Coming of Age Romance Teens & Young Adult

In the small town of Saint, Montana there lived a beautiful teenage girl. This girl had flawless skin, a perfect white smile, and a very lovely style just plain, but not too plain, colorful but not too colorful, just think of your favorite outfit that you and everyone else love, that's how all her clothes were. Just perfect. She was gorgeous, she was very friendly and loved people. She loved babies most of all and thought they were the most amazing thing in the world. She was pleasant to be around and a joy to all, her name was Rachel. Rachel was 16 years and on her way to school when she noticed something new. She noticed a big black shiny new Dodge 3500 straight from the dealership. She had never seen it before and was curious to whom it belonged. Rachel walked into school and put her backpack into her locker and went to her first class of the day. When she walked in she saw this astronomically cute guy and thought “He has to be the one with that super awesome truck.”  She walked in and took a seat next to him. He looked over and immediately fell in love and said " You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. "What's your name?" she answered, " My name is Rachel, and thank you. What's your name ?" My name is Landon. We should hang out together sometime."

 "I would like that." said Rachel. After school, he offered to drive her home in his truck and she accepted his offer. She lived not in the city of Saint but about twenty minutes out. The whole time they were driving they talked and got to know each other, but they had felt like they had known each other their whole lives. When they got to her house he was surprised, it was giant and with that Landon knew Rachel came from a rich family, but she didn't act rich. She was not snotty like most rich teenage girls. She did not wear super expensive clothes or big jewelry. Landon asked Rachel “Are you rich?”

Rachel answered “No, I'm not but, my parents are.'' she never considered herself rich because the money was not hers she did not earn it, she only lived with the people that did. At that moment he realized he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, not because she had rich parents but because she did not take advantage of people, she told the truth, she was kind and loving. And that is the kind of person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. They hung out every day and all day. If they weren't in school or doing homework together they were at the lake. Rachel's parents had a boat and they often let her use it. On the hottest day in summer, Landon suggested they go on a boat ride to their favorite island on the lake. The island was named Acrĩlica, so they went. It was Saturday 110 degrees outside and they left the dock. They arrived on the Acrĩlica forty-five minutes later. When they arrived Landon got down on one knee, pulled out a ring, and asked Rachel the one question that would mean that they could spend the rest of their lives together. He said, “``Rachel from the very first moment I saw you, I knew you were the one for me I knew I loved you, you are the love of my life the water in my river, the sun of my sky I could not even imagine a day without you I know this is soon and I know that we are young, but I know this can work. With that said, will you marry me?” Rachel was overjoyed of course she would marry him, but she wondered what everyone would think about them getting married so young.  She didn't care. She loved him and knew that this was her meaning to life, he was her meaning to life. “Yes.” She said. 

They had lunch, swam, told stories about their childhood, they had the best time they had ever had together they didn't think they could ever be happier. They decided to stay the night on the island because it was getting dark and they wanted to save this moment for as long as they could. They decided to build a fire and go to sleep. Neither one could sleep; they were both too excited. Rachel spent all night admiring her ring. The ring Landon had given Rachel was beautiful. Just beautiful. It had something special about it, but she did not know what. It was a normal princess cut two-carat diamond ring. It was simple. It was perfect, she figured out what was different on the inside. It was engraved with the words “ Water in my river”. She loved the inscription so much. She was so happy she started to cry, she could hardly believe she was going to get married. Married! The next morning when they woke up they packed all their stuff and left. They got home and they decided to go get breakfast in town and then go to Rachel's house. When they got to Rachel's house she told her parents the big news. They weren't surprised, but they weren't super happy either. However since they knew it was what made Rachel happy they could live with that. Rachel and Landon went up to her room. In Rachel's room, there were lots of photos, quotes, books, candles, and necklaces. Landon didn't know she loved necklaces. She must have had fifty. She told him she got one whenever she traveled and they were priceless to her. They decided to do the homework. They finished it all up and were about to watch a movie when her school book got caught on fire by all her candles in her room. Her mom had always told her not to have them but she did not listen. It started a flame and she was extremely frightened. Her worst fear was being in a fire. They started crying and yelling but no one could hear her. The sound was not coming out. She thought to herself “ This is my death. Death by fire.” Landon came out of the bathroom to see her trapped in a corner surrounded by fire. He did not know what to do. All he knew is that he loved her and had to save her. He ran into the ring of fire and the flames went higher. He swooped her up and ran out. He took her to the hallway and then put the fire out. Bucket after bucket he dumped until it was all out. He had saved her. Saved her from her worst fear. What could be worse than that? Nothing. She loved him and thanked him and told him to never leave her. And he said, “ You are the water in my river, without you, I would be dry.” She kissed him and they left the house. Rachel heard a faint ringing in her head. She thought maybe the fire had done something to her but the noise grew louder and louder and all around her was soft, where was she? She was in bed. She had just woken up from the most wonderful dream she had ever had. She only wished Landon was real and not in her dreams. She got ready for school and walked there and thought about her dream she thought if only it was real. She made it to school and in the parking lot, she noticed something off something that was not there for, it was a shiny dodge. She thought nothing of it and went inside.

October 22, 2020 18:18

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