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Drama Sad Romance

Jackson shrugged as he didn't really know how to answer that question. It wasn't an exact thought that occur in his head when it happened, he just had a feeling and knew immediately that he wanted to marry her. There wasn't anything special about that moment that stands out from the rest. Viola wasn't trying to be extra pretty or giving him a special attention. They were just lying in bed together. Jackson was on his phone, while Viola was humming the Power Ranger's theme song.

The thought of that alone made him smile again, as his father raised an eyebrow at him, "It's a serious question, Jackson. I would really like to know. What made you want to marry her? Even with what you know that was going to happen."

Jackson chuckled, "She died years ago. And it was painful."

"Right, but you knew about her sickness. And yet you still decided that you would marry her. Why put yourself through that?"

Jackson sighed as he leaned back in his rocking chair on the front porch overlooking a beautiful sunset in the countryside. He stared warmly outward as he rocked himself back and forth. It is strange how much his memories work. He can't remember any time when they have arguments or fights. He can't recall a moment in which they made each other upset, even though he is aware that those moments happened. Jackson can only remember the warmth of her smile and her strange attraction towards kid's show.

Viola's parents were so scared of Viola dying that they took away her childhood. Instead of playdates, she has hospital visits. Instead of ice cream, she needed to take hard medications. So, when she is finally an adult, she took watched reruns of SpongeBob SquarePants and Scooby Doo until her eyes were red. On dates, she would talk about her favorite episodes, to which Jackson just sat there and watch her with a smile on his face.

Jackson shrugged again, "There was a moment, when things were really bad. She had to rush towards the hospital and needed emergency attention. I rushed her there, because her parents weren't at the house. Along the way, Viola's episode started to calm down and we were stuck in traffic. I was scared that was I going to lose her and so I freaked out for a moment. And then, Viola slowly sang a song that calms me down. It was the old Barney's theme song. I love you. You love me. We're a happy family. With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me, too?

It was then did I realize why she watches those shows so much. Seeing those kids, imaging what it must have been like to be a normal girl, and watching those happy kids play together, when she never had a chance. That's what those types of show meant to her. I didn't get it, but at that moment I did. And I relaxed down and happily sang that song with her. While stuck in traffic, we shared a moment that no one else could. That no one can truly understand, unless they were us. I remember saying in my head, 'I wish we could stay here forever.' Is that a good enough answer for you?"

"No." His father said.

Jackson laughed, "Then what do you want?"

"You went through all that pain for someone. All of the heartbreaking love for someone. I warn you, but you kept at it. I just want to know how you could love her so much."

Jackson gave his father an answer that was heartfelt and compassionate. However, he knew his father would see pass that. Again, it was just on a random day, in which Viola laid next to Jackson. They were talking about the future and Viola wanted to visit Disneyland. Jackson just laid there to listen as Viola describes what fireworks are without ever seeing them. She told him about the colors and how it is like painting. She wanted to see how bright and beautiful those colors are and how they would light up the night sky. However, Jackson noticed that she never describes the sensation of fireworks. For him, what makes firework beautiful is how they felt like heartbeats. As if he is hearing a loud heartbeat and the sound of the explosion was roars over everything. But how could Viola know? She never experienced it. She watched them on TV, but to experience firework and understand the true power they hold is to witness them firsthand.

But then again, Jackson can't seem to understand or know the experience of seeing the world through Viola's eyes. To see wonders in everything that is so normal. To be happy even in boring moments, because she is just truly grateful to be alive still. Maybe instead of feeling bored, Jackson should be jealous he could never witness the true beauty of the world like Viola can. Too describe fireworks without ever seeing them.

"It was just a random day. She talked about Power Rangers and fireworks. Nothing special, but that's why it was special. I just wanted to show her fireworks and then I knew I wanted to marry her. It is random and stupid." Jackson mumbled.

His father stared at him for a moment and nodded, "I think I finally understand."

Jackson raised an eyebrow as he can't begin to understand what his father is thinking, but he doesn't really care. It has been years since Viola's death and Jackson has finally come to accept it. However, there will still be moment in which he would hum the old Barney's theme song. There is still moment in which he would find himself watching Power Rangers again without knowing why. Of course, he misses her, but Jackson has to move on. For her sake.

"I wanted to know where your heart was my son, because I have a proposal for you. Watching you suffering was the hardest thing in my life. And as you are slowly building yourself up again, I figured it might be time to share this with you. Jackson, I am planning on adopting a little girl. After you left, the house was empty. Your mother and I wanted a bit of joy back in our life. And after Viola's death, we decided to adopt. She came from a bad family and was sheltered her entire life. Maybe this is saying a bit much, but I get the feeling you never forgive yourself for not showing Viola everything this world has to offer. Well, I want to give you a second chance, if you are willing to take it. She is your sister."

Jackson sat in silence for a moment. He didn't know what to say for a long time before he chuckled, "Guess I have to show her the meaning of friendship then."

June 02, 2024 00:32

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1 comment

05:53 Jun 09, 2024

This was such a warmhearted story. I love how even through the sadness of her death, we can still feel such joy, happiness and life, through flashbacks. <333


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