Have You Seen Me?

Submitted into Contest #230 in response to: Write a story in the form of a list.... view prompt


Crime Horror Mystery

This story contains sensitive content

CW: This story contains elements of child kidnapping.

The following is a collection of missing children’s reports found on the back of milk cartons. All reports were being investigated by the Marble County Sheriff’s Office and the Penny Hill Police Department. Blanks indicate missing information that was illegible.

[A picture of a young boy wearing a blue and white striped shirt. His teeth are crooked and yellowed. Brown hair is cut short. In the background of the picture are the torsos of two adults, their heads cropped off.]

Thomas O’Reilly

DATE MISSING: 09/01/13

FROM: Kenton, Virginia

DOB: __/20/08


EYES: Blue

HEIGHT: __’’, 05’


HAIR: Brown

Mr. and Mrs. O’Reilly described their son as outgoing and friendly. Thomas loved his stuffed bear Ozzy, and his favorite color was red.

If you can identify this child, please call _-13_-09_-1211.

[A photo frowning girl. She is wearing a thick brown coat and has a scratch on her right cheek. Her hair is blonde and reaches past her shoulders.]

Abigail Newton

DATE MISSING: __/13/01

FROM: Penny Hill, Virginia

DOB: __/14/__


EYES: Brown

HEIGHT: _______


HAIR: Blonde

Abigail was very quiet and soft-spoken. She spent her time exploring outdoors and would often sleep under the stars. She loved all sorts of sweets.

If you can identify this child, please call _-14_-_04-0518.

[A picture of a girl playing in a sandbox. The photo is blurry, so it is difficult to see what she looks like. Wearing a pink dress.]

Emaline Groves

DATE MISSING: __/20/08

FROM: Wooddrive, Virginia

DOB: 05/02/05


EYES: Brown



HAIR: Black

Ema was charming and liked building sand castles in her sandbox. She wore a variety of pink outfits. She loved big, warm hugs.

If you can identify this child, please call _-_04-09_-1420.

[Two pictures of separate boys. The first boy is young, sporting short red hair and a bright smile. It seems to be a school picture that would be found in a yearbook. Under the first boy is another, older lad with darker red hair, seemingly related to the first. His smile is much more subdued but still visible. Like the first picture, the photo seems to have been professionally taken.]

Adam Davies

DATE MISSING: 08/05/03

FROM: Balefield, Virginia

DOB: 12/15/__


EYES: Blue

HEIGHT: __”, __’



Michael Davies

DATE MISSING: __/19/05

FROM: Balefield, Virginia

DOB: __/20/__


EYES: Blue

HEIGHT: __”, __’



Adam Davies was a rambunctious child who liked playing pranks on his family members. Despite his mischievous attitude, Adam was a good kid who participated in his local church’s children’s choir. Adam helped out his neighbors and was always willing to sit down and chat with them.

Michael deserved everything he got coming to him. He will not be missed by the community. He was a disgrace to his mother, father, and little brother.

If you can identify the first of these children, please call _-20_-_01-1105.

If you can identify the second, do not bother calling any authorities.

[Two pictures are plastered close together. Unlike the other photos, which were seemingly professionally pressed onto the milk cartons, these are haphazardly glued onto the surface of the carton, as if in a hurry. The first picture is of a small girl sleeping in her bed; it is hard to make out the child as the picture was taken in almost complete darkness. The second picture is of a crying child who is sitting in the middle of a forested area. Like the first picture, it is too dark to make out many details.]

Kendra Benton

DATE MISSING: 03/08/09

FROM: River’s Edge, Virginia

DOB: 12/04/__


EYES: Green

HEIGHT: __”, 18’


HAIR: Brown

Isabella Keats

DATE MISSING: 05/14/09

FROM: River’s Edge, Virginia

DOB: __/14/__


EYES: Brown

HEIGHT: __”, __’


HAIR: Brown

Kendra and Isabella were the best of friends. Is it any surprise that they would disappear together? Kendra always went to sleep with her nightlight on in the corner of her room. Isabella liked to play mother with her dolls. They hated the great outdoors but loved the beach and always wanted to visit the sea together.

If you can identify these children, please call _-20_-08_-0504.

[The last milk carton is in the worst shape by far. The picture is smeared so that it is impossible to tell what the missing child looks like. The picture had to be taken off the milk carton to be investigated further, and it was found to be attached to the carton by a single piece of tape. The writing underneath the picture is handwritten, very different from the printed information on the previously found cartons. The handwriting is scrawled and difficult to read.]

Baby Kyle

DATE MISSING: 01/18/__

FROM: Mentford, Virginia

DOB: __/11/__

[The rest of the personal information is completely unreadable.]

Baby Kyle will be cared for by someone who knows what they are doing. He won’t go hungry anymore. Forget about him. He is happy now.


This ends the main catalog of evidence of the Milk Carton Missing Cases of Marble County. Investigators found these cartons on the doorsteps of the families of the missing children. The cartons are in the style of those used in the late seventies. Authorities are puzzled, as much of the information on these cartons is missing and the numbers reported are often incorrect. For example, the first missing child, Thomas O’Reilly, went missing in the late nineties. No child named Kyle was in the surrounding area, nor were any babies reported missing. The last carton was instead found on the doorstep of the county sheriff.

Currently, all missing person cases concerning the Milk Carton Kidnapper are considered closed. There have been no signs of the children. Amber Alerts were sent out to the surrounding Virginia towns in Marble County, but as of the current date, none have been found. Local police were called in, with Detective Bryson being the last to investigate the Milk Carton kidnappings. His findings were inconclusive, with the only note he left behind being the following:

Possible cipher? Numbers correspond to letters? Small county + got more important cases to get to = me going back home. Solving it can be someone else’s problem.

December 28, 2023 19:03

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Michał Przywara
05:04 Jan 06, 2024

Interesting idea for a story format, and neat addition with the puzzle. Quite sad too, considering “all missing person cases concerning the Milk Carton Kidnapper are considered closed”. Also, yikes, what's going on with poor Michael Davies? But I suppose that depends on who wrote the carton. Yeah, neat, unsettling idea - thanks for sharing :)


Sue Hunter
15:03 Jan 06, 2024

I wouldn't worry about Michael Davies. I'm sure the freaky psychopath had totally logical reasoning for making him 'disappear'. Thank you for your kind words :]


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Terry Jaster
18:53 Jan 05, 2024

Whoa! This was a down and dirty mean story about a child killer? I've never seen anything ever written about the milk carton pictures. You pulled off a first as far as I have ever seen. The thought about a killer using the cartons as thophys is a brilliant idea. To make someone feel something with your story is the best you could ever hope for.


Sue Hunter
19:11 Jan 05, 2024

Thank you for your kind words! The Milk Carton pictures have such interesting history tied to them, and even if they weren't very effective at finding missing children, they were one of the first major steps to creating a missing person system. I'm glad the story didn't appear too cheesy or obvious!


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Sue Hunter
19:06 Dec 28, 2023

There is a puzzle to solve in the story, but it is not particularly difficult to crack the cipher. So if you read this story and decide you want to give it a shot, I simply ask that you not spoil the answer in the comments. xoxo


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