Coming of Age Fiction Teens & Young Adult

Tonight is scheduled worship night with my family. Also tonight, at my job, we have a cocktail party to cater for the Judges Cocktail and Dinner. And tonight, at the Library, it is Ladies Free Night.

I am making a conscious choice. I will go to two of the events and one I plan to miss. One of the events is a family occasion. One is part of my job and one is my other life. My real life.

Let me tell you, I am one hundred and twelve pounds of just muscle and bones. Oh sorry, there is about 4 pounds of hair included. I am 5 feet 3 inches.  I have been called skinny but I don’t care. Or I say I don’t care.

My sisters- there are four of them- are curvy pocket Venuses. I am not. I was told by the third born sister that my mom picked up the wrong baby in the hospital. So I am at the age of 22 and I am still not 100 percent sure who I belong to but that’s another story. I just feel a distance towards my family. I grew up with the care and love of my parents but I just felt like part of a crowd. Not an individual. I do not feel I had my parents’ focus and attention.  

Except when I do something untoward. Then the attention is negative, intense and temporary.

My sisters are very lady-like and I am athletic. My dad trained all of his daughters in self defense so my sisters will be a surprise to anyone who thinks they are powder puffs. Even though they do look like powder puffs they can each put a grown huge male or female to sleep either forever or for a long while with one or two simple moves.

I on the other hand,  look like a bit of drift wood or a beanpole, there is no powder puffiness here.  I guess I will be a different kind of surprise too.

My bag is always big and heavy. Someone once said my bag weighs more than I do. Anyway today I am packing for two of the three occasions I mentioned before.

I am a trained chef and a nutritionist. I work for the government of my country. In my job, we cater for the guests of the President and Prime Minister of my country. It has very high security involved.

I love my job. Tonight we are preparing for the yearly Judges dinner and cocktail party.

During the event those of us chosen are also assigned to serve the guests.  The arrangement is to keep staffing to a minimum for security reasons so we cook the food then change our clothing and wear white only as we serve the food.

The next event I am preparing for is the Ladies Free Night at the Library.

Don’t be fooled. The Library is an exclusive night club. You are liable to meet sport teams members and other esteemed individuals in there.

On a side note, I am a bookworm. I do love to read. I chain read. As soon as I am finished reading a book , I pick up another and start reading with glee. Since childhood, my parents could not buy enough books for me so my favorite place is the Public Library where I can find any and every book to fit my reading delight.

But tonight, there will be no reading, no books.  

I have a good relationship with our drivers. These guys take us shopping for the food we cook. Yes we shop for the food fresh from the markets when we have events.

These drivers are assigned to take us home at the end of the night when the dinners and cocktails are done.

Additionally, when I go to the Library, these drivers are so awesome they will drive me there and bring me home safely.

Colin is the driver for this week. I am very glad he is because he joins the party and dances with me.

I feel safer when he is there. Plus, I like him.

Now for my outfit. My parents will not recognize me even if I am standing in front of them. Because I dress in micro outfits. My skirt for tonight is a bandeau for the hair. My top is the bandeau’s pair. My shoes. I wear very high heels. My feet and back hurt when I wear flat shoes. I love high heels. You walk so lady- like.

The Judges dinner and cocktail ended at 11pm. During the meal, I took a break and called my dad to inform him that I was working late and that I will miss the night of scheduled worship. My father was vocal about his unhappiness with me missing worship. He repeated himself saying how much he hated my job.

He asked me why I could not excuse myself from duties at work on the nights worship is scheduled. I did not answer. I was not interested in the worship but I lived in my father’s house so I did it to please him. I couldn’t say that.

Tonight I was going to live for me. I was going to dance and drink and have a good time. 

I felt a happiness as I got ready. Let me tell you, I love to dance. I love to move my body to music. There is such a feeling of freedom and joy.

Additionally, if I find a great dance partner that will make my night. I love ballroom dances like swing, foxtrot, rumba and waltz. I know you are wondering how is this possible at a nightclub but ballroom music? Yes, that is why I like the Library. You can dance to awesome music in there.

So here goes, Colin just called to say he is ready and I am dressed and ready.  As I step out the bathroom to walk towards the car, I see my dad’s car on the curb in front of Colin’s car. 

February 14, 2025 23:50

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Lisa Mc Beach
21:32 Feb 20, 2025

nice ending, a cliffhanger...!


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Steve Mowles
20:55 Feb 15, 2025

Uh-oh, looks like trouble is headed her way. I like the quick turn of events at the end.


04:42 Feb 17, 2025

Thanks. Just incase there is room for a continuation. Remember though she is unrecognizable to her parents in her alter outfit. The only problem is her dad is at the job site and he can see that the cocktail and dinner is over. Will she continue to the party she really wants to go to? Or will she request to be drop off home while changing in the car?


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04:42 Feb 17, 2025

Thanks. Just incase there is room for a continuation. Remember though she is unrecognizable to her parents in her alter outfit. The only problem is her dad is at the job site and he can see that the cocktail and dinner is over. Will she continue to the party she really wants to go to? Or will she request to be drop off home while changing in the car?


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