Fantasy Mystery Urban Fantasy


'Raistlin,’ went to the sorcery school for becoming a {Powerful Sorcerer!} 'I have been hiding in the shadows for a long time,} and have been getting good at it 'Raven-Wolf!' 'I was invited to go over the crime scene, proceed cautiously until you are sure the location is safe.

Assess any victims and call for medical assistance if needed. Issue a description of the suspect if there’s danger to the public. Use safe procedures when dealing with biological samples. 

It was a sunny day, in a village called “Earth’s Inn!” 

Sitting in the tavern, sipping a gallon of ale, and awaiting an old friend. 

From an owl friend of mine, received about a month ago was marked “Urgent!” 

I was about to give up, when a hooded figure appeared in the shadows, hiding his face, something did not feel right and as I was about to say something, he disappeared in back in the shadows. 

A server asked; {is there anything else deer?} 

A voice spoke in the shadows said’ {ask for Gin!} 

Who is in the dark shadows? 

I asked, the voice spoke and said {Raistlin!} 

Oh, I said! Next question is {why are you in the shadows?} 

Are you hiding from the bounties? Little humor! 

No answer! Just a grumbling noise and then words were soft sound that I could hardly hear or make any sense. 

I finely said come out of the shadows and speak to me please! 

“Raistlin,” you come asking for my help, you hide in the shadows now I ask {Why?} 

It all started when you left the group and took on another quest! 

“Raistlin,” went to the sorcery school for becoming a {Powerful Sorcerer!} 

Catching up on old times, but the real reason I wanted to talk with you is because {Raven-Wolf} I am being accused of murder? 

“Raistlin,” was explaining the whole story, there were so many holes I could not explain, and my curiosity got the better of me. 

The only question that came to mind is {Why are you being accused of MURDER?} 

So, the next question is will I help! That is no brainer the answer was “YES!” 

“Raistlin,” I accept this request! 

People say that {Magic, does or does not Exist!} this part I will leave it up to you to decide! 

On this quest, I request that you make yourself scarce for a few days well I search and figure out what is going on! 

“Raistlin,” said {I have been hiding in the shadows for a long time,} and have been getting good at it “Raven-Wolf!” 

Researching took some time, I produced three suspects, and the answer is in right front of my face. 

  • Setting the scene, I was invited to go over the crime scene, proceed cautiously until you’re sure the location is safe. 
  • Assess any victims and call for medical assistance if needed. 
  • Issue a description of the suspect if there’s danger to the public. 
  • Be aware of potential hazards, such as pathogens, gasoline, and drugs. 
  • Use safe procedures when dealing with biological samples. 

Guess you could say that I was nosing around for some clues and doing so I ran in an old friend talking with “Gold-Moon,” she gave me head up that {Raistlin} is prime suspect. 

I spotted something that the officers missed. 

Picked up, saw something that looked off in the blood spatter and when I got “Gold-Moon’s,” attention she took notice! 

“Raistlin,” was released from the suspect list for now and the murderer was released to the press to find the real murderer! 

In the background the noise of the toucan, warning signs that danger was lurking around, piercing around the shadows was “Raistlin.” 

Going off the trails, a soft sound of direction to come more into the shadows, so once there we were talking for some time and then I showed the piece of the puzzle that was to make sure that “Raistlin” off the hook. 

In back in my little cabin, putting firewood in the pit, snuggling up with a book, sipping a coffee, the soft ruffle in the far distance, someone or something was stirring in the woods and then I was startled by a puff of smoke? 

Returning, as a sleeping dragon, have not forgotten the sounds of the darkness in the forgotten realms and of {Dark Elves,} in the valley of the death.

The rules that all must be followed, something is leading me to fallow through the murder was all wrapped up and the back to the puff of smoke cleared up standing there was “Raistlin.” 

In back in my little cabin, putting firewood in the pit, snuggling up with a book, sipping a coffee, the soft ruffle in the far distance, someone or something was stirring in the woods and then I was startled by a puff of smoke?

Returning, as a sleeping dragon, have not forgotten the sounds of the darkness in the forgotten realms and of {Dark Elves,} in the valley of the death. 

The rules that all must be followed, something is leading me to fallow through the murder was all wrapped up and the back to the puff of smoke cleared up standing there was “Raistlin.” 

Sitting there drinking coffee, it had to be must have been midnight and fell asleep while “Raistlin,” watched the fire flames died out. 

Waking with the fireplace lite a fresh cup of coffee sitting on the table, and a note saying {Thank You, Old Friend!} 

It brought a tear to my eye! 

Going to take another sip of my coffee, was startled by the doorbell ringing, and getting to my feet the knocking stopped my door opened a crack? 

A gust of wind picked up, that was a sign between childhood friends’ and retrieving the parcel the wind picked up freakishly faster than before. 

Opening the parcel, a letter of warning fell to the floor, my eyes widened, it was so beautiful and laced on my wrist. 

Darkness filled the room, using mythological powers, for seeing in the dark, piercing out a shadow, from what I could see an object appeared in front of me guiding in the forgotten realms! 

The walls opened, then suddenly I was surrounded by light and standing in front of me was {Kitiara!} 

Reaching out for a big hug, long time old friend. 

Sorry for that quick disappearance, but it had to be secret if anyone knows that you are here well, we will come to that later. 

Let me look at you, friend! 

I know you just got here, but we do not have time to waste, this bracelet is {Well, let us just say it is not good for you!}

Going down an exceptionally long corridor, to a room full of weapons and lots of maps. 

One question comes to mind and that is {Are you planning to go to War?}  

March 10, 2023 19:26

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