The sound of rain

Written in response to: End your story with a character standing in the rain.... view prompt


Drama Friendship

The sound of rain, that’s the only sound I was able to hear.

Laying on my bed, reading a book while raining outside. I felt peaceful and happy.

“Mia, open the door! Will you?” I heard my mom yelled at me as soon as the door bell rang. I rolled my eyes, here goes my peaceful moment.

“Yes mom!” I said with a lazy sign.

I kept the book I was reading on my bed before leaving my room. I saw my mom concentrating on the canvas as she painted, while I passed her room. Mom loves painting and she is really good at it. As my dad is a doctor he is always busy, so she drowns herself in paint and canvas to keep herself busy.

I opened the door and a huge smile appeared on my face.

“Hey Mia.” Justin said with a smile on his face. His blonde curls sat on his head, his hazel eyes shined as he smiled.

“Justin!” I greeted and hugged him. I was meeting him almost after a week, as he was in London meeting his family.

Justin is my best friend since we were 12 years old, we have recently graduated high school. Justin is from London but he moved here in Healdsburg, California with his grandparents since he was 10 years old. As his parents needed to travel every now and then because of their job, they decided to let him stay with his grandparents.

“How did you come early, you were going to stay for few more days right?” I asked him and saw his smile flattered. Oh.

“Mia! Who is at the door?” Mom asked from her room. I asked Justin to come inside and closed the door behind him.

When I dint give my mom an answer she walked out of her room with a brush in her hand and her hands were dirty due to the paint.

“Oh, Justin. How are you son?” my mom asked him with a smile. Mom like Justin because of his manners.

“Hello, Jenna. I am good, I hope you are doing well. You look good.” Justin said and I rolled my eyes at last part with a smile.

“Thank you, dear and I am doing great. And Mia please take whatever you guys want from the kitchen, I will make something and bring it to you after I finish my painting.” Mom said and went to her room.

“Come on, what would you like to have?” i asked him at we headed towards the kitchen.

“Anything, anything that's hot.” He said with a wink as he stuffed his hands in his pocket. I rolled my eyes at him but smiled because i missed him.

“Hot you say, so tea it is. Because I cannot make anything else except tea.” I said with a smirk before preparing tea. I saw Justine roll his eyes at my comment.

“So, how was the vacation?” I asked him as I kept the water to boil.

“Agh, don’t ask.” He said tiredly with a deep breath.

“That bad huh?” I asked raising my eyebrows tow high he just shrugged lazily.


“Since when did murder mysteries caught your interest?” Justin asked me as he eyes the book ‘Death on the Nile’ by Agatha Christie. I shrugged at him instead of answering as we both sat on my bed.

I have always loved to read romance novels. So it was kind of shocking for Justin to accept the fact that I was reading murder mystery.

“You want to watch something?” I asked him pointing towards the television.

“No. I love the view from your room tough.” He said with a soft smile as he gazed outside my window. It was still raining, but it was not heavy. Fields and mountains were visible from my room, the sky was little dark even tough it was afternoon because of the rainy weather. The raindrops were hitting on my windows glass, making sound which were like music.

I smiled at the view and turned my attentions towards Justin to see him with pained and sad expression. I frowned at him, he is always smiling and in happy mood. But to something was different, his mood was kind of low.

“Justin.” I called and his eyes snapped towards me, he tried to give me a smile but failed.

“Are you okay? You seem sad and that’s very unlikely if you.” I said softly placing my hand on his. He kept starring at me with an unrecognizable expressions.

“Justin? Wh-“ I was about to ask him but was cut off by my mom.

“Here comes your snacks children!” mom said with a smile as she came in my room and kept the try on the side table. Their were sandwiches and hot chocolate. Justin loves my moms sandwiches and she know that.

“Thanks mom.” I said giving her a smile and her grin widened.

“Thank you Jenna. I always love whatever you make.” Justin said with a smile.

“Oh thank you son. I made them specially for you.” She said before patting his cheek and leaving both of us alone.

“So, I was ask-“ I started as soon as mom left but this time Justine interested me.

“Let’s eat Mia!” He said and grabbed a sandwich before eating it.

“Yes but you need to tell me what has –“

“Ummm... they are so amazing!” He moaned. He was trying to avoid the subject but I wanted to know what was wrong. I snatched the sandwich from his hand and kept in on the plate.

“Justin, please. You know you can tell me anything right? What happened?” I asked him again. I dint wanted to force him, but it was very unlikely of him to be this sad so I was worried about him.

He wiped his mouth and looked at me. He looked so vulnerable.

“I- I wanted to tell you something.” He said and nodded at him encouraging to speak.

“I-I” he cleared his throat before continuing “I am moving back to London.” He said and I blinked. Their was a few minutes of silence.

“You are joking.” I whispered as my mind processed his words. Tears formed in my eyes making him blur as he bit on his lower lip with a frown.

“I am not.” He said and came closer to me. Taking my both hands in his he gulped looking straight in my eyes.

“My dad wants me take over his business in few years and for the training he wants to keep me close to him so I can learn things.” He explained but in my mind only one thing was repeating over and over again.

