What if?

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic thriller.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction

Short story. What if everyone told the truth. From political figures to the average person walking down the street?

And what if by telling the truth people started to see life in a different prospective, and life as we know it improved, attitudes became more positive less negative, racism a thing of the past, violence non existent, abuse as if it never existed. What if? Then no one would be considered second class citizens, every man would be created equal, white, black, brown, yellow, colors associated with a child's coloring book or paint set. Applications would assess a person worth by their character, life experiences, maturity, not their skin tone....What if? Would the world be a better place? Honesty, and integrity, replace, corruption, greed, and malice?

Think about it, what if.....?

We could look at life through the eyes of innocence; no more wars, poverty, hunger, homelessness, killings, lying, cheating,bullying....no more, no more , no more!!!!!! What if, WHAT IF!!! What if?

we tried.?!#..we tried, we tried. Because what we are doing right now isn't working, isn't working, ISN'T WORKING!!!!

  What if.............................................?

You loved your neighbor as yourself? And even though someone, somewhere has spoken these words before, but it wasn't the right time and they needed to be spoken again? And by having faith, believing the impossible when one sings our national anthem; that GOD has shed his grace on us, would we actually take it to heart? The pastor preaches Sunday morning from the Holy bible, Jesus Christ, God's only begotten son died on the cross for our sins , and yet while we say amen and nod in agreement with what's being said do we actually believe? What if by me writing this short story brought about a chain reaction so powerful that when you woke up the next day life as you now know wouldn't be the same. Would you accept it or be in dismay? We could stop history from repeating itself, stop going along with the norm, because it's always been done that way. Dare to be different, and actually make our country great again, live up to the words written by our forefathers....What if? Then maybe just maybe, the United States deficit could be erased, world peace among every race. Medicine for sickness and disease, would not be for profit or greed. The elderly provided for, those who were promised 40 acres and a mule would receive their just desserts.

Wrongs righted, why does this seem so far out of reach? Is it easier to let lying dogs sleep? Is change so hard, to complicated to achieve? Easier said than done I've heard some say!! Ha!

Take the lazy way out! Why? Look around you, can't you see the brokenness in the world? That the little spurts of happiness are short lived? We're in need of a major overhaul, but to afraid to step into the unknown. Why? What if we tried? What is the worse that could happen that hasn't already? What if by rethinking the way we approach a problem, changing our mindset on how we perceive it we are able to end mental illness, prevent suicide among the masses? Wouldn't it be worth the uncomfortable feeling one would have to brave in order to create a better program, instead of turning a blind eye to the inevitable. What if the system was able to be fixed, and people stopped catering to the mamby pamby's that been in office for so long that the last time anything achieved by them was a year after being elected, with the rest of the time sitting back collecting checks, not being held accountable for their lack of respect for the job which they were elected for? What if terms were set for all officials , to show their worthiness and if in that amount of time, no results worth mentioning; they would be replaced with new talent, somebody with fresh ideas that gets the job done the right way!!! Jesus!! What if this could be put into place right here right now!! No more smear campaigns!! God! I hate those commercials!! Just speak the truth! No body's perfect! Mistakes were made, that's human nature own up to your faults! Never give your opponent ammunition to use against you!! I heard a scripture say mankind would rather believe a lie than the truth in the last days!! The devil is a lie flip the script on that tell the truth!! Leave people utterly and totally flabbergasted. We only have one life to live, why not live your best life, do the best with what's been given to you, stop wasting time on foolishness, strive to start each day with a smile, a hug, I love you, how can I make you day easier. When you give, give your best; not junk, or trash things no one can use, give those things that have been in your closet, garage, storages, for far too long knowing that you're not ever going to make good use of them. Give that stuff to the needy!! Stop being greedy!! I need all that you say? No you don't.

What if we talked about our hurt, pains, desires, dreams, suffering, fears, to one another instead of holding them inside because the ideal of sharing our most intimate feelings scares the crap out of the majority of people. What if by doing so immediately we are able to overcome anxiety, self doubt, low self-esteem. It's worth a try don't you think? As I'm writing this story that doesn't fit any of the genre's that your company posted, I thought what if you don't like my style of writing, because it's out of the normal idealistic way of thinking, but I still was able to connect with someone on the panel of judges that also dares to think outside of the box.!? And what if after all these years of having writers block, that not only have I begun to heal myself, but heal others in the process, taking a chance, when I was unsure of myself and submitting this to you is worth the chance I've taken. Win or lose I've already overcome, so what if I thanked you in advance for something that is yet to happen just because I believe in me. My self-confidence has increased 100%, and at 60 years of age I've accomplished what I thought long lost the ability to believe that I can still do anything I choose to do, my age doesn't matter, how people perceive me doesn't matter. That as long as I believe in myself the world is my oyster, and I'm happy to share that with anyone who is open to listening to me. What if you tried this too?

September 20, 2020 21:14

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15:22 Nov 25, 2020

Well written & well named! Powerful thoughts! I love how you depict today’s circumstances as the subject of the apocalyptic thriller that it is but then challenged us to change the narrative by seeing another, better reality within your “what if...?” I loved that you wrote it from a place of vulnerability yet unapologetically stood on your belief of what a better world would look like to you - inviting us to take a look. I found myself visualizing reality with each scenario you depicted. Thanks for sharing this and for reminding us of the ...


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Meggy House
23:09 Sep 30, 2020

Wow. This was a powerful story. I really love how it escalates: I could feel the passion in your words as the story went on. Normally I find long passages with every sentence ending in an exclamation point stuffy and repetitive, but yours weren't. Yours were powerful and beautiful. As a person in the United States I honestly think we ought to try something like this. I love how you made current society the apocalypse and provided a way to overcome it. Don't take this the wrong way but if you were to run for office I would honestly vote for...


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