A Stare Away from Freedom

Submitted into Contest #200 in response to: Write a story that includes the line “my lips are sealed.”... view prompt


Teens & Young Adult Coming of Age Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.

Am I looking through the nightfall? I know I'd believe it. We are often inclined to test the boundaries of our freedoms, despite the ragged end it may give us. The tall corn was swaying by the extravagant carnival, a staple of beguiled beliefs. All I can see is betrayal and that there's nothing blue in hate. I will be riding through sunsets and ooze, fleeing the foggy trees, and upon the final shore I will find a brisk owl. Sitting, liquor is gone. Keep my soul in mind as I walk fallen. Early on, the sun was unquenchable and I had sympathy for the moon. After watching the eagles fly, I saw them cross and below was dead. This is how I became the deceiver. I played jazz and trumpets early in the morning, drank a sip of soda from the mug, and rolled a swell clean shave to cut my face. I betrayed my family by wearing the prize. Mr. Elba was a thief who never appreciated his life. He had no ambition. So it meant nothing to my sister when she watched his soul slowly leave him.

The biggest pain I ever had was abusing freedom before I lost it. I didn't appreciate things enough. It was my mistake. I got to see blue birds, elaborate foods for fine banquets, walk for love and taste the spoils of aggression. Then Mr. Elba came. He was a criminal mayor. He imposed a tax on us. My hair was cut short, my beard could not be grown, my ambitions were burning the frozen ice. I had no connection to my love anymore as Mr. Elba mocked me into the ground. "This field is waiting for you. These bugs want to feast on nothing but the polluted flesh. You are, ere me, a joke". Those were the words that ruined my life.

This morning was slow for me. Mr. Elba had watched me drown in reflection as he drained the life out of me. I mauled myself like prey, I destroyed myself for fame. I wanted to be the extravagant face who history remembered. I was the pillar bursting the final flame. I did it so the wild rocks and gravel could give the tree line such a foggy soot. All week long the owls were flying away and my sister was forcing me to go with her to the dance. She had no boys to go along with her and felt it would be better if I went. To be honest, this was the worst dread for me. I hated confronting the world. I was a loner, they were my enemies. When I heard that bastard Mr. Elba was gonna be there, I jumped at the opportunity. We watch the final seconds as a tremble of fear. This shake brings destiny fallen like hopes are afraid. I had spent everything, knowing I was the most fearful man on the planet. There was never a situation where I wasn't afraid some unlikely event could happen to me. Since Mr. Elba, I never felt safe.

I woke up at 5 am, like every day. I made my room dark and sighed as I got over the last girl who rejected me. The stress Mr. Elba had imposed on me didn't make it feel any better. Every night, before the sun sucked under the horizon, I wanted to die. This was life without the rose, the blossoming future that kept me alive. I had wasted my life and needed to express it. I had enough of this scoundrel who taxed me and my family every day for good blood and money. After a nice clean shower, I gelled my hair. The mist of the hot water filled the bathroom like the overcoming of death. I could hear the owls and eagles singing each rapture that foretold a great story like the boiling of river water.

I was dressed in a tuxedo for the dance, hoping that I would drink a nice glass of wine and kiss the love of my life. She was gone. Nothing but pain waited for me. Me and my sister were at the event, drinking heavily and playing somber tunes to the collapse of the planet. I was really nervous, this was a big hall with a lot of people in it. The lights were dim but bright enough under the dark sky which I knew was outside of us. Mr. Elba sat down in the distance. I was angry, I put my love and faith into this woman and she crumbled me. Never again. I should've picked up on my mistakes before. The music went on for a while, I was tapping my knee a million times with my finger. My sister asked me if I was ready. I knew I was. I had to walk across the hall to deliver the meaning to Mr. Elba who was smiling and not suspicious. I got up, nervous, and extended my arms for glory. I patted my sister on the shoulder. I was the enemy, all these young people at the dance were a pack of futile cells. It was like charging an army of the supreme strength, knowing I'd have to battle each one of them myself. I conquered life through the biggest obstacles.

Walking across the dance hall, my dress shoes batted against the tile that heels danced upon. I went up to Mr. Elba, he looked at me briefly before I killed him. I took out my weapon, a simple design and he had fallen to the ground. My sister ran over, while everyone else ran away. I reached my arms out into the sky for glory and shame like Moses looking over the defeated sea. It was so quiet, and tense in the room before. I finally felt real as I heard their screams running away. Then I was no longer afraid.

That night, freedom was gone but I suddenly wanted to live. However, I felt comfortable that I had tranquility at least once. I was given a chance and I chose what to do with it. Luckily no one will know that my sister killed Mr. Elba. My lips are sealed. So as I stare out of this cage, nothing to look forward to, I ask myself the same question. Am I looking through the nightfall?

May 30, 2023 15:45

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