:20 Feb 23, 2024

Oooh, scary take on the prompt ! Lovely job.


M.R. Simon
12:33 Feb 23, 2024

Thanks you very much!!


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Mary Bendickson
20:52 Feb 22, 2024

Like crazy imagination. These prompts are producing mayhem.


M.R. Simon
21:58 Feb 22, 2024

Hahaha.... Thanks !!


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Trudy Jas
20:11 Feb 22, 2024

Great job! Scary thought that one virus could take us out. I thought Covid was bad enough. :-)


M.R. Simon
22:08 Feb 22, 2024

Thank you very much Trudy !!


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