Under the blue hardback

Submitted into Contest #211 in response to: Begin your story with a librarian searching for something.... view prompt


Fiction Friendship Historical Fiction

Juliette was working the late shift at the community library one evening, when she realized something, she was looking for was now missing.

Earlier that week, she had found the most peculiar article, one from the Salem Witch Trials, that she had never seen before. She worked there for nearly ten years, and knew the library inside and out, along with its contents. So, when she happened upon this article, she knew it was very important.

 The importance would not come to be known until later. But she knew it was going to be one of the most important pieces of literature she had ever touched.

While she quickly skimmed over it there were many names she recognized, but the most recognizable was Warren. She married Alex Warren in June of last year, so the name was familiar to her. She and Alex have known each other their entire lives, and she heard of the many stories about his ancestors and the Great Doctor Joseph Warren. He was of course the one who ordered Paul Revere and William Dawes to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock of the price that was placed on their heads by the crown.

All she knew was that he was a wonderful man, and in fact he was. However, she was always curious about the older stories though, the ones they don’t talk about. The ones of the witch trials form the last 1600’s. The ones where the Warren name runs wild through the stories.

She was always fascinated by their stories and was always willing to learn more about them. She was curious as to why they were outcast by her husband’s family. What did they do so wrong?

She wrote many short stories about them and the untold truths of why these men and women were accused of witchcraft. Some of her professors when she was in college were impressed by her extensive research and theories on the subject. Some were not so impressed, and felt she was disrespectful towards the history and culture of their state.

When she saw the article, she knew she needed to take a few pictures of it with her phone, in case it was misplaced. Many things were moved around when she was not at the library, which was typical, since there were always so many new things coming in daily. While on her break she looked at the pictures she took but was disappointed to see they were blurry. Since she had misplaced the article, the blurry pictures would have to do for now.

Knowing she would talk to Alex later that evening about it, she was hopeful of getting a few answers to some questions she had. Like, why would an article like that even been written with the name Warren throughout? Were the witch trials something that his family was part of?

She knew she needed to find it to be able to answer more questions, but she just could not find it. Searching high and low for it, through books and files, she could not see it anywhere.

Nothing. It was like it developed legs and walked away.

She went and spoke with her co-worker to see if he had seen it by chance.

“Crazy thing you just asked that, because an old man was here earlier and said there was an article that was brought in with some of his family belongings and that he needed them back. When I asked him what it was about and such, he said that it was brought in by mistake with other heirlooms and it was not supposed to be. I saw something that was new and that I had never seen before, and I asked if it was his. He was very happy and grateful that we had it. I gave it to him naturally. I’m sorry Juliette, were you reviewing it? I know how you have a love for the trials.”

“Yeah, but its ok. I would’ve done the same. When I glanced over it, I saw Alex’s name, well the Warren name, and it was about the trials like you said. I took a few pictures, but they came out blurry because I was rushing. Once I saw the name you know I was adamant on reading it. But I was trying to finish up a few things and then came back to it. Now I will never know what it was since I don’t have the article and can’t see the pictures well enough to make anything out.”

“Oh, Juliette, he left his information in case we came across anything else that may be of equal importance.” Picking up the blue hardback, that had been sitting there for most of her shift now, revealed a post it note with all his information on it.

The smile on her face grew wider, and she was so thankful to him. She made a photocopy, and instantly regretted not doing the same with the article, she couldn’t wait to talk with Alex about who he could be.

Walking into the apartment, she could smell the sauce and garlic bread he had made, with pasta and a side salad. A glass of white wine was poured for her already and she smiled at how much he spoiled her.

“Hello beautiful! How was your day?”

“It was interesting, good, but interesting. Yours?”

“It was the norm, you know. We had a few calls, but August is typically quiet since most of the residents are on vacation, and the tourists aren’t here yet.” Alex was a firefighter/paramedic with Bostin Fire Department.

“Good babe! So, how, much of your ancestors do you know about,” she was getting straight to it.

“Oh, ok. Um, how far are we talkin?”

“Salem Witch Trial times, so late 1600’s.”

“Not much honestly. I mean there’s always been the rumors and crazy stories you know, but I don’t know what is fact and what is fiction. Why do you ask?”

“I came across an article earlier this week and Warren was written all through, at least what I skimmed over anyway. But then an old man came in earlier in my shift tonight and Dustin, not knowing I was interested in it, gave it back to him. The old man said it was accidentally brought in with some other things, and some of those were considered family heirlooms.”

“Bummer, babe.”

“Nope, I got all his information. Dustin took it down for him in case we came across anything else that may be as important for him.”

