My eyes are heavy. My head is throbbing. Hell, my body is killing me. I want to get up but my body is protesting. What time is it? It's half an hour to midnight.
I need my bed. Come on legs work. I get up from the chair. I begin to work. Jelly legs, I fall to the floor. This is so not my day or rather night.
I hit my legs a couple of times. A couple more feet to my room. Come on legs work for me. I get up again. This time I make it to my room.
This feels good. My bed is extra comfy. I quickly fall asleep. Sweet dreams world. Oh God! what is that noise? I'm in the middle of an amazing dream. There goes the noise again and again.
Damn! That's my phone making the noise. I reach over to get my phone. It's not on the nightstand. Crap! I left my phone on my desk. I get up from my nice comfy bed and walk to the living room.
I pick up my phone from my desk. I turn my phone on. I have many messages from an unknown number.
Liliana, is this your number?
Um, who is this?
Lol, you know who this is? Don't play games with me.
Give me one guess.
I read the other messages. I scroll up.
Liliana, answer me.
I know you are home.
Liliana, answer me damn it!!!!!!!!!!
What kind of friend are? I need to talk to you and your not answering me.
I don't know who this person is but she knows me. I guess I will have to play along. Another message.
My name begins with the letter G.
Giulia, is that you?
Yes, Lil it's me. Smiley face emoji.
It's midnight G.
You scared me.
What's going on?
It's a long story Lil. I can't go into detail.
G, are you in trouble?
No! Lil. I can't talk about it.
Lil, you have to trust me.
Then why are you texting me like a crazy person.
G, talk to me.
I'm so tired. I don't need this tonight. Come to think of it, Giulia has never acted like this before. She has always been a calm person. Why isn't she answering me?
G, answer me. I have to know if you are okay.
I see dots flashing on my screen.
Come on G answer me.
I don't want to say too much. I'm scared.
G, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong.
Okay Lil, I will tell you.
I'm scared of my ex.
You're afraid of Kat??
Kat is harmless.
Not Kat Lil.
I don't understand where you are going with this.
G, Kat is the only person you've dated in the last two years.
He's a he Lil.
G, you don't like men.
I mean you like men as friends but not to date.
Lil, I don't know what you are talking about.
G name one thing you know about me????
Ever since me and Giulia met and became the best of friends, I always known her to prefer women as partners.
G, answer the question?????
Answer me know or I will go to your house right now.
Lilies of the valley.
Happy Lil.
I don't know G. You tell me.
You're not acting like yourself.
Lil, you know me. You know everything about me.
I know everything about yourself but you are not sounding like yourself.
How can I prove myself to you????
Send of a picture of yourself.
Okay. If that will help.
It will.
Happy Lil. It really is me.
The picture really is of Giulia. Still this conversation has me all twisted up.
Sorry G. You are just not making any sense.
Please tell me the truth.
I still don't trust that this person really is Giulia. I have to continue to play along.
I'm your friend G. I want to help you.
Okay, if that will make you stop questioning me. Here goes.
You remember how you think I like to date women and not men. Well, it's not the truth.
I only date women to piss my parents off,
You know what they are like. They don't like nothing I do.
Lil, you have to believe me.
I believe you. Keep going.
I've been seeing this guy since before we became friends. I broke up with him. Now he won't leave me alone.
He creeps me out. I can't believe I was with him for so long.
I think he's watching me.
OMG! I think he's here.
I'm speechless. This person does not sound like Giulia. I met Giulia's parents. They are great people. They accept Giulia.
G, are you there????
Talk to me.
Do I need to call the police?????
I need to get more information from G.
Giulia is not answering me.
G, answer me.
I need to know what's going on????????
G, for the love of God answer me.
I'm going to call the police.
I'm back Lil.
Why are you going to call the police.
You told me your ex is stalking you.
False alarm.
No one is here but me.
Why did you tell someone was at your house???
Lil, I'm home alone.
What else is going on?
Nothing else is going on.
I'm perfectly fine.
My life is boring.
G, your life is not boring.
You're the life of the party.
Everyone loves you.
No one loves me Lil.
Including you.
You are just like everyone else.
Are telling all this that your ex is stalking you. That someone is in your house to get attention.
I never told you someone was in my house.
Yes you did.
No, I didn't Lil.
Like I said no one cares about me.
G, you're wrong.
You're my best friend.
I'm no one's friend.
Someone is here Lil.
Here we go again.
Are you sure this time???
What the hell is wrong with her? I know this is not my friend speaking to me. I doin't know what to do?
You are doing it again G.
You are not answering me.
This is getting ridiculous G.
I'm tired. I have work in the morning. I need sleep.
I'm going to call the police.
Why are you getting mad Lil?
Why are you going to call the police?
What do you mean why I'm getting mad?
First, you're not answering me and second you told me again someone is in your house.
Your not acting like yourself.
I know the real Giulia and it's not you.
Nothing about this conversation is the truth.
Do I have to prove myself again??
How are you going to do that?
I'm not lying to you Lil.
It really is me.
Then why are you telling me thinks that aren't true and not remembering what you said.
Everything I told you is the truth and I know what I'm writing to you.
Lil, maybe you are the one who is lying to me.
Maybe you are not the real Liliana.
Don't turn this around on me G.
You are the one who called me using an unknown number.
You are the one who didn't know this was my number.
You are the one who is not remembering what you are saying.
You are the one.........
Stop Lil. I am Giulia.
If your were my friend you wouldn't be questioning me.
I am your friend.
I gotta go Lil.
Wait G.
I'm so tired but Giulia ia my friend. I have to call her and hear for myself that she is okay. I tap on her name. It's ringing.
She answered. I hear breathing. G is that You? She quickly hangs up. Something is wrong. I message her again.
One last message.
Please call me back or message me back.
I want to talk more.
Love you.
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