In the twinkling of an eye. {Rewrite}

Written in response to: Write about a person or object vanishing into thin air.... view prompt



        I study the living canvas over my head. The puffs of white are positioned strategically through the shades of blue and pink. The sun peaks through, streaking the sky with swirls of orange and red. Sitting in this lovely forest park, I marvel at God’s handiwork. It isn’t just the sights; it’s the smells, the textures and the sounds that enhance the whole picture. Even the shrieks and laughter of my grandchildren add to the over all ambience. My attention is drawn from the heavens as the kids run to me.

        “Grandma, tell Mason that the rainbow is a promise from God.” Rileigh says as she and Mason stop in front of the bench I’m sitting on.

        “Mason already knows that, Rileigh.”

         “I know we just want to hear you tell us the story.” Rileigh giggled.

         “ I smile at my grandkids, but it turns into a frown when you here a loud, ‘HUMPH’ I look around and see my son has come up behind me. 

          “Hi hun, what brings you here today?” I ask as I stand to hug him.

           “Do I need a reason to visit my mom?”

           “Definitely not but what’s with the rude sound?”

           “Well I want to see you, not hear about your Sky Daddy.”

            “Bryan! You know how I feel about your disrespect.”

             “Let’s just visit; I don’t want to hear a sermon.”

              “We can visit but first I’m going to answer the kids,”

             “So what do you want to hear?” I ask my grandchildren as Bryan lets out a loud    


            “Tell us about when Jesus will come back.”

            “You know, I don’t have the answer to that, because only the Father knows, but I  

   will tell you that Jesus will come like a thief in the night and take his church in the

   blink of an eye.”

           “Who is his church, Grandma?” Genesis asks.

       “The church, are those who love and believe in Christ and what he sacrificed for them, honey.” You tell her, trying to block out the rude sounds of your son...

      “So, we are part of the church, right Grandma.” Rileigh states.

     “Such bullsh-t!” Bryan barks out.

      “Uncle Bryan, You shouldn’t act like that about God. We don’t want you to go to hell? Genesis cries.

        “I’m not going anywhere Genesis. I’d have to believe in hell to go there.”

        “Kids go play while I talk to your Uncle.” Reluctantly they go, but then Genesis runs back and throws her arms around her Uncle.

       “Please open your eyes and see the truth before it’s to late, I love you.” She cries.

       “Don’t worry about me honey, I love you too.” Bryan says kissing the top of her head.

Once they run down to the playground I turn to my son.

       “If you have questions or have something to say, say it now. Come on, you’re the one starting this conversation don’t be shy now.”

        “Ok” he says belligerently and starts pacing.


       “Alright you asked for it, why do you fill their heads with all that fantasy? Let them learn the truth that we live in a world of science!” He spat.

      “Fantasy is unreal, made up. God is anything but that.”

      “Can you prove scientifically he exists?”

      “Well, let me see, one definition of science; knowledge as of facts, knowledge gained by systematic study. How about I prove the truth of the Bible, which is God’s word. If I can prove Biblical facts, then hopefully you will accept that God isn’t fantasy. How about that?”

     “What does the Bible have to do with proving God is real?



     “The Bible was written over 2000 years ago, with multiple authors inspired by God.”

     “And how does that prove its God’s Word?” he asked sarcastically.

     “Again Foreknowledge.”

     “Whatever how are you going to prove that, because right now you’ve only spouted words and foretold nothing?”

     “Fair enough, do you think man of two thousand years ago, knew anything of gravity?”

     “I don’t know, probably not.”

    “Some cultures thought the earth was held up by Atlas and some declared it sat on the back of a giant turtle. “


    “God stretches out Heaven over the empty space and hangs the Earth upon nothing.

Job 26:7”

    “That could be anything, it proves nothing.”

    “Okay, How about matter, basically what everything is made of? Would they know anything about that? Bryan just shrugged.

    “Creation is made of particles, so small that we can’t see them, It wasn’t until the 19th century that scientists discovered that all visible matter consists of invisible elements. Yet Gods word says; …..all things were made at God’s command; and that they were all made from things that can’t be seen.”

    “Ok Mom that’s a little stretch but I’ll give you that one surprised me, but if you think you can convert me, you’ve a long way to go.”

    I look at my grandkids playing and remember my son at that age. Children are so open to the wonders of God, how did my darling child grow up to become such a scoffer?

    “Did you know up until WW1, more soldiers died from disease, like dysentery, than actually were killed in battle. It was because they did not isolate human waste. But Dueteronomy 23:12-13 says; you shall also have a place outside of camp and go there. Each man must have a spade as part of his equipment; after every bowel movement he must dig a hole and cover his excrement.”

    “That’s just common sense!”

    “It is now and it was 3500 years ago to the Jewish people, But for the wars leading up to it, example; Revolutionary war, the Civil War, The Napoleonic Wars, Seven Years war, the first Messenian War… just to name a few, they didn’t know this, so many died. But God had known.”

    I watch my son digest my words and go on when he stays silent.

    “Lets discuss Oceanography. Only recently with the invention of deep diving subs have we been able to explore the depths. In 1970 scientist found amazing vistas that had never been seen before by human eyes, because they had a sub that could withstand the 6000 pounds per square inch. The pressures found on the Ocean Floor. Yet in Job 38;16, God said, ‘Have you explored the springs from which the Seas come or walked in the sources of their depths.’ The discovery of 1970 was that there were springs on the ocean floor. In Jonah 2:5-6, ‘I went down to the bottoms of mountains that rise from off the ocean floor.’ It was only in this last century that we discovered Mountains and trenches at the bottoms of the oceans.”

