Inspirational Sad Drama

The smallest glimpse of light starts with your first breath, the very moment you come to this world, everything seems so bright, colorful, and careful. Like a single twinkling star in the city night of vase darkness, far and wide. And from that moment everything brightens up, little by little every step of the way until you open them and understand the mass.

Tiny feet and hands leaving happy smiles along the way. The laughter and cheers for your first step echo and surround you. Times where the shadows of you cheerleaders wished they were you, having no care and responsibility of the big messy world they know all too well

Her smiles shine like the sun radiating an aura of friendliness and cheeriness, giddy and nervous for the first day away from home. Longing for those years to never end and come. New things to learn and be stained by the sins and dirt of the ground dust.

The house of security and comfort that was once flooded with light, stained by the blood of its pillar. Bruises and tear-covered faces deluge her once bright light, crushing her hope and eyes closed off from the world.

Curses, boys, girls, creeps, and social media is what she found. Learning faster and corrupted quicker, with false solutions and promises of the empty words strangers told her. And she believed them. The broken heart longs for comfort whether it be good or bad.

The world is cruel and full of lies darkness surrounds the truth and innocence dies within the years. Submerge in the night of the sea where her light, can no longer be seen. The bustling noises of strangers, the screams of agony, pleas of forgiveness never-ending, and the overwhelming guilt and shame brought upon the darkness of her life choices. 

She felt like drowning in her sins, darkness no one can fathom, an unending abyss, lost, blind, breathless, mute, deafening silence, cold, and lifeless. Confused about who and what she is. The constant fear of being left behind scared her. The past creeping in her thoughts, the once that should be forgotten and forgiven. Her sins piling up and covered the light. Shut her completely.

The stain of the world clouds her judgment, unconsciously living a life unknown and unplanned. Worldly desires, pleasure, and pain. Are where she is lost in, left and right lost and confused. Desperate to be saved and guided. 

Letting go of control, she found a man who presented himself as a helper. Gifts and praises were showered upon her but still empty. The unfillable void in her heart. She asked for more and more, but still, nothing can quench her thirst to fill her void. A massive black hole. He restricted her, confined her, controlled her, and completely dominated her life. So fragile, so soft, so breakable.

When all things, when all of her was gone. no one wanted her, not her friends, not her boyfriends, not her girlfriends, and not even her family wants her. Broken, defiled, and, unpure she was alone, empty still, and sad. Death welcomes me I guess.

She walked and lived this earth like a zombie. No mind of its own, no control over her own, no life, no passion, no drive, no purpose, only the will to find the next person, who does not give a care about her only for her service. Another dollar, another day, she thought. She was barely getting by on her own, but now she has to take care of another her. Another poor and pure soul, clean of all the dirty and foul things of this world she lives in. Will history repeat itself? Does the apple really not fall far from its tree? Will this thing be as miserable as me? 

But at least her childhood would be better than the child she was carrying, but that won’t have to be the case. She could drop the child before it sees the chaos of this world. Putting this in foster care won’t change anything it will still grow up and see this piece of shit we call earth. The society of a joke who makes laws that they don’t even follow. The expectations of the world not even the perfect can’t fathom. The mountains of lies and seas of deceptions people tall you. The greed of money, the lust for pleasure. The rich and the wicked drown in both, and the poor people suffer for it.

No, she can’t let that happen. She will not let history repeat itself, but at the same time she can’t let it die, I won’t abort this child. It’s the only thing that gave her the tiniest bit of hope that even though her life was a mess at least she knows what to protect her child from. I’ll give it the best life that I never had. 

She worked hard even if the work is degrading her dignity and pride. Giving this thing a better life than what she had was the only hope she had of this world, at least her baby can be the one good thing in her life that she would never regret. Despite it being unplanned, unwanted, and unpredicted she will still make it her only, one and only masterpiece, her last boast of passion, hope, and pure love.

Nobody said it was easy. But she worked through it. She gave birth to a handsome and angelic baby boy named Nozomi. She not only archived her goal as a mother and raise the boy alone, but she also found a way to live. A reason to live not for her own but her son. The fruits of her hard work and her love. It showed fully on how Nozomi grew up. A very happy and energetic boy, loving and kind. Full of hope and humbleness. She found peace in herself and her past. Learned how to forgive and forget all the mistakes she made and all the wrong and bad things that were done to her. she learned skills she thought she can never do, like cooking and drawing portraits. She discovered that she could sing and have great leadership skills. but all of these would never be uncovered, if it wasn't for her own accord to change and to find the light herself.


Getting buried in all this darkness should never stop you from archiving greatness. Dig yourself back up and strand again no matter how deep and dark it gets light will always be there. When there is light there is a shadow. But when there is darkness, there is goodness. Life does not end when you make the biggest mistake or fail miserably it only makes you stronger and thicker in life. Teaching you how to handle things right and how to face the biggest and toughest challenges you will face in your journey in this world. Life ends when you say I did it proudly and confidently in your afterlife.

May 07, 2021 12:52

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