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Mystery Speculative Suspense

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

A perfect house, a perfect dress, and an ideal life- with a perfect soul.

She looks at the mirror noticing a red scratch on her forehead, a little cut. It eases her longing. Then, on her right shoulder, there is an unnoticed bruise. It was fresh, but now purpling and darkening. However, the pain eases her longing sensation that settled so long in her heart and soul. The time is punctual, it keeps ticking causing her to glare as it disturbed her train of thought. Her eyes went looking down at her skinny wrist, staring at the Cartier she had worn. Menacingly caressing it with her dangly finger 'till she realized that the silver was no longer fully silver. It has been dirtied and tainted between the edges of bands that bind the steel of straps. There was an obvious, particular liquid-concentrated kind of stain that had dried out. It stuck there. The liquid when it had freshly steeped on the straps, was some kind of red velvety. And now it has been some kind of maroon. Red wine couldn’t be that too thick to be dried up as such, hence, it could be a red polish that miserably and carelessly, by accident, smeared her watch. Someone should care about this mess, but she couldn’t care less.  

Perfectly, she walked up the marble staircase. Wearing a yellow sheath dress, a silhouette that shouts her elegance and it suits her. Look at how the honey curve fits on her body, exposing her flawless knees and porcelain shin. The cold handrail is touching her palm, bringing her gently to the top.

She is in one of the upstairs’ room now. Notice how the room is coated with vanilla white shade. It is neat. She stares proudly in the mirror, looking at someone so perfect and perfect. She explores the vanity table and touches interesting belongings and pulls out some strings to admire. One pair of earrings had caught her attention before. They are a moon and sun designed with rhinestones that curiously shine. She pierces them to her earlobe; they swayed back and forth in a seductive manner. While on that, the jewelry’ case is looking at an unknown persona, not the previous usual one- a stranger in disguise. Although this one is sleek figured, it doesn’t recognize this. It doesn’t seem right.

There’s throbbing pain in her heart.

She picks up another rhinestoned jewel, a bold collar necklace that suggests how it could harmonize flawlessly with the earring pair. It is now wrapping her excellent neck, making her slender figure look astonishing. The decorations have insinuated her goddess-like figure. They are ready for more.

After styling her golden blonde hair in a bun way, she looks to the left and right side of her face and feels excessively satisfied with the figure in the mirror. The velvet matte liquid matches what she adores, she could take anyone now. Especially later during the dinner.

Suddenly a whisper came by right on her right ear. It was soft but obvious, a painful whisper. Agitating the hearer. She ignores it so coldly and walks out of the room.

It haunted her, taunting her, it tried. But does she care about it? Certainly, no. She walks down and lurks through the terribly glorious house. It seems unfamiliar to her now but sooner it will have to obey. She walked passing by a door, the door that would lead to the underground, a secret compartment. Has she been there? Of course not. But it was already unlocked. Then suddenly, wait, listen, listen. If you hear very carefully, there was a simple faint knock when she passed it just now.

A knock on the underground door. She is curious about the familiar knock. She thought that she could ignore it like how she usually does. From her back, she turns swiftly and sways her moon and sun. She moves in a manner of calm and collected, in a very monstrous way. Then, she went on and touched the golden doorknob that belonged to the curious door. She realized there was something glue-like slippery on her palms. It's from the doorknobs, isn’t it? For god sake, now she must clean again. How irritating it is to keep repeating. She hated repetitive beings. Repetitive sounds, repetitive movements, repetitive talking, begging, screaming, sighing, and shaking. She felt it like a vibration on her head from it and just one ‘pang’ should do the ease.

She was hoping that she could leave earlier for the expected night event that awaited her. An event she desperately needed to attend but this interruption seems to have finally disturbed her. She thought it was done. Guess she must do ungodly matters again if she must.

Now, even the tapping sound of her own heels is hysterical. As she finally reaches beneath the floor, there is no one or anything there. It is cleaned and settled like before. Where was the knock coming from? Was it only her mind playing? Or, has she turned insane? It is silly for her. She is young, and it is too young to be insane, it is undoubtedly too young to be insane. No, not yet.

She climbs back and proceeds to the living room, alone. She sits on the ivory sofa that is quite close to the fireplace then reaches for her glass of whiskey placed on the side table. Well, this room needs a re-organization according to her will. Obviously, again, there is something or someone is whispering, now in her left ear. The goosebumps approach her. How amazing could this be, it is unusual for her to experience some goosebumps, except for two years ago. But of course, she has that one escaped. She now smiles in peace, pleased with the excitement given. As still as her heart is, it is worrisome that the master of the whisperer is strong and unwilling to give up. But to comfort her heart for assurance, she needs to make things clear and certain. She went to the kitchen. The sharp knives are neatly hanging still, and so are the rest of the cutleries. She had it re-arranged to match her personal needs. There were no more messes as she had everything set. She opens the refrigerator, and there they are divided equally, tangled and cut-cleaned. Maybe the whisper came from here, perhaps.

Alas! A worry for nothing! She decided that and closed the refrigerator when the bell rang. Finally, the only sound that she was hoping to hear tonight. It must have been her companion she had let escape once. She fixes her hair, making sure everything is perfect again. She wants to fill the refrigerator again tonight, after all, she needed it. wanting it. It was desperately necessary to be fed. It is going to be an exquisite cold night but right before reaching the coldness of the door handle she mutters neatly,

“Behave.” And walks out to the night.

September 08, 2024 04:49

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1 comment

Amelia Ramble
00:05 Sep 19, 2024

Hi Edna, This was such an interesting story! The first thing I want to point out is your intuitive use of third person. While reading this story I attempted to place your character in first person and found that the effect it gave just didn't match up, so well done on that! One line I particularly liked was 'Notice how the room is coated with vanilla white shade. It is neat.' its so simple and yet gives the audience a snapshot into the character. Your story overall has a good rhythm and sense of place, the only thing I could critique - is s...


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