Submitted into Contest #259 in response to: Write a story that includes the line, "Is nobody going to say it?".... view prompt




Who is this stranger who has come to my town? Why does this stranger look familiar? What does the stranger want? I will have to keep an eye on the stranger.


Point Pleasant hasn't changed in ten years. The people are still the same. They look at you and look away. My parents used to be like them, always telling me "River, keep your mouth shut and look straight ahead."

I see the same old thing. People too afraid to look back. They only look where they want to look and talk about what they want to talk about. This inlaces talking about the powerful Kincaid family.

What can I say about the Kincaid family? The Kincaid family has been terrorizing Point Pleasant since before I was born. Once I got to an age where I understood everything around me, I learned who the Kincaid family really was. It wasn't good good in fact it was beyond bad.

The Kincaid family has been doing unimaginable things to the people of Point Pleasant for so many years. They harbor secrets, very dark secrets. Secrets that can put the Kincade family away for good but secrets no one wants to talk about.

You mention the Kincaid family and their secrets and people clam up so fast. They would rather stay quiet than raise their voice and fight back.

I was ten years when my mother left Point Pleasant. My mother never looked back. She never talked about Point Pleasant. I remember what the people of Point Pleasant did.

I remember what the Kincaid family did. I remember what the Kincaid family did to my father. I remember everything. The dark secret ruined my life. My mother's life and my father's life.

I return to Point Pleasant as a stranger ready to stir up trouble ready to talk about the dark secret. How far can I go? That remains to be seen.


I follow the stranger throughout Point Pleasant. The stranger went to the general store, then she went to the diner, then she walked around Point Pleasant taking pictures, then finally to the lake. Why does the stranger look familiar.


I promised myself if I ever returned to Point Pleasant, I wouldn't go to the lake but I couldn't help myself. Some of my best memories were spent at the lake. The lake still looks beautiful.

I remember everything about the lake. The good times and the bad times. I sit on the ground and take a few minutes to take the beauty in.

I return to Point Pleasant not as River Parker but as Kaylee Ray. I'm glad no one recognized me. I already began to stir up trouble.

The people of Point Pleasant began to point and whisper at the stranger, the outsider the moment I stepped into town. I went to the general store and began asking questions about the Kincaid family.

I started off asking easy questions about Point Pleasant like the best spots to go hiking, the food, the stores then I went and asked about the Kincade family and the secrets they are hiding. The store owner Mrs. Reba as I recalled looked at me and walked away.

I went to the diner and asked the same questions. They looked at me and walked away. One of the customers told me to keep my mouth shut and not stir up trouble.

I didn't listen of course. When I left the diner, I saw people pointing at me. I kept on walking taking pictures of the streets and people. Some of them looked angry with me. I didn't care. Now I'm here at the lake thinking of my next move.


I see the stranger at the lake . The stranger seems to know a lot about the lake. The stranger smiles. Her smile looks familiar but she's also very dangerous. She doesn't known when to keep her mouth shut.


For some reason I can't leave the lake. I love it here even during the bad times. For reasons I can't explain, I miss Point Pleasant. I grew up here for ten years.

The people weren't all that bad. They were actually very good people but something changed. I was young but I saw the change in my parents especially my father.

After ten years nothing in Point Pleasant has changed. The one thing that is not here is my father. He was a good man who wanted to do good things. The Kincaid family wouldn't let that happen.

The devil is real and it comes in the form of one family, the Kincaid family. No one wants to do a damn thing about it. They would rather keep their mouths shout than fight back.

My father was the only one who dared fight back. The only one who dared open his mouth. The only one who was brave and had courage. Now he's in prison for something he didn't do.

My father saw an injustice and he was framed by the Kincaid family for what they did. One of their many secrets they have. My father was innocent and everyone in this damn town knew about it. No one helped my father.

I was a young girl of ten and I knew the world around me wasn't sunshine and roses. I knew there were bad people in the world. I always hears my mother crying . I always knew this town betrayed my family and still this town hasn't done anything to rid themselves of this evil.

My next move is the same one. Keep asking questions. Keep stirring the pot. I leave the lake and walk back to town.

Me and my mother moved to the city where no one knows us. I know my mother misses the country. I don't blame her. I miss the country too.

I'm back in town. The people are ignoring me. They are not even looking at me. They are walking pass me. Well not all of them. Some of them are giving me their angry stare. They are pissed at me. I don't care.

I'm not hiding the fact I'm a stranger to them but nobody is going to stop me from my mission. That is taking down the Kincaid family once and for all and freeing my father.

Some of the people who passed me are people I've known for a long time. They were friends and neighbors. They were present when my father was arrested. They stood around and did nothing.

I heard my mother screaming at them to say something. To do something. They just stayed quiet. They let my father go to prison because they were scared.

I take out my camera and begin taking pictures when I hear a car rumbling down the streets. I duck behind an alley and peek out. Two people get out of the car.

One of the guys looks familiar to me. The other one doesn't. By the looks of it they work for the Kincaid family.I can't hear anything but I know they are asking about me.

The people are cowering in fear. It's so easy to see. This has to stop. They can't live like this any longer. Someone needs to take a stand. That someone was my father and now that someone is me.


I watch as the stranger and the rest of us watch the Kincaid henchmen intimidate and terrorize us. There is not a damn thing we can do about it.

I watch the stranger trying to figure who she is and what she wants. She's doing dangerous things asking dangerous questions she shouldn't be asking.

The stranger turns around. Those blue eyes. Those ocean blues I never forgot, River Parker. River Parker is back. I walk to the alley and follow her.


After I took the pictures of the Kincaid henchmen beating the poor man, I left down the alley. I couldn't stomach it any more.

I'm going back to my safe place, the lake. As I am walking, I hear someone walking behind me. I turn around and see the one person I never thought I. see, Colin, my best friend.

"You shouldn't have come back."

"I cam back to get the truth."

"The Kincaid family won't allow it. They are looking for you. They want to know who you are."

"My father went to prison for telling the truth. For speaking out. He was innocent and no one did anything including your parents."

"The Kincaid family will stop you by any means."

Is anybody going to say it." I yell.

Colin takes a step back.

"Is anybody going to say it. Colin tell me. The Kincaid family are pure evil. They are the devils walking on earth, They belong in hell. You and the rest of the town are okay with the Kincaid family doing whatever they want. I'm not. I'm going to take them down."

I turn around and walk away from Colin. I will take the Kincaid family down once and for all and free my father and Point Pleasant.

July 18, 2024 20:50

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Kristi Gott
21:09 Jul 18, 2024

This sounds like it could be the beginning of a longer work, such as a novel. Well done!


Melinda Madrigal
15:52 Jul 19, 2024

Thank you.


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