A Knitworthy Noel

Submitted into Contest #211 in response to: Begin your story with a librarian searching for something.... view prompt


Romance Holiday

For once, Holly wasn't looking for a misplaced book in her closet.

"Hurry up, I already promised Kenzie we'd see the tree lighting. Grab your sweater, let's go", her brother Sean yelled from the kitchen.

The exact sweater she was looking for wasn't in her pile of handmade sweaters or in her dresser. Yes, she was a librarian, knitter and had a cat. Don't all line up at once boys!

It was the very holiday sweater she'd made for her fiancé she wanted. The one she'd spent countless hours and months, hundred plus dollars on. Fine weight yarn in four colors, yoke with various snowflakes patterning. She thought she'd escaped the "boyfriend sweater curse" but it turned her back into the town spinster.

"Ok, I'm coming!" she cried, grabbing a white and blue sweater and her puffy jacket and ran out to the hallway.

Sean was doing his best to latch on to his daughter and put her in the stroller, but Kenzie, fluid as water, slumped down and out of his grip. Peter, his husband swooped in and picked her up.

"We can bring the stroller; I'll carry her for now."

Kenzie stopped her crying and gleefully allowed Peter to lift her up on his shoulders.

The four of them marched up to the main street of Seaview in all it's post-Thanksgiving glory. Overnight, the local shops transformed into a celebration of kitsch and wonder. Bells clanged, lights twinkled, and the classics blared from overhead speakers. People walked in and out of white spray-painted glass doors almost throwing the wreaths off to the ground.

"Hang on, Sean!" Holly was getting tossed around in the crowd. She grabbed her brother's hand and held on for her life. Dodging strollers, grandparents with canes, toddlers throwing fits, and groups of teenagers walking in one solid line, they made it to the town square.

Seaview was a place you weren't from, but a place you ended up after a very careful search for the best retirement community and family services.

But what it lacked in night life, it made up for in seasonal events. Everyone traveled far to smush themselves in the road to watch the tree lighting after Thanksgiving. Holly saw the large pine though the heads of two men in front of her and kept scrambling towards it.

The outline of the tree was dim and uninteresting, but the excitement created an electric buzz.

Right in the middle of "Sleigh Ride" another voice cut in.

"In just 10 minutes, the tree lighting countdown will commence! Please enjoy the free cocoa and cider, provided by your city council." The baritone announced over the speakers.

"Cocoa! Cocoa!" Kenzie slapped Peter's head, drumming out the syllables.

"I'll be right back," Sean said. But Holly wanted them to have this family moment, Kenzie was only just adopted, they needed to bond.

"Don't worry, I got this bro. Peter!" Holly looked and waved at him. He shook his head. She mouthed, "I'll be right back."

He gave her a thumbs up.

The path to free cocoa was lined with dads (not all married, potential was there but she probably had been on a date with them before) and kids. She must be the only adult single woman going to get a cup of cocoa.

If she didn't get there in time and back, she'd miss getting her brother and his husbands first tree lighting as parents, she didn't want to miss that!

What would she do for this kind of line up at the library!

She creeped forward, inch by inch, taking a moment to appreciate the warmth of the crowd. The dampness that clung to her, and the cold seeping into her bones gave away to cozy warmth. She pulled her hat over her ears and adjusted her mittens so they fit snuggly in the elastic band of her sleeves.

"Countdown to tree lighting, 5 minutes!"

Holly breathed in the cold air and rocked on her feet as the line creeped along.

There was only a row of streetlamps to illuminate the booth, and only four staff members. Two men, one taller than the other and two women, about Holly's age Grace and Ellen. This taller man must be new. The closer she got, she could make out what the taller man's face as he turned towards her, a short and trimmed bright ginger beard and amber eyes.

"Next! Cocoa or cider?"

He was wearing a tight knit beany with the city logo. She should tell him that she was the librarian, small talk, network or something.


As he moved into the light, she saw his sweater through his jacket. Yes, his muscular arms and chest as well, but it was the sweater that caught her eye.

Ryans sweater. Her sweater.

"Cocoa please. And um.."

"Yes?" he said, with a sigh.

"Where did you get that sweater?"

"Well, I don't remember exactly. Bargan bin?"

"Hey, let's keep it moving!" cried a disgruntled man behind her.

All the chill came back into Holly's bones, followed by a volcanic rage. Bargain bin!

As she grabbed her cocoa and started to stomp away, he called back to her, "Hey wait, are you the librarian?"

"Yeah, that's me."

"Well, I guess I'll see you around."

His eyes caught hers for a second, and her pulse quickened. No one should have a both a beard that nicely shaped and fit that sweater so well.

Holly barely remembered getting back to her brother through the crowd, she was suddenly there.

"And now folks, let's count down. 10, 9...."

Holly snaped a photo of Kenzie sipping her cocoa from Peter's arms and switched to video.


"Joy to the world" blared and the lights came on with so much fan fair, a Griswold must have plugged them in.

All the fine ornaments, tinsel, stars, angels and gifts were illuminated in golden light.

The crowd exploded in a wonderous "Ahh!"

Santa arrived and the crowd dispersed.

"Another successful lighting of the Seaview Christmas tree!"

The crowd cheered and pushed out to the side streets.

Sean leaned over to Holly and asked, "Who were you talking to?"

"I have no idea, must be new to the council. What I know is he has my sweater. I mean Ryan's sweater, the one I made?"


"He's wearing my sweater." And Holly was going to get it back.

August 14, 2023 02:51

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03:40 Aug 20, 2023

Well, I would certainly like to finish this story and am a total sucker for a man with a beard lol


Malina Hubler
19:20 Aug 26, 2023

Thank you! Yes, it's not really a complete short story. It was hard to make my current wip novel into a short story. This is basically ch 1.


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