Christian Drama Romance

"I can handle it!" were Janey's last words to Mr. Rawson. She just needed a little space to work things out on her own. Sure she appreciated the offer to assist, and help her out if she needed it. But how was Jane going to find out if she could in fact handle it, if there were someone watching her every move, and catching her before she had a chance to stumble; moreless fall. It's all because he lost his wife due to an accident when handling the horses. But Jane was nothing like his wife, she had passed on now. It was so difficult for her to corral the horses when the goats got loose into the wrong pen. Those goats were scattered all over the horse pen, and the horses were'nt having it. Mr. Rawson just sat there reclined in his rocking chair smiling with toothe-pick hanging out of his mouth. He was just watching the whle thing, and it felt like he was just waiting for Janie to need his help. It was obviouse that she could use the extra help, so what was his deal; I mean why did he sit there gawking at her, and not offer a hand? She always helped him, why she cooked for him, she cared for him when he needed it. Like when he had sergory she was right there for anything he needed. When she had surgury that one time, he did the same for her. She had to work 4 hours extra that night corralling those animals into seperate pens all by herself. What did Mr. Rawson think Janie enjoyed that? I guess she enjoyed being able to claim the accomplishment to herself, oh but what Janie longed for than seld-achievement was companionship, teamwork and sameness.

There were so very many differences between she, and Mr. Rawson already. He was a man, she was a woman. They had a generational gap, and he had already accomplished so much. Janie still yet wanted to accomplish more in her life. She became not resistant exactly, but she dis-favored the idea of asking for help. Janey was not a fan of getting help from folks if she had to ask for it, and it was apparent that she needed it. So in her plan making she had already had the objective of self-sufficiancy in her favor. She liked to plan for the best, and most times she got better out-comes than she had previousely percieved. Ah, but Mr. Rawson was'nt a part of her plans, he had made it known that he inyended not to marry again. And Janey she was looking toward that marriage of her fantacies. She had already been married 3 times, and her first marriage was a mistake that she made as a result based on her own poor choices. You see Janey was the eldest of six children: and the aunt to about 12 children. Her parents had corperate jobs because they were co-owners and he father was the vise president in the family business, "O'HARRAH FRANCHISES". Since her grandparents were tycoons, and family takes care of family; she was the eldest child of six children. Being how she already had 12 cousins you can bet she got plenty of babysitting jobs. Oh but they were called babysitting jobs. Oh 'heaven's to Betsy' no! These jobs were her responsibility as leading airess to the O'Harrah fortune it was a part of her upbringing. She was to lead those kids while family members met together at "O'HARRAH' franshise head-quarters. Why she always got praised for being the most mature O'harrah. Ofcoarse this tradition had been passed down from Great Great GrandFather O'harrah, to Great Grandfather O'harrah, to Grandaddy O'harrah and each leading male O'Harrah since 1896. It was 2016, and each O'Harrah heir to the O'Harrah title. This title felt more and more like an obligation everyday that neared the 18th birthday of Janie O'harrah. On Janey's 18th birthday she got a new Corvet, and a cruise around the world. Janey had so desired to escape the family tradition, so she married whilst in Quebec. A Frenchman by the name of Adrian Bernard was the name of Janey's first husband. Two days after the honeymoon Janey learned that Mr. Bernard was a bigamist, and the marriage was annuled. Janey was not ready to move back to the states, therefore she decided to move on following the will of almighty Jehovah Rapha. She felt so diseased and sick from being married into such a shameful pretence that she turned to the one who could make her whole. Whilst doing so Keenan Oblique noticed her. Mr. Oblique was a Christian film producer and promised Janey fortune and fame if she wold only arry him and take the leading roles in his new big production. Since Janey's marriage had been annuled she kept her last name. Mr. Keenan Oblique entitled the production "O'Harrah Starlett." Of course Mr. Oblique never having a mind for anything but theatre kept good on his word, and the had a quick chapel marriage in which niether wore wedding attire; and the whole service lasted 20 minutes. The minister smelled of cheap cigars, and whiskey. He demanded cash, and wore a baby blue tuxedo. It was nothing like Janey had invisioned. Nonethe less she was marrying a famous film maker and producer, of Christian entertainment. She felt