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Fiction Sad

Mary has been visiting the Senior Care Facility most everyday for the past five years. She comes to sit with Jim, a man whom she’s dedicated her entire adult life. In the time he has been here, she has watched him wither away in mind, body and spirit, to become a shell of a man who at times feels like a stranger to her. She sometimes wonders if his aged psyche remembers her as his wife, or if in fact, he recognizes her at all. Some days his still blue eyes twinkle with recognition when she approaches, on other visits they seem to look straight through her. These times are the hardest for Mary as she struggles to accept his indifference to her being there.

Today they sit beside each other in the facilities flower garden, he in his wheelchair and she on the little iron bench. The fall leaves flutter and spin around them as they silently watch their colorful dance. After sixty years of marriage, Mary has become an expert at reading Jim’s thoughts and facial expressions. Sometimes words need not be spoken. They hold hands grown veined and gnarled with age and seem to understand that their time together is nearing its end. Jim stares ahead, occasionally squeezing Mary’s hand letting her know he is still with her. Mary reminisces their long life together.  

She closes her eyes and takes herself back to her wedding day. She sees herself walking down the spiral staircase of her parent’s home in her handmade silk gown, carrying a bouquet of wildflowers. She sees Jim at the bottom of the staircase nervously pulling at the tie of his borrowed suit. As their eyes meet, they both smile, calming each others nervousness. A picturesque start to their sixty-year journey together. She reflects on the birth of their children, 

their financial struggles and successes. She wonders at the passing of time and how it seems so fleeting. She ponders where that once young, timid couple has gone. They sit silently, enjoying each other’s company as the sun begins its descent below the trees and the air begins to chill.

As she helps Jim into his bed after their time among the leaves, she has a feeling of finality she doesn’t quite understand. She studies his features that have become so familiar over the decades. She strokes his once rugged face now filled with age spots. Even though the skin is wrinkled and sagging he is still her Adonis. Her handsome Prince Charming. His hair, once thick, curly and dark, has long ago greyed and fallen away. In its place a bald, brown spotted, perfectly round dome which she gently caresses. His body, once strong and muscled is now frail, thin and bent. All of this she takes in as she tucks the blankets under his sharp, whiskered chin. She kisses his sunken cheek and whispers sentiments into an ear which she knows does not hear. She senses her words evaporate around her into the stale, medicinal scented air. After she is sure Jim is comfortable, she remains longer than usual, listening to his labored breathing. She has a sudden sense of dread and doesn’t wish to leave his bedside. Fatigue eventually overtakes her and she bends to give him a final peck on the cheek.  

There is a feeling of unease and anxiety which envelops Mary on the drive home. She blames the weariness that has plagued her of late. The daily trips to visit her husband are physically and mentally draining. She realizes they are living on borrowed time and that every visit could be their last. 

She enters her apartment in the Assisted Living Facility which she occupied after Jim was placed into the Senior Care Home. She hangs her coat in the closet and places her shoes in the 

shoe rack. She takes a glass from the cupboard and is in the process of filling it with water when her phone begins to ring. She places the glass on the counter and pulls the phone from her purse. The caller ID indicates Sunny Brook Nursing Home. She stares at the display but does not answer. She knows why they are calling. She feels a simultaneous rush of sadness and relief. The phone stops ringing and seconds later she hears a ping which signifies a voice message. Ignoring the notification, she makes her way unsteadily to the bedroom. She stands in the middle of the room and surveys her surroundings. Photographs fill up most of the living space. Images are displayed on dressers, bedside tables and hung adoringly on the four walls surrounding her bed. Her life in pictures. Their life. Jim smiling from ear to ear as he holds their first-born child. She and Jim laughing together. Vacations with the children, anniversaries, birthdays and so much more. One by one she lovingly picks up each picture studying every image, burning them into her consciousness. When she is satisfied with her trip down memory lane, she chooses her favorite picture of Jim. He is at the beach, sitting on a large, flat rock. The wind has ruffled his hair and the waves break on the shore beside him. Her phone begins to ring again breaking her reverie. Ignoring the ringing mobile, she hugs Jim’s picture to her chest and reclines, fully clothed, onto her still made bed. 

Mary shuts her eyes and waits for the grief to overtake her. Instead of the pain and loss she was expecting, she feels at peace. A warmth envelops her whole being, pushing out the anguish, fear and distress she was experiencing moments before. Her body is suddenly light and carefree leaving her calm and peaceful in a way she has never felt before. Mary opens her eyes to find her sweet Jim standing beside her bed dressed in his borrowed wedding suit. His blue eyes bright and his wide smile radiating down upon her. Jim extends his hand towards her 

indicating that he wants her to join him. Mary automatically puts her hand in his and finds it to be smooth and strong just as it was on their wedding day. As if floating, Mary and Jim glide across the bedroom floor. Reunited in death to dance among the wildflowers for eternity.


February 20, 2025 00:18

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1 comment

Elton James
00:03 Feb 28, 2025

Ah, this prompt took us to similar places. Who needs the word love when there's a lifetime of connection saturated in it? I loved the description of the wrinkled, skin sagging adonis. I loved the way you guided us through the gates of Mary's sense of what was coming. I adored that as she waited for the grief to overtake her, instead she found peace. I think you could have used a lighter hand, right at the end. You were so deft in the way you'd led us through Jim's passing without ever overtly mentioning death. I wonder if you could have do...


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