American Mystery Sad

This story contains sensitive content

Warnings- suicide, gore, self harm

Nadir- (n.) the worst moment, or the lowest point of something.

Brielle wants to be a forensic psychologist. It has been her dream for years, But Brielles best friend, and aunt was also a forensic psychologist but she went crazy caused by the trauma of her experiences, which not long after she went crazy she was killed. The murder unknown. Brielle wasn’t too sure if she should continue with her dream or not because of what happened with her aunt. It was all short-lived as the nadir of her life came. Her lowest point. Brielle had been locked in her apartment for almost a month. But It was a Sunday when all hell broke. Brielle was hungry, thirst, itching to see another person. She was tired, she wanted to give up. Brielle had been responding to her family saying she was fine. but you can tell she going crazy not having her favorite person with her. Her mom had been trying to make plans for today with Brielle. But she decided to leave. She will go where her feet take her.

In the rain, Brielle walked barefoot through the busy new york street in her favorite white silk dress that flows loose down to her ankles, people were staring she might’ve looked like a psychopath to the surrounding citizens. Her parents urged her to come lunch to see talk with them and some magic doctor but Brielle knew they were trying to send her to a mental institution. No way she was going. She just decided to cancel her schedule for the rainy day, just texting her mkm saying she wont make it. Staring at her phone the screen went black, Brielle stopped and dropped it down a sewer drain. She turned through a couple roads making her way to the main road. She begins to walk endlessly it seems. Brielles mind goes blank. It seems hours have passed. Brielle look down to see her feet are raw, bloodied, and blistered. She is no longer in the city she is up north approaching a small town due to her walking in a crazed mental state. Shes is soaked, her loose dress now very fitting to her skin. She looks up to see a river and a welcome sign on the side of the road. This was a beautiful bridge over the river. She looks down from the side railing. Looking at the beautiful baby blue water, her eyes widened. She smiled softly while firmly holding the rail she pulls herself up onto the rail her feet aching as she falls forward. The rivers current is strong it immediately grabs Brielle welcoming her in, the river swallows her whole. She sinks deeper letting the currents take her away. Brielle slowly open and closing her eyes. She is swallowing quite a lot of water, its filling her lungs weighing Brielle down.

Robbing Brielle of her breath and ability to speak. Her Lungs cannot supply air to the vocal cords and throat because they are filled with a trespassing substance.

But she can feel the heavy weight of her water filled lungs yanking you down, Brielle losing her ability to float. Never minding the loose feel of her body slipping away her consciousness slips in and out. Despite her weightless body, her own skin is heavy and her limbs seem to try to pull her back up with futile flails.

Brielle can hear the blood flowing through her veins, knowing it’s losing the rich red color as her lungs no longer are supporting the need of oxygen. Brielle own mind begins to hate her and punishes her by swelling up her veins and making her head pound numb due to the sounds within her body.

Blood is all she has and even now it’s turned against her in the possibilities that this is Brielles last moment, giving her no chance to hear if help is nearing. Even if she knows they aren’t coming, who would come for Brielle

She can taste the iron coating her tongue and fill the back of her mouth with a slimy bile, knowing Brielle caused this by biting her tongue too hard in an attempt to prevent herself from gasping the water in mistake for oxygen

She is still flowing with the river its going very fast, Brielle collides with a very large rock its sharp edge punctured her head. Her head now bleeding the current rips her away again. By now she is basically dead. Brielle is loving this feeling of her own body being taken by the river, all of her worries float away with her body. Letting her be free. Her heart is slowly failing to pump blood with the lack of oxygen. She thanks her conscience for bringing her here. Brielle lets her mind fade. All of worries gone. Brielle is glad to now be joining her aunt in the after life. She hopes to be welcomed and free of this awful thing called life. What would have happened if she allowed herself to be brought to the mental institution. Could Brielle have lived a long and healthy life without worry, or was this the right choice. Suicide?

its been another week and her family thought she was still coddled up in her apartment, but they had this itching feeling that she wasn’t. They called the police in hopes that she would still be there.

the police arrived at her complex. But to no surprise they enter and find nothing, no trace of her being there for at least the past week. Her parents and other relatives are devastated that she is gone. In hopes of finding her they do a search of New York city but no luck so they decide to move the search up north as someone had reported a young women walking mindlessly on the lone highway up north. The police found traces of her blood, they then concluded that she had jumped in the river. They found her body two miles out in the river, half way out of the water on a rock, she was pronounced from missing to dead. Her dress was covered in blood, the autopsy showed that Brielle had gotten roughed from the heavy and fast currents and the rocks. She had breaks from her jaw up her head. Brielle look terrifying, her skin from her feet and up to her knees was raw and bloodied. Brielles family held a celebration of life not too long after she was found in memory of Brielle and her aunt. They hoped for her to be at peace now, wishing they would have helped sooner.

June 02, 2024 21:49

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