Drama Fiction Suspense

This story contains themes or mentions of substance abuse.

The birds loud but beautiful singing was enough to make Linda jump out of bed. Today was a day most would probably play the lottery as favorable odds seemed certain. The weather was gorgeous, it was pay day, and Linda's 45th birthday. A trifecta of sorts, her work anniversary also happened to fall on this day. She was extremely proud too for the path to success had not been easy. For more than 15 years she dedicated her software development talent to Triple Square Innovations, LLC. A mostly male dominated industry sometimes triggered moments of isolation and even bias, but Linda thrust herself into the role of Senior Software Developer and thrived. The team she managed was entirely responsible for the automotive enhancements and design features used in the software for passenger vehicles.

Since working remotely never affected her productivity nor her ability to lead her team of four developers, it wasn't odd for their meeting platforms online to stay constantly busy. She noticed all the indicator dots were green but two were actually red which meant the person was either in a meeting or could not be disturbed until further notice. As she continued to login into the various security verification and bio credential authenticators for Triple Square Innovations, LLC her mobile phone also began ringing.

Her phone display read COO Daniel Ore and the video chat feature was engaged. Without the slightest hesitation Linda finger combed her hair a few times before answering the video call.

"Good afternoon Daniel ," she said greeting him with a pleasant and professional tone. She couldn't help but notice how quickly time had flown by as the time on her PC flashed 1:13pm.

"Thanks Linda and to you as well," he smiled as he took a long sip from his coffee mug. "I won't hold you long because serious news should always be delivered quickly, you know what I mean?" he asked. "Sure," Linda replied but with some doubt of why she needed to be informed of it.

"I hope you won't take this personally or as a reflection of what your dedication has meant to us. We have decided to dismantle and restructure your team and don't worry the severance package is extremely generous Linda." "The shareholders and other decision makers wish to go in a different direction and thought it wise to utilize another resource and team for future software projects."

The words sounded muddled to her and even distorted as she processed the reality of being terminated on her birthday and work anniversary. Daniel continued speaking as the silence from Linda compelled him to do so. "If it is any comfort Linda, I fought tooth and nail for the enormous value of your severance package."

Linda though knowing that was probably true she was dealing with the feeling of betrayal and exploitation. She and Daniel dated for more than two years before she was promoted to her current position in the company. He was going through a messy divorce at that time and she comforted him both emotionally and sexually. Then he decided to reconcile with his wife and their fling ended with no further involvement either professionally or personally. Being a consenting adult is one thing she thought to herself, but being derailed and blindsided was yet another.

"Don't worry your role will continue until next week with the team and by the way Linda, please have a Happy Birthday- I do wish you all the best," he said before abruptly ending their video chat.

Linda sat staring at her PC and also the mobile phone as utter shock took over her very being. A feeling of nausea and heat also began to overwhelm her while she contemplated her next move.

"You will fucking regret this!" she yelled to the top of her lungs in the empty home office. The desk she used for work had a small drawer she stashed her small bag of recreational cocaine and other party drugs. She carefully snorted a line before her plan was hatched because she knew her credentials would soon be deactivated by Daniel and Triple Square Innovations LLC.

The knowledge she used to help them thrive would be weaponized to make them pay.

As she purposely removed safety protocol and installed harmful malware through intricate coding and even phishing emails, Linda felt satisfied and a certain sense of entitlement. The years she contributed to the corporation helped them achieve a coveted status of technology firms to watch and earn billions of dollars in the process. "One hundred thirteen and fifteen" she murmured while completing the disastrous program to alter passenger car odometers into a nightmare for unsuspecting drivers. "Once the odometer reading reaches 113,015 the vehicle will just come to a complete stop at first and then accelerate without warning," she uttered to herself. "I can't wait to see my work in action."

Within the next three weeks the news couldn't stop reporting how vehicles were some how involved in sometimes fatal accidents for no apparent reason. Linda watched one news channel attempt to question Daniel on his way out of the building. "I have no comment at this time about this unfortunate turn of events but when we do have a formal one, it will be given to you," he quickly said before jumping into his own vehicle and speeding away from them.

Linda flashed a bird at the screen and then went to her own bar to make herself a stiff drink. She could not control herself and laughed uncontrollably while sipping the drink and watching the birds from her window. As she finished the beverage she decided to also check her bank account. It was now a month later and it was time to unwind with a little trip anywhere.

"Well he wasn't a total liar," she said to herself as the direct deposit from Triple Square has been processed and received by her bank.

The severance package was a nice six figure amount but only made her reflect on the time she vested into that company. She deserved every penny Linda thought to herself and had no regrets about anything.

October 31, 2022 18:10

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Taylor J.
03:40 Nov 07, 2022

I loved the ending he didn't lie about the "severance package "!!!


Michelle SHAAY
04:20 Nov 07, 2022

I Am so pleased that it ended that way too! Thankyou So Much


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