(content note: References to cancer, murder and abuse.)
Second Unknown Number
(Over text)
Unknown number: Hey Thera, this is Liza’s friend Avery. I’m with her now. She gave me your number.
Me: That’s creepy, but whatever. I hope she’s doing better.
Unknown number: She’s not.
Me: I’m very sorry to hear that.
Unknown number: She picked a fight with you on purpose, so you wouldn’t feel as sad when she died.
Me: OK, that was an abusive thing to do, and I don’t respond to abuse. I wish her well. Good luck.
Unknown number: I’m going to tell her that you hate her.
Me: Wow. Jesus. Lying to your friend with cancer is a cruel thing to do. I do NOT hate her. If you choose to tell her otherwise, that’s on you.
Unknown number: She needs clarity. She needs clear boundaries. She needs to know where she stands. It’s better if she unambiguously believes that you hate her.
Me: Again, I cannot prevent you from lying to your friend. All I can say is that you’re committing an act of cruelty by doing so.
Unknown number: But I’m not lying. You do hate her. You never visited her once when she was in the hospital. You completely abandoned her.
Me: OK listen “Avery.” You disappeared. I had no idea where you were. You didn’t tell me which hospital you were at. Was I supposed to go knocking on every single hospital in Manhattan, looking for you? You completely vanished. If anyone has a right to feel abandoned, I do. I understand that you were sick. But you are not going to blame me for not visiting you, when you DID LOT LET ME KNOW WHERE TO FIND YOU. You ghosted me before my wedding. You didn’t return my calls. Which I get. But. You do not get to guilt me while playing the victim. You can hide behind a new number and a fake friend, but I will not allow myself to be manipulated.
Unknown number: Oh my god I had no idea. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize I’d vanished. I have no. memory of you trying to contact me but I believe you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.
Me: Thank you. I hope you get all the help you need. Truly, Liza, I wish you all the health in the world.
Unknown number: Will you visit me now?
Me: No, I live in California.
Unknown number: Wait, what? When did that happen?
Me: A year ago.
Unknown number: Wow. And you really had a kid.
Me: I did.
Unknown number: I don’t believe you. Show me photos.
Me: They’re all over Facebook.
Unknown number: I no longer have access to Facebook.
Me: Liza, I have to go. And I’m blocking this number as well. Best of luck, with all of it, truly.
(Over text)
Unknown number 2: Hey, sorry about that.
Me: Liza, how many numbers do you have?
Unknown number 2: Well what am I supposed to do when you keep blocking me? That’s a really bad look, you know. Blocking your friend with cancer. Imagine if I took screenshots and shared them with all our mutuals.
Me: I wish you well, but I will not subject myself to insults, threats and abuse.
Unknown number 2: What are you talking about? Who hurt you? You sound paranoid.
Me: Apparently the drugs and the cancer have not dulled your ability to gaslight.
Unknown number 2: Did you know that the cancer makes my skin bleed?
Me: You should call 911.
Unknown number 2: And tell them what, that Liza’s dead?
Me: You’re referring to yourself in the third person again, so clearly you need medical help.
Unknown number 2: No seriously Liza’s dead. I killed her an hour ago to put her out of her misery. It was much quicker that way.
Me: Please let this be the last time I have to block you tonight. Please don’t come at me with yet a third anonymous number. Please seek help.
(Over messenger)
NuLiza: Hello, Thera. This is a new Facebook account. I lost access to my old one. I hear my friend Avery’s been harassing you and I’m really sorry about that.
Me: I don’t know what’s going on, but I wish you the best. Please don’t ever contact me again.
NuLiza: There was so much blood when Avery killed me.
Me: I’m taking screenshots and will show them to the police if it comes to that. Goodbye.
(Over messenger)
Katie: OMG did you hear?? Liza’s dead!
Me: Right. How do I know you, again?
Katie: I’m Katie we met at Liza’s birthday party I think. Anyway, Liza’s dead.
Me: And you decided to contact me to tell me that, despite the fact that we’re not Facebook friends.
Katie: Well you were her best friend, weren’t you? She talked about you all the time. I can’t believe she’s dead!
Me: Very tragic, if true. Based on what evidence, if any, have you come to the conclusion that she’s dead?
Katie: You sound like a robot lol
Me: I’m very tired. Why do you say she’s dead?
Katie: What do you mean? It’s all over Facebook. Like ten people have written on her wall that they miss her and they’re sorry.
Me: Ten actual people, or ten fake profiles that Liza herself created?
Katie: What are you saying, Thera? Are you saying that all our mutual friends are just puppets? That no one’s real but Liza herself? That the rest of us are just figments of her imagination? Because that makes you sound crazy, Thera.
Me: I wasn’t saying that, and whatever game you’re playing isn’t funny. I guess I have to block you too. “Katie.”
Katie: God you’re such a selfish snowflake. Our friend died and you make it all about you.
(Katie is typing)
Me: (Block)
(Over text)
Liza: Forgive me.
Me: How the fuck did you unblock yourself?? You should NOT be able to contact me from your original phone number!
Liza: I have friends. I’m friends with the bots. All of them. I’m friends with the ghosts that live in your phone. I’m a powerful witch and you’ve pissed me off. Do you hear that beeping? That’s me lol.
Me: Oh my God.
Me: Who are you??
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Very David lynchian
Ooof. This is. Tiresome. (Until it hits a weird twist at the end.) And not because your writing is bad; it's actually super engaging. But oh dear god, haven't we all had an interaction at one point or another in our lives with someone like Liza, who both cannot let things go and cannot be honest even to save themselves? I'm so exhausted by that personality type the moment it becomes clear who/what she is, that, right up until the end when she unexpectedly managed to *unblock herself* my mental feeling was "I am so tired of your shit, Liza"...