
Annie sat at the kitchen table drinking her morning cuppa, just as she did every other morning. Being on leave got a little tedious sometimes, trying to find things to keep herself occupied. Today she felt a little different, she couldn’t really explain it, just that something was irking her. She scrunched up her mouth and furrowed her brow, what was it? The humdrum news squawked at her from the kitchen radio. “This is the biggest day of the year for the florists and they’ll be hoping lovers / sweethearts by the dozen arrive to buy their red roses tomorrow!” Annie jumped up from the table. “Valentine’s Day! She had been hearing and seeing it everywhere for the last week or so. That’s what was annoying her! “Why don’t I have a valentine?” She thought to herself. She hadn’t really been interested over the last few years, just keeping herself busy working and enjoying going out with the few girlfriends she had, so she didn’t really have anyone in mind. The few guys she knew were just good friends and not really interested in anything else. Though there was this one guy --- she hadn’t seen him for many years. Annie smiled to herself. “I wonder what Greg is up to these days?” “I should give him a call, after all we were very close years ago, and he was such a hunk back then!” Annie rifled through her dog-eared, small phone book. “What was his surname?” “Grey, Green, Gorge, Gravit, that’s it!” “Greg Gravit, oh the memories!” She recalled how she used to swoon every time he walked past in his football gear, with his muscles bulging and the cutest lop-sided smile on his face. He would be in his forties now, and he may even be married, but surely she would have heard. No harm in finding out. Years ago he had been working at an insurance company downtown, so she decided to try there first. Annie had a shower, dressed and tidied herself up, jumped in her small Honda and headed into town. She pulled into the parking lot outside the Everlast Insurance Company, got out and headed into the foyer of the large building. Annie walked up to the front desk where a young woman was busy on her computer. “Can I help you?” “Oh hi, I was looking for Mr Gravit, Greg Gravit?” “Do you have an appointment?” “No, I am an old friend, I just wanted to surprise him.” The young woman sneered at her. “Mr Gravit is very busy today, he is at a meeting now, then he is going to lunch with the directors, you will need to make an appointment, I may be able to get you in next Friday!” Annie was astounded. Greg must be doing well at this company. Annie walked back to her car. She sat there for a few minutes wondering what to do next, when she saw several well dressed men come out of the building. Greg was one of them, she would recognise that lop-sided smile anywhere. He hadn’t changed very much still quite handsome, although not quite so muscled anymore. Annie jumped out of the car and walked over to the men. “Mr Gravit? Could I please have a word with you in private?” Annie asked. The other two men gave him a knowing smile, and told him they would catch up, then walked away. “I am heading to the diner for a bit of lunch, would you like to join me?” Annie asked. Greg looked at her for a moment then gave her one of his dazzling smiles. “Sure, why not, I was going out for lunch anyway.” They walked in silence to the diner across the road, found an empty table under the awning and sat down. “I’m sorry miss, I didn’t catch your name? Was there something I can help you with? Do you need car insurance, or house insurance? What can I do for you today, I really can’t stay too long I have a heavy schedule today.” Annie realised Greg didn’t recognise her, he didn’t even remember they were at High School together! The waitress came over and they both ordered a cappuccino and a salad. “Mr Gravit did you go to Swan High School?” Greg looked up from his salad and stared at her. “Yes I did as a matter of fact, how did you know that? Who are you?” Annie felt so deflated. He didn’t even recognise her, let alone remember her from High School! “My name is Annie Smith and I was in the same classes as you at Swan High.” Greg stared at her. “Really? That was a long time ago, and there were so many students. Did I know you back then?” Annie felt like crying. “No, I was just another student. I am sorry to have taken up your time Mr Gravit, my insurance is fine thanks, it has been nice talking to you.” Annie shook his hand and walked across the road to her car. With blurry eyes, she opened the door and was just about to hop in when she heard a voice behind her. “Annie, you didn’t really think I had forgotten you, did you? I was only playing around with you. It is so wonderful to see you again. Please forgive me for my little prank?’ Annie turned around and looked into that lop-sided smile. She felt like hitting him, or maybe kissing him. So that’s what she did. When she pulled away from him he stood there not knowing what to say. “Well, thank you, that was nice. Can we start over again please Annie. This time I’ll do it right, I promise, no more pranks!” They walked back to the diner, ordered another cappuccino and sat and talked for five hours. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work Greg? I hope I haven’t been holding you up from something important?” “Annie I’ve been with this company for twenty years, I am the executive director, I can do whatever I want! And at the moment I just want to know all about you! Would you like to go to Maxim’s for tea tomorrow night? I would really like to get back into your life again Annie, I have missed you and I have been thinking about you a lot lately.” Annie’s eyes prickled with tears. When she had asked her old crush out for a coffee, she had not been expecting to find her Valentine. But she had, and that was all that mattered.

February 15, 2021 23:32

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Patricia Green
01:48 Apr 24, 2021

Thank you! I have a bit of trouble writing romance, so glad you like it.


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04:11 Mar 17, 2021

That was AMAZING!!! I am a helpless romantic and love sappy things so this was perfect for me hahaha awesome job!!! :)


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