
Hi, my name is Payton. I am a normal ten year old girl, I play soccer, have siblings, and pets but I have something other kids don't. So here is my story

It was my dad’s weekend, I couldn’t walk, and I was crying with agony. I let this pain go on for months. It would just get worse by the minute. I remember counting down the days, minutes, and even seconds until it would stop. Entirely unaware that this moment would change my life.

It was the spring of 2016, it was like any other day, I ate a breakfast sandwich and a snack, right at lunch time it had begun. My stomach felt like knots as if they were tied to something, to the point I couldn’t walk. The moment I told someone, I burst into tears rushing to the restroom. I knew I needed to get whatever was in me out . I remember calling my mom and her asking “Are you sure you are sick?” An hour had passed,and to my relief she was finally here! I hopped in the car, and went home. We also watched a Gonzaga men’s basketball game. 2 hours later we went to Seattle to get a new family pet. I thought to myself, “don't get sick.”

3 hours later we arrived at dinner, I got a delicious soup. I maybe had two bites, and my worst nightmare came to life. I got some fresh air thinking it would help. 2 minutes later, I sprinted to the bathroom and got it out. We got back into the car, and in a blink of an eye I was asleep. We ended up in a hotel. I would not be able to make it to the destination. I spent hours wondering what was wrong. 

I woke up at 6:30 am the next day, and walked to Starbucks with my mom. My temperature had gone down, and I was feeling 75% better. We still had a 2 hour car drive to our destination. Later that day, I had a ton of baked goods. I had felt the same as the previous car ride. I ended up getting a ton of water and Skittles. I know what you are thinking, why Skittles? Honestly, I have no idea. I look back and start to say ,“is this my life?” 

Two weeks later, it all happened again with the tears and cramping. I was 7, celiac disease doesn't normally appear until you are a teen. I went to the hospital to get some blood work done. My family and I waited hours for answers. At 10:00 am they came. All of them were negative. I knew I never wanted to get sick again.  

Four months later, it was christmas morning I opened up my gifts had a cookie. And all of a sudden I felt my eyes evaporating and getting heavy, my body be paralyzed with pain and knots in my stomach form hader and quicker than ever before. I woke up three hours later and remaned feeling this way for 2 days wondering what I did, why I feel this way and it kept happening.

After four months we drove to the airport hopped on a plane and I felt good really good. we flew to disneyland and the first day we were here I had churros, cookies, flour tacos, and the list goes on and I felt fine the next day but that 3rd day I felt horrible cramps, my eyes getting heavy but I ignored it. I kept ignoring it.

I almost made it a year without getting sick. Right at the 1 year mark it happened. First, the cramps that would happen every second. Then, the tears of dreadful pain. And last but not least, the bathroom of sickness. At that moment I was devastated. I was a 7 year old girl wondering what to do. 

I finished second grade, and went to third and I was in the office so much they thought I was faking they would never let me go home they said ¨ go get some water and go back to class¨. And one time it got so bad that I had chills, cramps, and a fever. I went to the office and they said the same thing that the do every time but I came back again and not because I still felt bad, but because I got sick. so I went home, and I remember vividly that I watched Disney movies.

At that point. I started feeling it nonstop, I finally told someone. When they found out, my mom immediately made a doctor’s appointment. For the next week. A week had passed. I waited anxiously but quietly, in the lobby. They eventually called my name. They checked my heart rate and blood pressure. And then they started saying all these illnesses, and did blood work and figured it out. 

After two weeks we finally got the results. I have celiac disease, if you don’t know what that is it is an illness that causes me to be allergic to wheat. At first I didn’t know what it was. I thought I couldn’t eat anything.

A week later we went back to the doctor to get my mom and sister tested. Celiac is a gene passed illness, that means that either my mom or my dad would have had it.

A little more than a year later I called my dad and he said that my gammy has celiac disease, but she waited so long that it was worse than most cases. If she would have waited a little longer she could have cancer because the longer you wait the worse it gets and if you wait to long you could get cancer.

 Now it is september of 2020, and I've gotten the hang of it in almost two years. I can no longer have bread, cupcakes, or pasta. I am able to use other ingredients so I can eat.

now looking back at it I have a whole different understanding on it. And now it could be worse even though I am completely gluten free but we don't know and that is scary to me.

That is my story, what is your´s?

September 28, 2020 00:48

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