     “You keep coming up with things you obviously memorized, how about I ask you a question?”

    “Okay, go ahead.”

    “How about Anatomy and such, I’m sure they didn’t know more than doctors of today.”

    I think for a moment, “Blood, that’s very important topic in the Bible, because Christ shed his blood on the cross for our sins, so that whoever believes in Christ will have eternal life.”

    “That’s not scientific, that’s your mythology.”

    “You didn’t let me finish, Blood is the source of life, agreed?”

    “Well, I don’t know if source is the right word.”

    “No Blood in the Body, no life, agreed?” I wait till he nods yes. “Up until about 120 years ago, sick people were bled and many died as a result of this treatment. Today we know that healthy blood is essential to bring life-giving nutrients to every cell in the body. But of course God knew this and had it written in Leviticus 17:11-14, ‘the life of the flesh is in the blood’ that was long before science proved this fact. And staying with your choice of anatomy, God said in Genesis 2:7 & 3:19 that he formed us from the dust of the ground; for out of the dust thou were taken; for dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return.’

Scientist’s have discovered that the human body is compromised of some 28 base and trace elements- that are all found in the earth.”

    Bryan looked astonished.

    “So have I proven to you that God isn’t a myth yet? Who other than God would have this foreknowledge of things to come and I’ve only shared a minute picture of what the Bible foretells.” I earnestly look into Bryan’s eyes and thank God that he is at least listening.     Usually a fight ensues the moment I mention God.     

    “I agree you make a compelling argument but I’m not ready to be dragged down into a religious life being a goody two shoes, giving up all fun and living in a state of servitude to an invisible God. Maybe when I’m older, I’ll look into it more.”

    “You have God’s message all wrong. Nothing you can or will do, will earn your way into Heaven. And God doesn’t want you to be religious. Some of the worst things that have happened in this world have happened because of religion. Like the crusades and the inquisition, persecution, ect…”

    “Then what does God want from me?”

    “God wants a relationship with you, he loves you. That is why he sent his son to die for you.”

    “Are you talking about Jesus? I’ve read so many contradictory things about him. Even so called Christians don’t believe all the hype, and he didn’t die for me personally.”

    “Christ died for each and every individual who has ever been born or will be born! And yes he did it personally for you too.”

    “I…I don’t know what to say to that.”

    “True Christians believe the word of God, those who don’t or try to twist God’s words aren’t really being true to Christ. And what’s true of Christ, it’s what God’s word tell us of him. Jesus is the son of God. He lived a sinless life, was crucified and died for our sins, he was lain in a tomb (guarded by roman soldiers) and rose three days later. There were many eyewitnesses that testified to that last fact, both believers and none believers alike. The bible says in John 3:16. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

    “So if I believe in him I’ll never die and live forever?” He laughed; you had me going there for a while. Frustrated I stare at him.

    “Every person dies, I’m talking of eternal life. Every man shall spend eternity either in Heaven with Jesus Christ or in Hell. The chose is yours, God won’t force you to love him, that is what he wants but he gave us free will to choose. So either you have a Love of sin or you have a Love of him.”

    “Ya and what hoops do I have to jump through to live eternally with Jesus?”

    “Believe, just believe in Jesus and accept the salvation he’s given you through his death and resurrection, if you truly believe all else falls into place, thanks to the Holy Spirit.”

    “So just like that, I say I believe and boom I’m a bonafide Christian with all the perks.” He smirks.

    “I wouldn’t ridicule the gift of God and I wouldn’t put off your decision either. We are not promised tomorrow, I want you to know all you need to do is tell God you repent and accept his son as your savior, please remember that.”

     “Mom, I don’t want to disappoint you, but really you believe we live in, what did you call it, the end times and Jesus could come at any moment to get you. I’m supposed to believe that?”

     “Yes, because God loves you, even more than I do. It breaks my heart to think you will never accept Christ, at least you listened today which is more than before; just don’t put it off, because we don’t know when Christ will come for his bride.”

     “Well you can keep explaining it to me and maybe one day I’ll believe.” He smiles at his wittiness. A loud crash echoes from outside the park, the man jerks in the direction of the sound as he hears another and another loud crash. He sees an airplane plummet into the buildings in the downtown area, just north of the park. What in the world is happening!

    “We’re under attack!” he screams, “get the kids, and lets run to the shelter of the trees!” he turns to grab his mother by the arm, but she’s not there. He frantically scans the area, searching for her and his nieces and nephew but, they are gone too. Where did you go? They were just here?  He runs to the playground and searches the tunnels to see if they hid there. Confused he heads back up the hill. It is quiet now, except for the cries of the injured. He doesn’t know what to do. As he passes the bench where they had been sitting, he sees her bible left there all alone. He picks it up, and hugs it to his chest. 

    “God,” he asks tentatively. “Is this you? I’m sorry I have sinned against you.” He searches the Heavens with fear in his heart, if she was telling him the truth, what was he suppose to do now? Was it too late for him? He looked at the bible in his hands, knowing instinctively that it held the answers he needed. Cautiously he goes to his car surveying the damage and stunned people milling around multiple wrecked cars that were blocking the main road, but as he wove through the damage his only thought was of how he wished he had listened to his mom earlier before she disappeared in the blink of an eye?”

     I smile as I and my grandchildren and all God’s church are raptured. I know for certain I will see my son again, as we rise to meet Jesus who patiently waits in the sky.

August 25, 2021 03:58

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