Riley opens the door to his sepia cottage to see Lucy cooking one of his favorite meals.
“Hey stranger, thought you'd never get off shift.” says Lucy as she closes the oven.
“Sorry, got caught up at the office, buncha paperwork I gotta finish this week...” he says as he steps onto the ivory tile floor.
“I smell chicken marsala! You didn't have to go and do all this just for little old me...” Riley laughs as he unpacks his work bag.
“Oh, come on Ry, whenever you come to my place you always cook for me. Now that I have a key here, I thought I'd surprise you and give you a treat.
“Wearing that little night dress you already have...”, he says as he admires her perfect figure, even in her slippers and no makeup, she's every bit as gorgeous as when she's glammed up.
Her soft tummy, wide hips, and long legs, stun on her little
five-foot-three frame. Her light brown long bob in a messy ponytail, her wavy bangs peeking out the sides. Lucy snickers as she grabs plates from the cabinet. She goes to set them down on the counter, accidentally drops one and starts to blubber a muffled apology, and cry from her traumatic past.
“Oh... Oh Lucy it's okay... Hey, look at me, it was just an accident. Are you okay? Did it getcha?”
Lucy manages to squeak out a shy: “I'm not hurt...”
“We'll clean this up, it's just a plate, I can always get more but the important thing is you are okay. And the food is unharmed too.”
He chuckles out. “Let me finish plating dinner while you relax for now, okay?” He goes to get the broom and dustpan and gives Lux a painful smile.
He knew sometimes it was anxiety inducing for her to have accidents and make mistakes, but this felt bigger. This was like a little kid crying because they scared themselves falling down, when they're more scared than in pain. But the cry? It's automatic. The second they hit the ground *thump*. This felt so eerily similar. She was thankfully physically fine but emotionally she felt shaken and like the world had wronged her for something as insignificant as a broken plate. He knew she was in therapy and working on things and that this was just something they'd always worked through together. They've only known each other for about five years and have been bed buddies ever since. Riley felt so overprotective, partner like in this moment. This one felt like a punch to the gut for both of them. He tries to slow his swirling thoughts of wanting to just go and hurt the ones that hurt her. He breathes deeply and hums to himself to distract those thoughts while he finishes up.
In this time, Lucy makes her way over to the kitchen island to do some deep breathing alone.
After a few calm minutes, silence now filling the room, Lucy finally has come to her center.
Riley finally, gingerly makes his way over to the counter to dish out dinner and bring over the drinks of the evening: Diet Coke.
“Compliments to the chef!” Riley says as he sets the plates at each baby blue setting.
“Dude, you haven't even eaten it yet!” Lucy giggles out.
“I'm sure it's perfect Lux...”
They each take a bite and look at each other, wide eyed:
“Okay, now this is the best dish I've ever cooked” Lucy smiles as she swallows the delectable bite.
Riley's head tilts back as he groans: “Mph oh my gosh Luz, are you kidding? Make this every night please? I will pay you to be my private chef because holy shit.”
Lucy giggles: they continue raving about her Michelin Star quality cooking, chatting about their day. After dinner, they make their way to the couch and sit together to watch something riveting.
“Scandal tonight?”, he says as he grabs the remote.
“You know it!” Lucy grabs their drinks and gently sets them down on the small wooden coffee table.
They cuddle up together under the tan sherpa blanket and hit play. Riley starts stroking her hair and she starts to drift off. Riley slowly and quietly gets up and tucks her in. He shuts off the lights, locks the doors and heads to the bathroom to brush his teeth and put his hair up.
He starts to walk towards the bedroom to grab an old t-shirt and clean sleep shorts, no sooner Lucy clears her throat as she stretches out: “What time is it? Why is it dark?”, she lets out a yawn as she speaks.
“Hey, go back to sleep. It's only nine thirty. I'm just gonna freshen up for bed.”
“Waaaait, take me with you.” Lucy coos.
“Alright, alright, just gimmie a minute, silly goose.”
Riley quickly steps aside to change and turns on the nightlights so they can see to get to the bedroom.
“Alright, come on...” He picks her up and throws her over his shoulder.
