Hail Lone Hunter

Submitted into Contest #37 in response to: Write a story that takes place in the woods.... view prompt



“In all of my years of living, never have I encountered a situation like this.” 

The snow slowly cascaded from the grey sky, coating the forest floor with a crisp blanket of pure white. The forest was silent, except for the roaming deer and calls from the birds in the treetops. In the gaps of the trees, a silhouette could be seen. Chuck Williams, a rifle slung over his shoulder, wrapped in white winter camo. Snow became entrapped in his beard, his eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep. The snow crunched underneath his boots, scaring off the deer and birds.

“I should be close. Hopefully, Ryan has found something. He tends to have better luck than me.”

Chuck slowly made his way through the trees, keeping on guard. Rumors had arisen about a group of beasts roaming the western valleys and forests of Montana, eating livestock, and worst of the rumors, people. He stopped and looked up into the treetops. The Ponderosa Pines stacked with snow atop there branches. He closed his eyes and exhaled, his breath materializing in the freezing temperatures. The forest was once again silent.

“Hail, lone hunter.”

Chuck jolted out his trance and drew his weapon, cocking it and taking aim in the direction of the voice. He peered through the scope, observing his surroundings trying to locate the source of the voice.

“Leave this forest."

Chuck looked down the scope, eyeing a dark figure in a cloak standing atop a hill. The figure stood still, looking down on Chuck

“He walks on sacred ground. He is not welcome here. He must leave before more suffer his impending fate.” The voice resonated through the trees and crevasses of the forest.

“Who are you? What are you doing out here? Identify yourself." Chuck shouted out to the figure. His call was met with silence. The figure pivoted and disappeared over the hill.

“Come back. What are you doing out here?” He began to climb the hill, the snow reaching his ankles, sinking deep into the soft powder. He reached the top of the hill, looking across the horizon to spy the figure on the edge of the forest clearing. A trail of blood stained the white snow crimson.

“Are you okay? Come back. I have medical supplies.” Chuck shouted and ran after the figure, wading his way through the deep snow.

“Dad, are you there?” Chuck’s radio came to life with the voice of his son, Ryan.

“Yeah, I’m here. Listen, there is an injured person here in the forest. I am going after them, see if I can help them.”

“Be careful, you know the things that the folks are telling us about. Be on the lookout for those wolf-like things the rangers told us about. These things are almost nightmarish. I haven't seen anything like this in my entire life. Just be safe out there day. I'm still looking out here.

“I got it. I’ll be careful."

Chuck reached the edge of the forest. The clearing led to a rolling valley. He stood in awe of the beauty that was the West Montana forest.

“Are you alright? Are you bleeding? I have bandages.” Chuck spotted the figure in the middle of the valley. The figure turned to face him, removing their hood to reveal their face. It was a woman

“You are trespassing hunter.”

Chuck slung his rifle over his shoulder, slowly approaching the woman. “Easy, we're just hunting for a creature responsible for the killings of livestock in the surrounding area. Come with me, I’ll take you back to town.”

“I said leave this place hunter,” The woman shouted at Chuck, taking a step forward.

“Hey, lady calm down. I’m trying to help you.”

 “You do not realize the damage that your people have done to this sacred place and their guardians.”

Chuck raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Lady, you’ll have to elaborate and quit speaking in riddles and unreliable tones.”

The woman reached into her cloak, releasing a dagger, cutting deep into Chuck’s arm, tearing his clothes and flesh causing him to collapse into the snow. The woman took a step forward and stomped her foot onto his neck.

“Fool, the animal you hunt is sacred to my clan. You and your destructive manners are the reason why the Amarok is in danger of extinction. You slaughter them carelessly and for what? A simple hunger for meat and flesh that needs to be sated.”

Chuck put his hand on the woman’s leg, desperately trying to escape.

“Are you insane? These monsters are eating more than animals. They eat people. They eat babies and children.”

The woman narrowed her eyes and sunk her foot deeper onto Chuck’s neck.”

“If you sincerely believe that, then perish with the rest of those heathens.”

Chuck’s vision began to fade, his breath a struggled gasp desperately clinging onto his life. His grip slowly began to slip away, as darkness began to consume him. Her focus was broken by the sound of barking. The woman turned around to face a wolf-like creature. The creature barked. The woman growled back.

"This is the enemy. We have the chance to reduce their numbers. We should take this chance.”

The woman was met with more barking.

“What do you mean we are just like them if we kill them?

More barking rang out through the forest. The woman looked down at Chuck, releasing her foot off his neck.

“My companion speaks wisdom. Your life has been spared, for now. Leave this place and never return. In exchange, my clan will not disturb the nearby towns. No more blood needs to be spilled.”

Chuck’s radio rang.

“Dad, I think I found the den of these creatures. No one seems to be home.”

Chuck stared at the woman, then at the animal. He reached for his radio and spoke.

“Go back to the truck son. I think there's nothing out here.”

"Dad are you sure? I mean I have the explosives. If I'm right we can take them down a peg or two right now.

"I said go back to the truck Ryan!"

Chuck stood up and began to head for the forest. The animal and woman keeping eyes on him. The only problem he faced now was how he was going to convince the rangers to leave them alone.

April 13, 2020 03:23

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