“Awesome! Wonder if he is a relative of mine.”

“I’m not sure to be honest. This is his name, Joseph W. Maddox. I have his phone number and email address.”

“I don’t recognize the name. Maybe grandmother would. We can stop by there this weekend if you’d like?”

“That would be wonderful! Thanks babe!”

They both had the weekend off, for once, and grandmother was very excited about their visit. The couple planned to bring some sandwiches and tea, so she didn’t feel like she had to make them anything. Every time they were there, she was always being a great hostess, but they just wanted to talk with her and enjoy her company.

They chatted for a bit and caught up on the past few weeks when Alex asked, “Grandmother, do you know this name?” as he showed her the paper.

“I do!” when she spoke her eyes themselves told a story. “That is your third cousin, on my side of course. I haven’t seen him since I was a young girl. Where did you find this name?”

“Work,” Juliette replied.

“It’s a shame what the family did to him and his family. They were shunned by the old family, so was his mother, and so on and so on.”

“Do you know why?” Juliette asked.

“Well, of course dear. They rumored to be witches. The whole line of them.”

Juliette knew as soon as she said those words that the article had to be about that part of the family.

“Wow! That is fascinating.” Alex exclaimed.

“Do you have any stories about them? I would love to hear them.” Juliette asked.

“I do. Why don’t we go into the study. This way we can sit more comfortably and really get into them.” She said with a grin as she held Juliette's hands like they were getting ready to gossip.

Over the next few hours, grandmother would retell the stories she had heard from when she was a child. Alex and Juliette were on the edge of their seats the whole time she spoke.

“So, they shunned them all.” Juliette said.

“Sadly yes.” Grandmother responded.

“Do you believe they were witches, grandmother?” Alex asked.

“No, I think they were more in tune with certain things is all. I had always wondered what happened with Joe and the others.”

“Wait there’s more?” Alex asked, surprised.

“Oh, yes dear. You have many cousins from that line. I have missed them. I was very close to Tabitha growing up. That was Joe’s older sister. Mama and Daddy did not like the practices my aunt and uncle did. They are not Christians, so they were considered outcasts to the family.”

“How sad. What did they practice?” Juliette asked in a sad tone.

“They are Buddhists. That was a religion the Christians were confused by back in the 1690’s and clear up to the 1990’s. By then, though it was too late, that family was not willing to forgive the rest on how they were all treated. Who could blame them really?”

“I would love to talk with him and meet him. Do you think he would ever come here, grandmother?” Alex asked.

“I don’t know, Alex. Tabitha passed away a few years ago. Maybe. I guess it couldn’t hurt to try right?”

Juliette volunteered to reach out to him and see if he was open to the idea.

After a few days, she received a response from him. He agreed to meet. She was most excited, for this could be the reunion of a family that lost so much time. Juliette immediately called Alex so he could let Grandmother know of the great news.

“Grandmother! He said yes. He would like to see you!”

Grandmother was so happy by this, her eyes started to well up with tears, “That is such wonderful news grandson! Did he say when?”

“He did not. He said he would leave it up to Juliette.”

“Ok, well how about next weekend here at the house. Unless he is more comfortable elsewhere, I can meet anywhere he would like.”

Juliette replied and asked if that time and location worked for him. He replied and agreed to those plans.

“My cousin’s home is perfectly fine. The date works for me and my daughter as well.” Was his reply.

All were very anxious and excited to meet one another, Joe and Josephine, that is grandmother’s name, were probably the most excited.

When the weekend arrived, it was a beautiful summer day in Boston. Joe and his daughter arrived right on time. It was a bit awkward at first but seeing them open up more to each other after some conversation was the most wholesome thing the three had witnessed. They talked about Tabitha, and all of grandmother’s siblings. They were just breaking the ice, they promised that they would stay in contact weekly.

Joe agreed to come by often, to help her with things she may need help with around the house. Joe and Josephine were the only two alive from their lines, with many children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren.

They decided they wanted to plan a family reunion and hope to put those problems far behind them. The cousins were like children again as they talked for hours about many things they missed out on in one another’s lives. The three sat and watched the long overdue interaction between them and knew that Juliette sending the email and finding that article was the best thing that could’ve happened for the families.

The importance of that article made itself known that day Joe and Josephine reunited. Juliette was so pleased with herself and even happier for her husband and his family. They were on a path where they could finally get some closure and develop a relationship with long lost family members.

August 17, 2023 16:43

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Tricia Shulist
16:49 Aug 22, 2023

That was nice. Happy happenstance! Thanks for this!


Kit Spayd
18:06 Aug 22, 2023

Aww thank you!!!!


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