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Sad Fiction Horror

TW: Death and disappearances

Mia parked her car off the edge of a dirt road. She was nervous, having spent the whole drive here desperately trying to convince herself to just turn around and head back home, but her desire..no her need was greater than her fear.

"I'm here now anyways," she said, shaking the thoughts from her head.

Turning off the vehicle, Mia gathered a bag from the passenger seat and stepped out into the cool November night. She had a bit of a walk ahead of her. This wasn't someplace she was supposed to be perse, and while the area wasn't what you would call high traffic, she wanted to minimize her chances of being discovered as much as possible.

Slinging her bag over her right shoulder, Mia took off into the night, heart pounding in her chest.

"It's going to be ok..this will work, I've got everything I need. They'll come..and Damian will know he can't fuck with me like this."

The moon was full and the night quiet beyond a chilly breeze that rustled through the trees. Mia was used to the city and being this far away from all its sounds and and people made her uncomfortable to begin with. But the night felt almost too still.

"Just stay calm, focus, girl, come on. It's just dark, "she whispered to herself, keeping her eyes focused ahead on the moonlit path, "besides maybe that old lady was just crazy, I'll get there and it'll be noth-"

She cut herself short. There it was..

Just ahead in the distance, the long dirt path she'd been walking finally intersected with another, creating a crossroads. In the Notheastern corner stood a solitary wooden lamp post which cast an eerie, almost sickly, orange glow on the area.

Mia took a deep breath. OK, so it was exactly like she said. Head to this spot, during the full moon, the lamp will glow, and he will come if you call him. And here it was. No other utility poles or lights for miles, and on any other night, it would be dark here just as anywhere else.. but tonight was different.

Checking her phone one last time, she turned it off and placed it in the grass just on the edge of the lamplight. She would have just enough time to set up and begin the ritual on time. 

Three hours later, Mia was despondent. She had been calling for so long at this point, practically screaming into the dead night, no longer caring of secrecy. Nothing. Heartbroken, cold, and exhausted, Mia began to rise to start gathering her tools and close the ritual down.

"Do you always give up so easily?," a voice called from just beyond the edge of the lamps' glow. It was smokey..seductive even, at the same time she felt its weight upon her..dangerous and predatory.

"Who..who are you?" Beyond the lamplight, Mia could make out a vaguely human shape in the night. Had someone heard her? None of this seemed right. The smaller summoning circle remained empty, and now..

"You called..did you not?" The voice hissed, it's sound seeming to echo in Mias mind. The shape beyond the post was still there, but the sound was coming from behind her? Beside her? "Do you not want Damian to pay? Have you not been hurt enough?"

"This..this isn't right. You were meant to appear within the summoning circle."

The voice laughed, a deep, rumbling sound that assaulted Mia's mind from all directions. It brought her to her knees, hands raised to her ears in a futile attempt to block the sound.

"You are all the same...seeking to dominate, seeking to demand from things you can not possibly understand. But, I am intrigued, and so, I present my offer to you. A life for a life. All you must do..is step outside your circle and come with me. " For the first time, the shape moved.

Was it extending a hand, Mia wondered. She strained, trying to make out the figure in the night. If I can just get a bit clos...She stopped with a sudden start and looked down, one more step and she would be beyond her protective circle. Had the night grown darker she wondered, no longer able to see the moon.

"This is insane..why would I do that?", tears welling in Mia's eyes.

"Can you really go back Mia? After what he did?", the voice hissed, "I can take you away from all this. He will pay..and you..you will be free. Don't you want to be free Mia?"

It was right. There was no going back. The old woman had said, He would want something in return..something valuable, something precious. Tears now streaming down her face, Mia took a step forward, reaching out.. Like a candle caught in a gust of wind, the lamp went out, bathing the area in an unnatural darkness.


Breaking News - 11/25/2007


Mia Cortez, 18, was last seen on the evening of 11/24/2007. Reported missing by her parents the following morning when she didn't return home after work.

11/25/2007 Police were able to locate Mia's cellphone, and subsequently, her car, 20 miles outside of the city limits, near county road 256 and FTM 410 intersection. No other evidence of Mia or any other party was discovered at the scene.

Police brought Damian Lewis, 19, in for questioning. He reported that Mia and he were once in an intimate relationship but that he broke it off when he began to date Mia's long-time friend, Ashleigh, 18. With no further evidence to detain him, Damian was released after questioning but remains the police depts. top suspect.

BREAKING NEWS - 12/5/2007


Damian Lewis,19, was reported missing by his parents several days ago. They say he had been acting strangely every since the disappearance of Mia and being under so much pressure from the police, despite his innocence, they claim. 

BREAKING NEWS 12/21/2007


Police have been able to locate and identify the body of Damian Lewis, 19. He was located within a heavily wooded area just outside of the city limits. Police have not released many details but say that it appears that it was some sort of animal attack. Police were unable to determine his reason for being out there. Mia Cortez, 18, remains missing. If you or anyone you know has any information in regards to her whereabouts, please contact the local police.

June 20, 2024 21:22

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1 comment

W. H. Goodwater
19:08 Jul 04, 2024

This was a very engaging read. Exciting! I can't wait to read more from you! Great writing


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