Assigned Angels

Submitted into Contest #267 in response to: There’s been an accident — what happens next?... view prompt


African American Christian Fiction

It's funny how God puts stumbling blocks in your way so you can learn to overcome obstacles and to trust him.

Starr and Dawn me under the circumstance of a car accident caused by a demon in a red mustang. These two ladies didn't know each other but was destined to meet by God's grace. Here's what happened and how they overcame the obstacles of their injuries and how God appointed his angels to guard them from the enemy.

News bulletin: "There's been a car accident on I-75 heading towards Hamilton Blvd., looks like two cars collided, one was going the wrong way. Be careful and watch for the slowed traffic."

Starr Watson had no idea that when she woke up this morning heading to work that things would turn out like it did today. Here Starr is turned upside down in her car after a man not paying attention to what he was doing, and side swiped her car and forced her into the other lane going the wrong way hitting the coming car head on. All Starr could hear was someone screaming for help. Sirens, good she thought.

"Miss, are you hurt badly?' the man hollered at her. "We'll get you out as soon as we can."

"I don't think I'm hurt badly; my legs are caught on something. How is the person I hit? Are they hurt badly?"

Starr heard one of the paramedics call out, "hurry she's not breathing."

Starr prayed, "Oh God, what have I done?"

The paramedics worked on her, "she's breathing let's get her to the hospital."

"Oh, thank you father," Starr whispered. After they manage to get Starr out of her car, she looked over at the paramedics rushing to take the person that she hit to the hospital and what she saw made her smile, God had sent his angels to protect the lady there were three of them surrounding her. One pointed for her to look around and low and behold there were three angels surrounding her. Again, she whispered, "thank you, God." The paramedic looked at her and he too saw the angels hovering over Starr. He staggered back pointing. "Man, watch what you're doing," as the other paramedic shoved him.

"Don't you see them?" pointing. The other paramedic looked in the direction he was pointing and questioned, "see what?"

"The angels!" he whispered in a hush tone. "Do we need to sedate you too?" the other paramedic said shaking his head. "Let's transport her to Memorial."

As the paramedic shut the door the angels were still with Starr. The first paramedic wondered by his friend didn't see the angels. Someone whispered in his ear, "he's not a believer of Jesus Christ." Stunned, the paramedic kept silent and said a prayer for his friend.

At Memorial Hospital the nurses and doctors were waiting on them at the emergency room door. They whisked Starr to a trauma room. All the while Star had been praying for the woman she hit, praying for her recovery. By that time, Starr's heart stopped. Alarms started beeping signaling that something was wrong.

"Oh God, please don't let me die," Starr prayed. "Not yet, my child, you have much work to do," Jesus whispered in her ear. "I'm always going to be with you, just keep believing."

The nurse told her, "We almost lost you, welcome back. Who were you talking to when you said, "I believe Lord?"

With conviction Starr said, "to my Lord Jesus Christ." The nurse had heard a lot of things from patients who were coming out of unconsciousness, she told Starr. "Rest now, you have a long road ahead of you." The nurse turned to leave, when Starr grabbed her arm, "how is the person doing that was in the other car that I hit?"

"She's in a coma, she was badly hurt," the nurse stated.

Starr let out a small sob, "I'm sorry, that red mustang hit me from behind and made me hit her car."

"Take it easy," as the nurse patted her hand. "Rest now!"

As the paramedics left the hospital, they looked back at the two ladies' rooms and saw the angels standing guard at their doors with their swords drawn. "Man, did you see that?"

"Yes, they have been with the two victims since the accident," I thought I was seeing things at first," one said. "I have seen a lot of things while covering accidents, but never seen angels guarding victims." The Lord is with them, they are covered by his blood." "Most certainly," the other paramedic nodded.

"The other victim that was hit by Starr's car was in a coma, while in the coma Jesus was talking to her.

"Wake up, my child, it's not your time yet. You must go back and fulfill the plans I had set in place for you. I have placed my angels to protect you and Starr as you recover." Jesus touched her and she woke up.

Nurse Roberts was checking Jane Doe's vitals. She was tagged as Jane Doe because she didn't have any ID with her. Nurse Roberts called Dr. Montgomery, the attending physician that their Jane Doe had come out of her coma, and she said the name Starr.

"Starr is the name of the woman who was brought in with her," he responded.

"Honey, what's your name?" whispered Nurse Roberts in her ear.

"Dawn Anderson," she breathed. There was a commotion out in the hall and Nurse Roberts went to see, she saw nothing, but some chairs were overturned. "God's angels had protected Dawn from the evil source that was trying to attack her in her room.

Mmmmm, nothing Nurse Roberts thought to herself, she didn't see the angel standing by her. But it was odd, she felt a presence that she never felt before and it was calming.

As the two ladies began to heal after the accident, there were going to be many obstacles that they both had to overcome.

Dawn and Starr went through physical therapy together. They both knew that God had put them together. They became fast friends, encouraging each other through therapy. Starr almost lost her legs in the car accident. Being in a wheelchair was difficult enough but trying to get around in the wheelchair where there was no access to the buildings that she had to enter was unbearable. This is 2024 everything should be wheelchair accessible. They each told the story of how God sent his angels to keep watch over them. Their struggles were hard. They each put God first in their lives and let him play an important role in their situations that occurred. No more walking for both. That was the hardest part for them to grasp, not being able to walk. It's like every stumbling block the devil tried to stop them with, it became easy to overcome the obstacles placed before them with God's help.

The End

September 13, 2024 01:48

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Donna Jackson
00:38 Sep 18, 2024

Awesome job Myra, very captivating story. I'm proud of you


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Jacquiline Cox
22:52 Sep 17, 2024

This is sooooo awesome! Very well written. A lot of emotion, detail and depth in the storyline. Great job to the writer!


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