Guitar Strings

Submitted into Contest #31 in response to: Write a short story about someone doing laundry.... view prompt



He was your typical creepy musician living off the beaten path. No less, women loved to gain his attention as he was still a musician. Talented, charming, with tattoos... they loved when he showered them with attention. Gargoyles guarding his hundred year old house on the hill looked down to see who would be next to visit him. He rarely came out before noon and was up all hours of the night...This particular night was their laundry night. He had gotten so angry with that hazel eyed woman who frustrated his senses and stirred his desires despite him wanting to be single. Every thing was fine til she came along. Til then, he had been free. A different woman every night blonde, red head, brunette, didn't matter to him as long as he got the attention he craved. She on the other hand could care less. She was different. She was not easy to read for him. She excited him to no end. He felt bad for her and still excited as a puppy waiting for a new ball at the same time as she walked into the laundromat. She agreed to see him if he restrung her guitar after throwing one of his moody tantrums and breaking her strings one by one along with his own heart seeing her reaction . He certainly did not want to lose her but he couldnt stand loving her so deeply. She stuffed some over sized blankets in the biggest machine. She helped him sort his massive pile of laundry and assisted him in filling machines with his month worth of dirty clothes and blankets. She knew he needed her more than anything. She also knew she was nearing the end of their relationship as she could not risk another of his tantrums. While she loved him deeply, she had worked so hard for nice things and refused to be treated badly or see her things destroyed by someone who clearly did not allow himself to love or trust anyone. She knew, sadly, that they were nearing the end of their times together at the little laundromat. They played guitar quietly til the clothes finished washing. "Why are you sad he asked her..." as he added "blow in it play me a song" smiling at her referring to the mini hohner he had surrpised her with at the guitar store earlier that week. He knew when she made music, she smiled and all he ever wanted to do was see her smile. As the clothes began spinning, his thoughts too spun out of control wondering what if they were to be together forever..and brushing them from his mind quickly...He also believed she was too good for him. He would never amount to anything compared to her middle class life he longed to be part of and once was middle class before drinking away the painful loss of his first child...She knew of this and never seemed to care he thought. Oh but she did care, as you see, she too had lost a baby when she was young. She never told him but she woke to nightmares many times screaming trying to reach out and stop the evil that stole away her angel before...A buzz, the machines were done simultaneously almost. She knew he was watching her, she could feel his soul piercing through her thoughts desiring her very being and she remained calm pretending not to notice. Playing hard to get was the exact thing that drove him crazy and gained his full attention. It was only her that did this to him. He was used to coming off stage being swarmed by women of all ages. She was different. Together they began quietly putting their clothing in the dryers. She looked thankfully at him as he put his quarters into her slot as well. The comforters seemed as if they would take way longer to dry and he wanted to be sure hers would finish along with his things so he could ask her to go with him to grab something to eat and talk. He was relieved she even showed up as they had argued and stopped talking for a day worrying him half to death. She knew he risked losing her each time he threw a tantrum not getting his way wanting to control her not trusting her...she knew this weakness about him and did not know how to help him fix it. she was patient with him knowing she loved being near him. He inspired her. He was gentle with animals and children and people. Yet his temper towards her was atrocious. While he was young at 49 years old he still yearned to become a rockstar and experience the fullest of life he could ever dream...upon taking home his laundry he realized she was all he ever dreamed and more. Why had he not told her that. Chicken. That is exactly what it was...Before they had gone home to their separate houses that night, the music played on with the machines in harmony..."While my guitar gently weeps", he sang and played perfectly in tune on her beautiful lil martin guitar..she inspired him to learn new songs. His guitar was old and beat up.. She had even bought him a second better one...He absolutely adored that she strummed guitar for him occasionally on his guitar so he could play hers...Smiling he looked over to her while playing her guitar with the perfect acoustic sound. He was at peace and everything at that moment was perfect in his world. The clothes were clean and dry the guitar repaired and the woman was there as he had wished for at least for that very moment in time.

March 01, 2020 02:36

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