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Coming of Age Bedtime Friendship

I was finding my document suddenly an book fell from my cupboard . Old smoky book , it's moisture pages and the smoky smell with unavoidable nostalgic felling , by flipping through the pages I found some drawings, poety and short stories written on it over 6- 7years ago. 

While I was going through the pages and recalling the memorise a photo fell from it upside down "keep smiling " written on one corner of the backside of the photo with an neat and clean handwriting , I filp the photo.... after a long time I saw a familiar face . 

As soon as I saw the photo the memories and emotions which I ignore for a long time were coming in a sequence in front my eyes as I was experiencing phantasmagoria. At a point I recall about a book and started finding it, rushing, throwing the stuffs, running back and forth and after so many efforts I found that book "unforgetful love ".

It was about 7 years ago when I meet my unforgetful love .......Mr. kang. 

Hii I'm 26 years old, Renown Painter and tragic love story Writter .

7 years ago at night around 11pm...

"I'm not a kid anymore dad " I explained in annoyance. 

"Just wait for me near the class, I'll pick you up " he ordered with little worried voice. 

"Okk " I agreed. 

A car came and stop in front of me, a man came out "where are you going? Come I'll drop you " The man said in unexpectedly sweet voice. 

"No, I'll go by my own " I exclaimed. 

In blink of seconds the man grab my wrist . I forcefully realese my wrist , I saw two additional man coming out from the car. 

"come along with us " A loud voice echoed. 

"No" I yelled . 

The first man raise it's hand to slap but he stop in between or some stop him. A muscular hand appear by grabbing his hand tightly. "leave her" In a calm and clear voice . By grabbing that man's hand he forcefully push him aside and a long muscular figure appear as it was so dark that I was unable to see his face .

A man ran towards him and he kick him as a football whilst another man with alcohol bottle in one hand ran towards me as I was about to get aside he came in between by covering me with both his strong arms while the bottle hit his back his heart was beating so fast that I could even sense it whilst the partial light fall on his face I could see his dark and calm eyes in his handsome face as he turn around they three sit in the car and speed up..... 

"Are you okay? " his worried attractive face appear .

"Hmm......" I could only mumble. 

His phone ring by breaking the suffocating silence. He stand a distance away from me. 

"Sorry, the shortcut way was close which cause me late ". Dad said while taking deep breaths. "let's go it's not safe ......" he exclaimed. 

He hold my hand gently and start walking. I was countinusly looking backward at that man and notice he has were a pair for fit t-shirt with lose trousers which clearly showing his muscular figure perfectly, at last he turn around and smile by lifting his right lip his eyes shines . I was so onto him that I forgot to ask his name I mean saying thank...... Hehee 

In fraction of seconds his appearance disappear in the dark....... 

Hii I'm 19 years old , A art student major painting as well as professional martial art player, Yes a pro martial artist..........

It's been a long month I haven't seen him yet my saviour..........

I never intrested in painting or sketching but as my ancestors are fantastic painter I had to take painting as a profession. 

In classroom......... 

"Who's lecture next? "I asked. 

"Creativity " my friend replied. 

"Ahhh....... I'm so tired, I'm going to sleep don't wake me up " I said as I lean my head and close eyes. 

......He's so adorable ....... Indeed, he's so muscular......... Look at his styles....... 

Some voice beak my sleep but I was so tired to look up that I kept my head down. 

Hello everyone one, As Mr. Kim is not well I'm here for 1 month..... You can call me Mr kang. 

I hear a familiar voice....... his voice.... My heart started racing as I could hear them into my ears clearly.  I was about to look up but some one shout with anger voice "hey it's not your home, get up and stand out of the class". He was our dean standing outside side the class and observing us, as I get up to make my wake outside. I heard a mellow voice "Don't need to go, sit on your place " As I look up I found him ..my saviour... I found him again...... 

As soon as the day past we started talking each other more and more although it's mostly related to university work but I found myself falling for him each day more and more ................

At staff room... 

"Mr kang, how should I paint this "I asked. 

"You can refer to this book "he said handing over the book. 

"Mr kang why do you always have this book on your desk "I asked pointing out the book name "unforgetful love ".

"oh.... This one my Mom had given me this.....because of this my mom and dad meet for the first time.

"what is it about ?" I ask out of curiosity. 

" It's about a girl who been in love with his childhood sweetheart and get married at 20 but unfortunately one year after their marriage when he was 22 ,he had to go on the mission as he was in military and during the mission his group lost his connection with other and lost there way. 

After knowing all this she decided to wait for him to all his life alone. All this time she sail from hardships but at the end she founded a way to express her pain, emotion, emptiness through way on writing and soon became a famous poetess".

It was our celebration day in university and Mr kang was assigned to paint the wall of university with inspiring image.

As he was giving the finishing touch to his painting I saw the ladder moving a little from his place, I thought it would fall on him so I ran and push him away and I fall off onto ground and hit my head but manage to get up, he was heading towards me as one teacher came and took me to infirmary . Fortunately or unfortunately the ladder fell exact opposite side............. 

In infirmary........... 

"No...... It will pain...Ahh..... Don't apply it "I said in pain. 

"Don't behave like kid, it's just a little pain and who told you to become hero " teacher told in annoyance. 

Doctor took a piece of cotton ball and dip it Dettol and was about to apply. 

"No, it gonna burn, it'll pain like hell...... " I whine and scream with moving my head away from her hands, whilst Mr kang entered the infirmary .

"It will pain a little, you......."

"I know, I'm not a kid anymore I can bear the pain "I cut her off after seeing Mr kang entering. 

He smile a little bit I guess he hear me winning like a child.... Oh God why I had screem.....Ahh..... 

"I'll go and get medicine "Doctor said as soon as she left teacher also left. 

While I was looking down in embarrassment I feel something warm on my hair..... Mr kang pat my head and Dopamine flush through my whole body. 

"Thanks my little saviour " He said with a sweet melodious voice. 

"Mr kang, I need your help ".some one called him out and he left. 

At classroom.......... 

"Hey, did you hear Mr kang had left school today morning as Mr k........ "

As soon as I hear this I ran towards staff room, stand near his desk and found there was nothing.....

It hurts, it's painful, it's like someone had taken a part of me, it hurts.....  

In classroom........ 

"Where were you? By the way Mr kang had told to give you this " holding the book 'unforgetful love '.

By flipping through the pages I found the picture. It was taken at the day of celebration when I won first price in drawing competition. I was holding the drawing and he was standing behind me showing a Victory sign. 

In Present...... 

(knock knock )

"Coming " whipping the face I make my way towards the door. 

"Hii, I'm your new neighb.........." 

"Mr kang........ " only I could mumble. 

In Past........

"Mr kang, did she meet his unforgetful love again " I ask calmly waiting for the answer. 

"........Yes.... ".

September 16, 2021 09:37

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1 comment

09:36 Sep 25, 2021

AUTHOR your story is amazing 🤩continue your work I will be waiting for your next story


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