Inspirational Creative Nonfiction Mystery

His face becomes pale, and he was in shock as he realized who that weird old man really was. He tried to control himself but was delirious with emotions.

To make sense of this we need to go back few years when it all began.

A well-off aspiring businessman was having a morning run in the park. Jack was a successful entrepreneur and a man of wealth. Though it was not the same for him all his life as he was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. It was a pure commitment and dedication that led towards his success.

Having qualities such as taking calculated risks without worrying too much about the consequences. Some would say that, it is a textbook business moral; No risk results in no gain!

Jack was leading an ideal life, getting through each phase of the business in triumph and climbing the ladder of success with the company he founded. He had a rigorous routine, wakes up early, runs daily to keep himself healthy and read a lot of books for inspiration. Always kept focus on his work and ignored negative thoughts and comments one would come across during the struggle for a purpose.

With all the properties of a successful business person one would admit, Jack, coming from a low background, also had a bit of philanthropy in his character. Though he was objective and intelligent but also a giver, and cared for others.

So, it was during his daily morning runs when he used to spot a homeless person in the park. It was a daily occurrence.

He noticed, the man wears those same torn cloths every day, sitting beside the track head down, shivering in the morning breeze. Though he was accustomed to ignoring the homeless guy, one day he approached him and said, “Good morning”.

“Morning Sunshine”. Replied the homeless man.

Jack asked, “Are you OK?”

So, the man replied, “I am just an ordinary poor old man without money”.

Jack felt pity for the guy and offered him his sandwich and juice, which was received with a grateful smile.

The Next day, he noticed the homeless man again at the same spot. The man on that day, was staring at him with a wishful smile. This time, Jack gave him some money for a meal and cloths. The homeless man was appreciative for the kind gesture.

So, now this was the affair for a couple of more days before he asked the homeless man, “How did you end up homeless?”

The homeless man responded with a grief, “You tell me, how I ended up here, Jack?”

Jack curiously asked, “How do you know my name?”

The man replied, “I know everything about you, Jack” and then said a few more things. Jack was livid with those answers as it was impossible for the man knowing that much about him.

Curious about his answers, Jack responded in anger, “I get the picture now, you are just a con artist. Hey, I was just trying to give some sympathy but world needs an arrogant and selfish businessman after all, so be it!”

Then, Jack disregards him in disdain whenever he spots that homeless man.

One day, the homeless man was not there in the park. Smiled and relieved, Jack continued his run. So, it was like this for a few more days. Jack forgot about the little incident and moved on with his life.

However, it was something strange about the old homeless man that kept Jack a little peculiar inside his head. But he kept his focus on work and continued with his life.

After a few days the business starts to collapse and Jack’s company was in a difficult position. All the measures were taken to get through the circumstances but his company suffers a major loss and his businesses failed. Jack became bankrupt. Everything went downhill for Jack.

So, now all the negative thoughts and comments that, one always faces during a struggle, continued but Jack’s brain had no choice but accept them. All the goals and hopes went sideways.

Like a usual scenario, one would blame the other and never take the responsibility for own failures, Jack blamed the old homeless man for his failures because the day things started getting sideways for his business was when he met that weird homeless man. You praise yourself for your success but blame others for your failures.

“Accountability breeds response-ability.”

Stephen R. Covey

"For most people, blaming others is a subconscious mechanism for avoiding accountability. In reality, the only thing in your way is YOU."

Steve Maraboli

For Jack, all his personal properties and assets went against settling for the business liability. He got a small job that he hates. His dreams were over, and he became an ordinary man.

So, this one day he spotted that same weird homeless man again, he approached the man and asked, “The other day, when we talked, what was that conversation about? How did you know so much about me?”

The man responded, “I saw myself in you”.

Jack asked, “What does it mean?”

The man replied, “When I used to see you, I saw myself in you. I was just like you, young, charismatic, energetic and ambitious. One day my business failed and I just couldn’t get the motivation to restart, so I gave up”.

Jack asked, “Why your business failed?”

The man answered, “I was a well-off businessman like you. All my life, I cared for others. I hired poor people rather than those with more skills, no matter the consequences. I did well for some time and it made me feel good”.

Jack asked him again, “Do you not regret this now as you have failed?”

Homeless Man responded, “Shame and regret are for those who have failed, and I am happy for what I did for others. The only thing that ignites my suffering is the fact that, people tend to forget you once you are in need and only comes to you crying when you are in a position to fulfill their needs”.

Jack told him everything about his loss and business failure. So, the man comforted him and asked him to get through the difficult days then restart from the beginning.

“Why didn’t you restart then?” Jack asked.

The man replied, “I am a weak old man now, I don’t have the energy that you have. You are still a young man but with an experience and more wisdom now, so you go for it, you may succeed this time”

And the man was right. Jack succeeded and becomes a business tycoon within a few years. There were case studies on his life and business model. He was like a celebrity figure and there was a lot of research on his life and achievements.

One day, during an interview with a business magazine, a journalist asked him about his experience growing up in a foster home and showed his picture during his days there.

Suddenly his face becomes pale and gone into shock as he spotted that weird old homeless man in the picture.

That weird dirty old homeless man was the founder of the foster home where Jack grew up.

“How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.”

William Shakespeare

“Every time you do a good deed you shine the light a little farther into the dark. And the thing is, when you're gone that light is going to keep shining on, pushing the shadows back.”

Charles de Lint

October 02, 2020 20:24

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