“Noooo it's coooold!”, Lucy laughs.
“You'll be warm in a minute.” Riley says slyly.
Riley gently sets Lucy down in bed and gives her the extra blanket, the fancy teal one with the down top and sherpa underside. He gets in bed right beside her and spoons her until their body heats reach one another and the humidity in the room rises.
“Goodnight, Ry.” Lucy yawns.
“Goodnight, Lux.”
The next morning Lucy grabs her work uniform and hops in the shower before Riley is even up and moving.
Riley slowly emerges from the bedroom shirtless, shorts hiked up, one sock on. and practically zombie walks his way to the kitchen to make Lux some tea before her ten-hour shift.
Lucy saunters in, thanks him and playfully rubs his head:
“Hey sleepyhead... Rough go of it?”
“Hey, I so appreciate you making me a cuppa, but you truly should go back to bed; I mean look at you, you're exhausted bubs...”
“I know, I know... Alright, I'll go back to sleep before I fall over.”
“Yes, please do.” Lucy kisses his forehead in a playful way and shoos him back into the bed.
“I'll be back in the evening, by then please have on some deodorant... and maybe some pants.
Don't forget we're going bowling at five with Jen and Chris tonight.”
“Yes, ma'am.”, he manages to playfully gulp out before passing out without even a shred of blanket on him.
Lucy has another long shift at the blood lab as always, but she loves her patients and its decent money. Four days a week, two ten-hour shifts, two eight-hour shifts, three days off. It truly is the perfect schedule for her; being a phlebotomist is way less work than a nurse and everything she needs is all right in one place, no rushing or dealing with extreme emergencies.
She gets into her little crimson SUV and runs to her house to grab some extra clothes and toiletries and heads to Riley's perfect little cottage.
Riley finally is able to get a few hours of sleep and finishes his paperwork at home, so he doesn't need to go into the office until the end of the week. He's a secretary for a paving and construction company and loves it. He had to quit construction itself when he had to have multiple surgeries on his shoulder in college. He ended up helping out one of his buddies and landing this job when he was nineteen and he's been at it for the last six years. He has his own office in the company headquarters building just a few miles away from where the worker bees keep their supplies and trucks. He has an assistant, Jed and the manager Kenny works back of house and helps him out too. They have a very calm, cool, nontoxic work environment, rare for men in construction but perfect and the way it should be for him and his buddies.
“It's open!” He shouts from the kitchen as he goes to guzzle water from his travel cup.
Lucy puts down her bag and water bottle on the floor and exclaims:
“Hey, I'm just gonna go unpack and grab my wallet and then we can head out!”
“Sounds good, I'm just about ready.”
They collect themselves to meet their friends at Sonic Bowling Alley & Barside.
Riley offers to drive since Lux had to work today and had a bit of a commute.
They arrive exactly at five. Jen and Chris are already there checked into one of the lanes.
They all excitedly each greet and hug one another and grab their bowling gear.
“Y'all ready?” Jenn exclaims in her still slightly southern accent.
She moved from Tennessee almost a decade ago.
Chris says, “You're about to get smoked, babe!” The guys hi-five each other and the girls roll their eyes playfully at his comment.
Jenn and Chris end up winning as always but the competitiveness of it all is still very fun.
After their games, they order some appetizers and sodas and hangout in the lounge area.
“So, Ry, when are you finally gonna ask this one out?” Chris jokes as he smiles and points to Lux.
Riley nearly chokes on his drink and the table goes silent.
“Oh, uh, did I misspeak? God, I'm sorry. Let's pretend I never said anything.” says Chris realizing his question was out of line.
“So, Luz how was work today?”, Jen asks sweetly.
“Uhm... Good, I guess. Nice clients, slow day. Got out a few minutes early... that's... about it.”
“Nice, nice.” Jen trails off.
“Hey, Hun can I talk to you really quick?”, says Jen nervously.
Jen pulls him way away from the table: “Chris... look, I know you were trying to be funny, but I don't think that was the right move. Are we even sure Luz knows how he feels? Are we even sure Ry knows how he feels? Let's just... not do that again please.”
