[This story contains mention of drug use, has implied violence, and mention of a sexual relationship with a power-dynamic]
I have enough trouble feeling like I belong in a cafeteria during the day. I couldn't help but pause seeing the rows of empty tables in this dark cavernous hall, the largest single room of the building. I wasn't out in the open yet, I was still at the threshold leading into this area. I didn't have an excuse for being here, but there was no way to get to the upper floors of the school without crossing it.
I peeked my head into the cafeteria and listened. Nothing but the blood in my ears made a sound. My eyes couldn't completely adjust to the darkness, thought the center had moonlight from outside coming in from above through the skylight. I couldn't see the far walls that well, and sometimes the grainy darkness made itself into shapes. I mustered all the confidence I could and began across the cafeteria. Linoleum is pretty much impossible to be quiet on, and my shoes kept squeaking no matter how careful I was. The good news is anyone else walking across this floor would also be making noise.
I have to say. Whoever was in charge of cleaning the cafeteria deserved a raise. Normally this place had that stuffy food smell, the one food gets after it's been heated in the microwave. But at this time of night the cafeteria just smelled like bleach, maybe with a tinge of alcohol.
Finally, having crossed the cafeteria, I got to the carpeted hallways of the first floor. However, I needed to be on the second floor. Hugging the side of the hallway, I made my way to the stairwell. The hallway was lit by an emergency light, which was, unfortunately, located right by said stairwell.
I approached where the hallway met the stairwell. It was hard to see anything from under the light, but I took a moment to look, and saw about as much as I expected. While stopped however, I heard something scuff against linoleum. I turned in the direction of the cafeteria, but didn't see anything behind me, at least not yet. I moved quickly into the stairwell and made my way up. I paused about halfway up the stairs and listened again. I didn't know what exactly what to listen for. Footsteps maybe? Maybe the sound on the linoleum was just something falling over. Maybe a table? Whatever it was, it didn't seem to be making any more noise.
* * *
Finally, I got to my room. I unlocked the door and went inside. I almost flipped the light switch by the door out of habit, catching myself with my hand at the light panel. Instead, I felt for the screen above the door's window and pulled it down, completely darkening the room.
I got my phone out to use as a flashlight and made my way over to the supply closet in the back of my room. The door was no longer open a crack the way I had left it. Hopefully my risk had paid off. I opened the closet and found an envelope in place of the bottle of tequila and dope. Inside the envelope was a thumb drive, and a note that said:
"Thanks for the goods Mr. Henderson! I have what you asked for."
I opened the thumb drive on an old laptop I had brought from home. As expected, it had photos of principal Cooper in a car with one of the teachers. The images themselves were probably incriminating enough to make me unfireable at the very least, if not suddenly deserving of a larger paycheck.
* * *
I headed back down the stairwell, at least as cautiously as on the way up, since I still wasn't sure I was alone, but I got back to the first floor without incident. Oddly, the emergency light wasn't on anymore. I heard a crunch, as I stepped below where it should have been. I could just make out in the darkness what looked like a shattered fluorescent tube.
Should I go back into the cafeteria? At least the cafeteria was sky-lit which made it lighter than the hallway at the moment; I'd at least be able to see who or what broke the emergency light, even if they could also see me. Scrambling through the dark I made my way to the cafeteria.
On the way I heard a deafening crash. Maybe the cafeteria wasn't any better.
I was just outside of it now, and peeked in. Nothing obvious was there. Whatever had made the noise wasn't in sight. I walked back into the cafeteria a way. Something felt off about it, and at first, I couldn't put my finger on it until I realized all the tables had been cleared from the center. Rather, they had been scattered to the unlit sides of the room, where I could see only parts of them sticking out.
I heard a voice that sent a shiver down my spine speak. "Hello Mr. Henderson, we need to talk."
I turned around to see a figure floating maybe 10 feet off the ground above the entrance to the cafeteria, where I couldn't have seen him.
The figure floated toward me and lowered down to the floor, until he was standing maybe an arm's length away. Now that he was under the skylight, I could see his silhouette and I understood why his voice was so alarming. Principal Cooper was wearing his usual t-shirt and grey blazer, like he hadn't even gone home yet.
"I saw a student in the parking lot today." Said principal Cooper.
"What's special about that?"
"Well, he appeared to be recording me and another staff member. When I asked him about it, and he didn't seem too keen to give me a reason. I confiscated his phone at the end of the day and deleted the photos. But he didn't seem to mind this. Not even a little. This got me thinking. I mean, this kid isn't exactly popular, and he doesn't seem like much of a voyeur. Why did he know I'd be out there, and why more importantly, why would he risk taking pictures of us? Then I remembered something. I can look at his schedule any time I want. His only afternoon class is yours. Moreover, he transferred files using his school account using a laptop from a cart you had rented out. So, I should be asking you. What is so special about all this?"
"I- I wasn't aware of this."
"Sure you weren't. I'm supposed to believe you snuck in here, at night to... what? Grab a snack from the vending machine? You have the photos, so what's your game? Is this some kind of power-play?" Principal Cooper looked for the first time, genuinely angry. "I've been nothing but good to you! And this is what you do. You can't help but try and take more, can you."
"I think this is a misunderstanding really, I..." Ask I was talking principal Cooper began walking to one of the tables.
"You know, these things are nearly indestructible." He picked one up. "Teachers leave schools for all kinds of reasons. I guess I can tell everyone you... changed schools. Perhaps you just weren't a good fit."
Principal cooper began floating again. This time directly above me.
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