I LOVE him.
He’s my favorite.
He sings me my own song that soothes my ears. He holds me close and protects me from danger.
We’ve been all around this universe together and I’ll remain by his side until the last star winks out of existence.
But sometimes, he’s sad.
I curl up beside him and gently nudge his arm, but he still cries.
Cries for me.
His burly hands bury into my black silky fur and he whispers, “I love you.”
My tail thumps. He knows! He knows I love him, so crying is pointless. I sigh, content.
“I’ll always take care of you,” he says quietly, scratching my face. They keep saying it has sugar on it, but I never taste anything.
I give a rumble so he knows I’m happy and lay down my head.
He stops crying.
I deflate in relief. He’s perfect and wonderful. He should never cry. He knows I'll always be here to make him smile.
He stands.
I stand.
It takes a second. My legs are tired some days now.
My everything is patient though as he waits for me with a smile and tells me, “Good girl.”
We walk out into the tropical sun, and I close my eyes against the light. The heat soaks into my weary bones and feels sublime. The heat of the concrete easies the tension in my hips as I lower down.
We sit. His sweat permeates the air, and I glance to check on him. It’s important he’s comfortable.
He smiles a brittle smile, and I rise.
My back foot slips a bit, but I finally make it and receive a pet from my treasure.
I notice tuffs of fur fall from his hand. I didn’t use to lose hair like that.
I won’t tell my everything but some days I don’t feel so good.
This liquid keeps dripping from my nose.
He holds a cloth to it, making it stop for a time. But, it always starts back up.
I’m worried.
Not for me.
But for him.
I can’t leave him alone.
Who will protect him?
Who will care for him and make sure he’s happy?
“Hello, baby girl. How’s our perfect girl today?” Lady’s voice calls from the fence. She has long flowy hair and smells like strawberries.
I bark. Just to let her know what I can do and allow her through the gate.
She comes to my level and whispers in my ear, “I missed you. You takin’ care of daddy?”
I give her a kiss because she’s funny. She knows I always take care of my everything.
Lady giggles. I like when she does that.
She’s my second favorite. I like her snuggles and the soft words she hums to me on the couch. She feeds me different treats like yogurt and fruits that smell like her hair.
“Hey, babe.” My everything says to lady and my heart soars. She makes him happy like I do.
She cuddles him, and I relax back in my sun spot.
I didn’t like lady at first. She touched him too much. Walked too fast. Pet me too often.
But, over the years, she’s done things I approve of, like whispers to me, and I now allow her near my everything without much fuss.
“Have the result come back yet?” I hear lady ask as she sits beside him.
He shakes his head. “They can’t figure it out.”
I can. My body is closing up shop, telling me it’s time to go, but I’ll fight with every breath because-I can’t leave him alone.
He needs me.
He needs to be protected. Loved. Cherished and adored. He needs someone to lay with him in the morning and make sure no one comes through the door.
He needs me.
And I need him.
He pulled me from the darkness and brought me from that pin. He's my partner and best friend.
They finish talking, and lady starts to cry.
A sad noise I don’t like. I’m not ready to say goodbye. She curls into my everything’s lap. He wraps her up and I join.
I'm rewarded with a scratch and coo.
As a bird makes an unwelcome noise.
I race to protect, barking at the vicious creature. It flees and I join my pack once again. Content.
It’s been a good day.
But the good days pass and my body gets tired. Pain is the word, but I can’t tell my treasure.
He needs to think I’m strong. That I will be with him always.
But he cries more and more. His face pinched with sorrow and worry every day.
I can’t fix it.
I’ve tried everything.
Kisses. Snuggles. The occasional sigh. Nothing is fixing his weeping eyes.
Boxes are packed along the floor.
“We’re moving,” he tells me. “With the lady you adore.”
Adore is a stretch but I let it pass. I’m tired today, my head is a mess.
He pets me and we lay in the sun.
People come and we leave our home.
“It has a yard,” my everything says. But, my nose starts to run.
The drops plunk onto the seat and I grow woozy.
I think my time has come.
Lady is there when we arrive and all the smells are blocked by the liquid they keep wiping and hide.
“Take her in the yard, please. While I get the movers organized,” my love tells his.
We lay in the grass. So soft and calm.
My body hurts and I know the time has come.
But, I can’t leave him.
I wish I could cry.
He NEEDS me.
My everything can't be left alone, to shoulder this world solo.
And lady whispers in my ear, so gently while I look to the sky, “I LOVE him. I adore him, ole girl. I’ll do everything I can to protect him and make sure he’s happy. You’ve done such a good job. I promise to never leave him alone. You just relax now. Everything will be alright.”
I give a sigh and lay down my head.
She’ll protect him just like she said.
I hear my everything’s steps
And feel them in my heart.
It’s time to say goodbye, but we will never part.
Another day passes slowly and the pain gets too much to bear.
They call in a stranger, and tears are everywhere.
But none of it matters as I lay down to sleep.
My everything’s face to mine as lady quietly weeps.
“I love you,” he tells me, so soft and so sweet. “Thank you for all your service and watching after me. You are my everything and my closest friend. You can sleep now, baby girl. I’ll see you someday in end.”
And with a final sigh, I leave him behind.
To make my journey on.
But not before I whisper back, “I’ll be with you forever. I’m never truly gone.”
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Man's best friend for sure! A lovely story.
Oh wow, this story hit me right in the heart. You’ve crafted such a tender and emotionally rich narrative through the eyes of this loyal dog, and it’s impossible not to feel the deep, unbreakable bond between her and her “everything.”
The line “He pulled me from the darkness and brought me from that pin. He's my partner and best friend.” really got me — it says so much in just a few words about rescue, love, and mutual salvation. It’s beautiful and raw and reminds us how deeply animals feel and love.
You handled such a heartbreaking topic with grace, warmth, and reverence. Truly a moving and gorgeously written piece — thank you for this story, it was an honor to read.
Thank you so much. It was an honor to write this for our girl we lost. I'm happy it resonated with you.
A very sweet internal dialogue between a dog and an owner. Anyone who's had an elderly dog can recognize the situation, and resonate with the concepts expressed. This is a very quiet story, nicely written.
Thank you!