“I know, babe, I'm sorry, I was just trying to egg him on. I didn't realize how tense it would make things... Should we go? I don't want to impede on things now that I messed up...”
“We'll talk to them, I'm sure it'll be okay. I'm not mad at you. And even if neither of them are mad, things are just... awkward at the moment but it will pass.”
They finish out the conversation, hug and give each other knowing looks as they make their way back to the table.
Chris pulls Ry aside to chat and make amends, leaving the girls at the table by themselves.
“Look, Luz I truly don't think Chris meant anything by that... Sometimes he just wants to be the guy to break the ice or the tension and it comes out wrong... I hope you aren't offended.”
“Oh, my gosh, no Chris is great, it's fine, really...”, she awkwardly trails off and gives Jen a soft smile.
“But just between you and I? I see you light up around Riley, and he does the same around you. I know that happens with friendships too and I'm not trying to suggest anything, but the happiness is notable in both of you. It's great to see, even if y'all are just boink buds.” Jen says, her southern draw coming out more with every breath.
“I appreciate you, Jen. I am happy with him, whatever that means for us.”
They smile at each other, this time with less awkwardness and more genuine movements.
Chris and Riley make their way back to the table as if nothing happened. They have some surface level small talk and laugh about some more of Jen's comedic family stories. They all split the check and head out the tall glass doors. Chris pulls Lucy aside to apologize. Lucy lets him know that it's okay and she knows it was just a joke and not to worry about it. They all hug and make their way back to their cars to head home.
Riley opens the door for Lucy and lets her in first. Only footsteps to be heard, practically silent just as the ride home was with the exception of Riley's shitty radio that needs fixing.
Lucy goes to change into her pajamas and pack her lunch for work the next morning. She opens Spotify on her floral cased phone and turns on some soft music.
Riley hops in the shower and gets himself ready for bed as well.
They sit on the couch together after, trying to figure out who should say what next just by looking at each other.
Lucy looks deep into Riley's eyes searching for some sort of answer. “Did... did Chris mean anything by what he asked or was that just one of his awkward “fill the gap” moments?”
Riley sits and stares at the wall, not even sure if he should say anything at all.
“Ry? You in there?” says Lucy concerned, chuckling through it.
He rubs his own knees and starts to stammer. Lucy grabs one of his hands to try to calm him.
“Lucy... I'm in love with you... Dammit... I've said too much... I- I'll take the couch tonight... I'll leave you be.”, Riley stands up and begins to pace.
“No, no please don't. It's okay, really.” Lucy grabs Riley's shoulder to turn him back around.
He plays with his long black curls nervously.
“We could just stay here forever, and I wouldn't mind, you know that.”, says Lucy with a shy smile.
“I know...I just... We said we wouldn't be more than friends with benefits... I know I'm a casual guy... but... I'm wild for you... Lux...
My heart longs to fill your cup... I am so lucky to know you... to... love you. Maybe even be loved by you if I have the chance..." Ry says as he caresses her chin with his thumb. Lucy begins to tear up as she looks up at him.
“I'm in love with you too Ry. I... thank you, thank you so much for loving me and being with me through everything. You have been and always will be the absolute best.”
Lucy leans in to kiss him and grabs his waist; this time she gets even more butterflies than usual. As Riley deepens the kiss, his grip growing tighter around her jaw, she winces in pleasure.
Lucy breathes heavily as she realizes this is everything she ever needed. It wasn't just that he knew exactly how to play her curves like a fiddle, or how he knew just how rough she liked it.
He knows exactly how she likes her tea. She knows exactly how he takes his soda: Diet Cokes. She knows he had a childhood dog named Brinn that he named his stuffed dog after that he still has.
He knows just how much she loves to cook and if she wasn't already in love with her phlebotomist job, she'd go to culinary school. Lucy's head spins as she remembers all the little moments that lead to this, just how much she needs him, not only physically, but in every other way possible. She needs to be wrapped up in his love until the end of time and he needs no different.
Riley growls in her ear “I can't wait to make you mine...”
Lucy replies with more confidence than usual: “You already have...”
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This is such a sweet story and the writing style compelled me to keep on reading to the end. Leaves a lovely cosy feeling!