He was leaving me. But I love him, so very much. He is very important to me, a part of my life which I love.

A tear escaped my eyes and another and another, tears were streaming down my cheek and my lips quivering.

“Mia, don’t cry please. It’s already hard for me to leave.” He said and his voice cracking at the end.

“Please, please don’t leave Justin.” I said and a sob escaped my lips. Justin took a shaky breath as he looked up at the ceiling and then back at me.

“I am so sorry, sweetheart. I tried, I really did to convince my parents but ... they dint understand. I – i am very sorry but I have to leave.” He said as he wiped my cheeks with his thumb.

“No. Look i have an idea, let’s do one thing.” I said and wiped my face with my hands and looked at him.

“I will talk to your mom and dad. I can talk to them and convince them to let you be here.” I said and too my phone from the table.

“Mia.” Justin said and took the phone from my hands while making me look at him. He combed his blond hair back with his fingers and cupped my face.

His beautiful hazel eyes were wet and that made me but my lips from keeping myself from crying.

“I am leaving tonight. In few hours.” He said and my expressions changed from sad to angry.

“Seriously Justin! You are leaving and on top of that you are leaving in few hours?! How insane are you! Do you even care about me? Why haven’t you told me before you dumb, idiot!” I said and stood up on the floor looking at him angrily.

“Oh god, Mia. I care about you, a lot. A lot. I have fought with them to let me come here for few hours. They were saying to not even come here and they could tell someone to bring my stuff. I fought because I wanted to ... i wanted to tell you myself. I am sorry.” He said and a tear left his eyes.

I looked at the boy in front of me. The boy who understands me like no other, who has shown me nothing but respect, care, love, adoration.

I know his parents are strict and he is a very loyal son. He would never hurt me intentionally. I trust him. And I had to believe him and support him. I should not make this harder for him, he was hurting too.

I moved on bed again and hugged him. I silently cried on his shoulder while he held me tight.

“I think we should have our snacks and our hot chocolate has become cold chocolate, sweetheart.” He said and I chuckled.

“Okay.” I whispered and pulled away. He wiped my cheeks and gave me a smile. We ate in silence, but kept staring at each other.

I was not going to see him everyday how I use to before. I will not be able to keep my head on his shoulder anymore. I will not be able to comb those blonde hair with my fingers. I will not be able to see those amazing hazel eyes with care and adoration everyday. I will not be able to see his smile...


“I will tell Jenna myself.” He said and email nodded at him. He went to my mom in the kitchen to tell her that he was leaving.

I turned and saw my own reflection in the mirror. My brown hair were messy and my brown eyes were puffy from crying. My gaze shifted to the necklace I was wearing.

It was simple and elegant piece. It had a diamond in the middle. Justin gave me this on my 17th birthday, and I have been wearing it since, each and everyday.

“Mia!” i heard my mom calling me. I went in the living room were my mom was sitting on the sofa while Justin was sitting on his knees in front of her.

My mom’s eyes were red, she was crying. I took a shaky breath as they both stood up and hugged each other.

“Take care my boy and don’t forget to call me.” Mom said kissing his cheek.

“I would never, Jenna.” He said with a smile.

Me and Justin walked outside, in the porch we stopped and just kept staring ahead. It was still raining.

“So, will you call me too?” I asked him to lighten the mood. I chuckled and we turned to each other.

“Everyday. I promise.” He said softly with a smile.

Is this the last time I am seeing him in person? Will we meet again? Will he want to meet me? It was like Justin read my mind and his grin widened.

“This is not the goodbye, Mia. This is not the last time we will be seeing each other. I will call you everyday, just like I promised. We will video call each other and i will come to meet you whenever it will be possible.” He said sincerely. I broke down again and started crying. He hugged me close and let me cry.

I looked up at him, my chin on his chest. He was looking at me with so much ... love? I love him more than a friend but a little less than a lover.

I pulled back and took the platinum ring out of my finger. It was moms gift, but I dint think she will min if I gave it to him.

I took his left hand and slides it in his pinkie finger. The ring was simple. It was just a band with my name engraved from inside. Justin smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

“Remember Mia, this is not a goodbye. We will meet again, soon.” He said and I nodded with a smile.

“Call me when you reach their. Will you?”

“I will.”

“And take care of yourself. Don’t overwork. Don’t over drink. Eat on time and sleep on time. Don’t get into bad company. Don’t-“

“Oaky mom.” He said and nodded his head like a child. I narrowed my eyes at him and his smile widened. We both chuckled and Justine took his umbrella.

“Mia, I –“ he started but cut himself off and bit his lip with a smile. Like he wanted to say something but he dint, just kept looking in my eyes.

“Take care Mia.” He said instead while opening the umbrella. He walked to the gate and turned back. Waving at me with a beautiful smile. But I dint wave back.

I ran towards him and hugged him close.

“I am going to miss you so much.” I mumbled in his chest.

“Take care Mia.” He said kissing the backside of my hand. He winked at me before walking ahead.

Standing on the road, looking at his back until he disappeared while it is raining heavy. I felt blank and empty.

The sound of rain, that’s the only sound I was able to hear. 

September 22, 2021 15:37

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