safe because Keenan was so gentle and kind, but boy he let his temper go on the set one day and Janie saw it. It was scary, he was so good to her, and she had no reason to ever get on his bad side, so she let that go. The mariage was so.... well not really a marriage. He had goals and dreams that revolved mainly around theatre. Not ar first though; it seemed like he was love struck by Janey, the honeymoon had to be postponed, and everything, (including honeymoon activities,) were put on the back burner. You see Mr. Oblique was putting on a broadway production, and Janey played the leading role. Janey was never a believer of annulment, seperation, or divorce, because she knew the Lord hated divorce, and it was'nt a part of God's plan for creation. Matthew 19:3-2 in the bible tells about this. Mr. Oblique was in his 60's, quite a bit older than Janie, but she did not know that until their first anniversary. Sadly Keenan was taking some human growth hormones that were not FDA approved. He did'nt look a day over 35 when they first met. Nonetheless while he was not under the bright lights on the set, and after missing 2 appointments in a row from his dermatologist his age began to reveal itself. She never found out until the incident at the last shoot before the ambulance took away his body. When she saw him lying on the floor of his dressing room with that sheet laid over him by the paremedics she could'nt even recognize his body. The body under that sheet was so skinny you could see the rib impression through the sheets. The hospital asked her to identify the body, but she could'nt. Whoever it was that she was presented was not Keenan. This man was bald, very pale, and several inches shorter than Mr. Oblique. The hospital claimed he had lifts in his shoes upon arrival. The hospitol aso had proof because he was was born there, and they had his records on file. Janey went home to search for his birth certificate, and was hoping the nightmare would end somehow before she got back to the hospital. No, no, the nightmare became a reality as she got home, found the certificate and matched it to the one on file. So she did what any Christ like person might do, she accepted it and vowed once again to Jehhovah-Rapha and awaited healing for her miserably wounded heart. Time passed, old wounds began to scab up. No doubt they would leave an unremarkable and painful scar, but eventually Janey pushed herself to move on. She had to relie on the Holy Spirit for guidance, and protection; nonetheless she refused to settle and become stagnent. Now here she was with Mr. Rawson, on a cattle ranch rangling horses. "I can handle it," those were her words, she had been handling it and things had been going forward. It started raining, and soon it was lightning. Mr. Rawson did not want to watch Jaey handle it on her own anymore, and Janey was glad Keenan got the cows in that night. Those goats would follow her right off a cliff, so she got them quickley. The two locked the barn gate, and went back to the main house for coffee. Mr. Rawson said to Janey that he had been saving up for something for her, and he wanted her to pick it. So he reached into the top cupboard and pulled out 3 boxes. Three different rings, and he said the jeweler let him borrow them so he could let her pick her favorite. Well, she picked out a ring, and no proposal was made by Mr. Rawson. As time went by Janey realized that no romantic advances would be made by Mr. Rawson until she cleared those advances for landing. The two choose to have a private wedding, in a privare venue; and Janey would just have to eat her words.

August 14, 2021 05:17

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Keya J.
09:18 Aug 14, 2021

It's a really sad story driving through Janey's struggles. I really enjoyed reading this and loved the way you rode through past and present. Here are some points I would like to point- 1) In this sentence 'Ofcoarse this tradition had been passed down from Great Great GrandFather O'harrah to Great Grandfather O'harrah, to Grandaddy O'harrah and each leading male O'Harrah since 1896. It was 2016, and each O'Harrah heir to the O'Harrah title' O'Harrah has been repeated a couple of times, making it sound repetitive. 2) Try to break the ...


Beth Murray
03:26 Aug 29, 2021

Hey, thanks a lot. Man, I'd love to check your story out. I just don't know how to get to it. Yep, my spelling sucks. I failed a lot of classes in grade school, due to undiagnosed dyslexia. I really appreciate your feedback. I also have double-vision that two eye surgeries have not corrected. Soon, I will get new prism eyeglasses, so that will help out too. I don't know why my paragraphs are always so long, I will work on that. I appreciate your feedback.


Keya J.
04:29 Aug 29, 2021

I am glad it helped. I am sorry for what you've been going through but don't lose faith. It's going to be alright. I hope your prism eyeglasses come soon!


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